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No .further business to cone before the regular meeting of
April IbZtk.1, 1930, motion to adjourn carried at 11.55 PM.
Village liecorder,
Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on Nay 10th. 1930 at 8 P1M in Grange EalL
The meetingomas called to order by President McGuire and the roll upon being called found all nenbers of the
CouncAI present,
A petition was presented by Mr Olson and Mr Andereon with
sbaut 35 signers asking for electric service along West 'IOtki, Street from prance Avenue to Cakfabl and Yequesting what
ever assistance the CouKikiI could give in pr~curplng the servi c e. After discussion matter WBB turned over to
t tke Xecosder for his EtLtentiond
Two membersof the Bmf%y Welfare Association were pres&%
with reference to the placing Era Adelaide Mastine at the County Paran. Discuasisn bringing aut the fact the- Paanily
Belfare Association had, agreed to either take care of Ers TJartine or put her to work if the Village would place
her husband Albert Hartine in the County Fsnn at the exRenee
of the Village of Edina,, and thst as of thie date Xrs Martine
'was not assumed to be a resfdeqat of Edfna, At this point the Vekfare Association spokesam made the f sllowing propoe- ition to the Village Council- '"That Mrs Eartine be placed
at tke Helanepin County Farm on the understanding the Fawily Welfare Association will reimburoe the Village of Edina, fop
her hop from nonth to month and as long as it advisable for
= Mrs RIax?%itie to remain at the dounty Pamff0 &%BE furthes discussion TsurJtee Prescott made a motLon to accept the.abr%vs
progasition in reference to Mrs TJiartine, seconded by Trustee tirilloon and carried, Recordezl to so advise Misa Alfredta
DRV~B, Bureau Secretary, Famfl~~ Welfare Ahssociatisn.
Dr F, Dentan mite, President of. Counrty Club Association,
VPB presented and spoke before tbe Council with reference to
financing as well at3 a general program of supervised play
ground8 for the children of Edfna and School District #a'?, during the su~mer monthso All rnembkrs of -the Council favored such EL program and assured Dr White the Council
would on behalf of the Village, pay far the time or services
of the man'wnboes duty it would be to mainbin order8 super- vise or'dffect and adofd injury to psoperty, if the CsuncaSl
had a right to do sc. Recorder to obtain necessary infor- tnation or ruling a8 the case may be and report to thci Cmbcil.
at its next meeting, T
Mr Wa Ne Cooper ad C,A,Bolm, appeared before the CounCiib with a regues.t; a road be built across the Cooper property
and submitted 8s sketch thereof.
moved Prescott, seconded N~dre and carried, that the Vkllsgo Engtnnes submitt his recommendation as to locatiori and cost5
at the next meeting of the Council,
After discuas:an it .%vas
The follotring mieceblaneous bill upon being found correct, mere
on 'motioii Prescott, seconded Willson be allowed and ordered paid
carrf ed.
X-t7 Bell Te1epktrr.e Co Country Club GaFrage
E, Re Ehrris
, Illarch Gardens, Pnc
Bennegin County Review
Einneapolis G:E.Company
H. D. Brugger c"6
Boyt Kursery
Aggregate Sales Assn
Nilf 11 e r- Da.ri e C sapany
?Ye H, ZfeEler Company -- W. B. Zie&er Company
The Barrett Company
J,H,Snith Edw et Seed Co
Rennepin County
J.Z. Hennessy Co
Chaa Olson & Sons
Edina Grocery
Wm Efacek
Edina Hardware
JeD, AdmS CO~ipmy
Rollitla Sand B Bdg Blk Co
Pol i c e t el epkion e Solice car supplies & oil. 15,35.
Gas and Oil * 51.60
Parkway trees planted 175 00
Parkway trees pLantedr - 225,OO hblished Kotices +-*i 7. so
April Street Lighting '406.07
Excess Workman's Coq. I preaium (Add over $7000, ) 62.18
3,OO I Lize stone delivered
Office Supplies
Tractor parts a.10
Tract or parts 2,60
K 2 Tarvia 37 13
Lay& Seed (Browndate Park) 10.75
Poor Farm Service 9Qo 00
Sever pipe 8e38
Blaclcsrzi tking 10.70 Groceries for poor 17.74
Road gravel 10,oo
Iiardware & Supplies 2, 97
3rd and last payment on
Road Grader with interest 309,50
Road gravel delivered 159e50 0;l
'Tat& $J 1,6%5,58
Tbs Road bills upon being found correct, viere,on motion Preecott
as follov7s
seconded Willson, be allowed and ordered paid, carried, Thy are
J, H, Snavely Robert Schultz
Eo Gobel
3. Remple
J. Collins
John Tracy
A, Vebbes
So J. Rabert IS
PI, S. Joy
Geo A. Villson
J. J. Duggan
Ben. E, Moore
D . I?. Bc Gta i re
J, COStehlQ
.Po he Redpath
c oF,P3?r%3Cott
Park labor
Cabos mi th t em
' Labor with team 14.40
Road labor 14.40
Road labor 42.75
Road labor 27045 Labor nitk teaan Tractor operator - Gene Utility man Apri1-Kay Street Cbnmissfoner (I
Village Earskiill IC fl
Trustee May
Treasurer It
Recorder It
It II '
11 tt
125 . 00
. 125,oo
125 e QQ
25 QO
250 OO
75. OCI
Applications in form were received from tbe following for build- - ?errnil$ I 1
Peter Eedblom
ended \'?illson and cakried
Lot 5 Blk 3 I?aim&y 4503 Bmce by Reimann, see-
Kerarrmcisr & JO~EBOH, Lot 5 Blk 5 Brom, 4509 Brovndnlo, by Reimann
seconded Prescott and carried
Alfred and KabeL Gillneas, chicken kouce E-$ SE2 of Sec 30 T 117
R 21 e'tc. by Prescott ceconded Willson and carried,
E, V, Harris, Lot 46 Blk 176 Aud's Sub rebuild Service station
and re arrange pumps by Preracott, secon'ded Moore and carried,
OeG-sCabef, on E:endelssk.-onl Road Block 9, chichen houae, by Prescstt
seconded Pi51lson and carried
A.E,Dieon, on Xendelsshom Road, lot 1 Blk 11, chichen houae, .by
Prescott, seconded Willson and carried. 1
Oscar Iiokenson, Lot 4 Pea-dale Acres (2Nd lot from corner Peacedale
and Vest %2st Eaet front) Dwelling, by Willson, seconded Reirnann
mil carried, *
Apylicct.tion by Ninneapolis G.E,Company, for permission to set
2 polee on Interlacken Road near lyrorror Lake and 4 pole6 on Honk
Avenue between ExcelBlsr kvenue and Waterman Avenue, M~LE on motion Willaon, aeconded Prescoft, application be granted, carried,
After discraasion it vas moved Reimann, seconded VIIll8on, that
hereatf'ter no permit will be issued for the tearing up of any paved
atreet unless a minimum cash forfet shall first be made with the Village Recorder, of;'not; P&ss. than $lQQ., 00. Motion carried,
After reports and' discussion concerning the advisability of im- proving 4th Avenue, it was moved Reimann, seconded Vfblson, that Fourth Avenue between Second Avenue and Street Car Tracks, to con-
nect with Fourth Avenue, Eopkins, be improved witQ a passable
, road at a coat not to exceed $400, and carried.
The subject of dividingt the Village into several voting diaLricts
came before the Council for discussion!, After which it Qm8
moved Reimann, seconded Moore, President re-appoint Trustees
Prescott and PJillnon as a, Committee on same t.0 report back to
the Council as early as possible, carried.
The report of Dr L.N.Campbebb, on the disposal plant serving' the
Country Club District, as requested by the Council at April meet-
was read md.indfcs%dd precent plant to be inadaquatee On motion Reimmn, seconded Moore,. be sefered to Country Club District Service Corp., writ& reweat conditions be remedied, carried.
Communication from League of Minnesota Nunicfpahities was read
with reference to sending delagates to Dulutb Conventions It
mag moved Refrnann, .seconded Vfjllson, such members a5 Council who could attend act as Delagatee from Edina, carried,
The matter of providing flowers for village Barkkr vmi discussed
whereupon Trustee Willson movedJ., ~ec~nded Prsscott, %ha$ matter
be put in hands of Re~arde~ Eosre and Triaatss Reirnann, for then-
tB @d&nfgiater,; carried,
* Minutea -of 'the Regular meeting held on April 8th, were 'read
and on motion Reimann, seconded Willsen be approved as read, Carried@
No Burtlier buainess $0 come before the meeting motion to adjourn
carried at ll,45 EMB,
a Village Recorder,
Receipts by Village Recorder from April 12th meeting to &lay 10% meeting , turned over to Village Treasurer on EJqy lo%h, vxme as
f o 1 lo fi's
W.H.Giak&, Fin'ee Ju~ltfce Court $6.00
H.O.Soderlin, Plumbing Permit 4509 Bror?nd.ale 6.25
F?T,Neln~n, Plumbing permil, 4634 Drexel 6.25
1 6a 25
Oscar Eakensen, Bdg pmt, lot 4-2~dl-Ne %3&c?ldale ' ' 2e 00 B,H,Nelson, Plumbing permit, 4632 Xoo~land ~ u-- *
A.E.3isn Bdg Pmt, lot b 31k 11, Kliendelscokn 2000 2,oo
E, W. Harxia,.Service Sta, let 45 Aud'a 176 . 2.00
P, Eedbloorg,lot 30, B1% 3 Bairvray 2,oo
C.D.Wilkerssn, bot 5 blk 5 CCD Brnwm 2.00
0. G. Calif, Ckiikken Hau~e, Elfendelssohm,
A.GeGiInet33, Chicken house,@ Sly& SOC 50 TU? R21 2,QO
Total 38.75