HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300614_REGULARThe meeting wa8 called to opder by President McGuZr. after. whiclh~tkte roll wa~ called and all rnemberls of the Council wwe . found to be pseesent', 8 he minutes,of the rggu~aeJa rneeriing held on Nay loth,. 1930 were read tbnd o&j motion Bre~co%%, seconded V;Pllson, be approved as read, carried, The minutee of the special meeting held an May 2'?ths 1930 vtere , read and ol~l rno%$on Breacott, s@comaded Wiblson, be approved a8 Ap@l$m,$fon by Ninneq@lin G,E,Congany, to drive a 3'' $laon pipa ~C~OSW and under Bridge Street, between 'Arden and Bruce and between Bruce arid Caaco Avenues, for the purpose of installing electric service wises,. was on motion Will8on, seconded Pseacott, bo grantad, Car~ied, Comunicathn by R.SXsnes, for a road to be built on NQX-~~ half caf East ij*,acre~ of his propertyon Enterlacken BLvd, tvas read - and Recorder bns%ruc.&ed to advise ErrJones the matter of kiaving a road built was agreeable to %he CouncPX, ifadone st the ex- pense of some one other than the Village sf $dinar read, cnarri,sd, Xstirmte by Alexander and Bradley, refsring to the proposed * . road acro~~ the Cooper elstate as per blue prints submitted at last regular meeting and giving the coat at $750,OQ only, vas read, After discu~lsisn it was moved Prescott, seconded Willson, matter be re-refered to AXexander and Bradley for ealimaa%e and proposed layout if placed along East line of Cooper property parallelling the Pearson property, and carried. for grading Communication? by Recoqie~ Idloprs to State Attorney Geperalt 8 office and reply' by, Aesf, Attorney General Ph$bfppe, was read in the matter of Village hiking a man to act aEi Playground In- odxuctaxl and Bjpecial Policeman., The reply- by the Assistant Attorney Genesel st&%ed supervised ;?laygrounds were a reasonable neeeaBity and that he believed Village Ccsunc'iB had a spesscsnab2e right to appoint a special poliseman to supelfvise and maintain order and protect property on public playgrounds. Moore:, seconded ReEmann, that a man be appointed as suggested by the Asst* Attorney General in his letter of June ,lQthe 1930, and that Ted cox, or other, be sa ,appointed, at R salary of $4000 per day, carrieda On mottan I A Jbstteaa addreesed to the Council by George We Strong, Village Attorney, was read refering to the accident and injury of Mrta dlim~da Woods on 14the b938* After discussfon Trustee Relmmn offered the following resolutfan, "Be it resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina, that the 8th of $50,QQ be paid Mre hand8 Woods, for Bnjurisa received on broken public sibwal.& France Avenue near West. 50th Strest, and in front of the Edina Garrage on Aprik.14the l93Q, as arranged for by Village Attorney in consideration of full. release to Village of Edina, by Mrs Amanda Woods and husband" ion of the resolution, seconded by Willson and carriede - I Trustee Reimm moved the adbpt- The condition of West 44th Street in the Village of Edina, tma reporeed to the Council a6 being in a bad state of repaira After discussion f.f: wae3 moved Moore, seconded Prescott, that '#eat 44th Street be oiled from a point West of tY~oddale! Avenue ?Vest to DockenOs store come;^, and carried, 53 c Xecorder advised the Council he had received a number of requests by property owners to have the dead mood and branches removed and a reasonable triimfng done to the trees in Park- 47ay3 along Browndale Avenue. After discussion it vas moved Wiblaon, seconded Prescott, that the vork be done and matter be placed in hands of Recorder Noare, carried. Recorder sukgested to the CouAcil the advisabiaity of the Village of Edina, having membersbip in the Uinnesota State Police Aosociation and of the advantages which would thus acmeo T@eseupon St vraa moyed Prescott, seconded IVillsan Recorder be authorized to apply for membersbip in 8atd Aosoc- iatian, carried. Application in fo& by R.G,Vestling for building permit for private dwelling on 4th Avenue and located on lot 24 block 3.4 seconded Noore and carried, 1 e West 'Ilinneapolis Heights Addition, vas on motion Prescoti;, Application in form by J Goodapre for pemit to add to and alter private dwelling on halifax Avenue and located on lot 6 Block 2. Stevens 1st Addition, 178s on motion fVillson, secoa~ed Eoore and carried. J Apglication by Philippa Petroleum company for permit to erect and install. a gats oervipe station, Located on South side of Eden Prairie RazH and highway #5, vas on motion Uoore, seconded Prescott, be refered back to zone Trustee fo2 plana and sprc- ifications, carriedo i Continuation certificate of Depository bond for Brjrriet State Bank of,Xinneapolia, in favor of Village of Edina, issued bx Central Idemity Company and number 8-3411, for period September 1 15th, 1929 to September 15th, 1930, was on motion Reinann, sec- onded,lIoore, be approved and accepted, carried, a Recorder presented a, list of tools the personal. property of' Andrew I'lebber, Tractor operatox, and in use at Village Tool House, many of which were shop tools and not proper to be fur- nished by the morban. After discussion it was moved Reimann ''That the sum of $25.00 be alloved Andrev Vebber annualy on July Ist, for use and rent of prigately omed toola,and shop fools used for Village purpusea during the preceeding year a? per list on filemith the Vfllgge Recordgr, "seconded by Koore and carried. I e Bill Sy City of Hinneapolie in amount $1652,50 for fire ser- vices was re-sefered to Trustee Reimann for attention end report;, , The matter of a Fourth of July Celebration by the residents of Edfna, %?as Gutlined bynRecorder Noore. After discusafon it tms deemed. advisable to Rive a band cancer% on th2 afternoon of 3gl.y 4th on behalf of the Village whereupon Trustee PreeceLt offered the following resolution ItBe it resolved by the Council ck tke Village of EdSna, . that w band concert be given on behalf of the Village of Edfna, or, the afternoon of July 4th. 1930, RB my be arranged for by the Village Recorder and that a sun r-st earceedfzg $SO,OO be allowed and paid out of Village funda for said concert'' Trustee Preeicott moved the adoption of the resolution, seconded by Vlillson ad' - , carried. Eecefgt by the Village Recorder since last meeting and turned mer to Village Treasures ere a8 follms E.A,tTalstrom, Plumb'ing permit, 4308 Sunnyside Rd $6* 00 Continued on page 54 I .. hiiscsllzneous bills upon due~?exq&ina,t$sn and found correct were on motion Reimann, seconded Preacstt, be allesavedaeand ordered Justua Lumber Co Geo W, Strong Amamda, Woods "Gee Q1 Willeon J, J. Euggari Ben B. Moore r" Cedar poeta $7.00 Settlement of accident cbe,lrn 508 00 E menses ahaluth Csnyent%on 18.00 Expenses Duluth Cpnventiern 18.00 Xxpenmp Dultrth Convention Expenses Dukuth Can-fention 3.8, QO Prernfun Workmanf ~i Comp ?na 282.10 Photograph of accident 3e50 and stenographic expanse 2Qe 05 #3 B.k Lubricant 19eO8 Police telephone June 3m75 Xay Street Ligkting 406 e 89 #O BA Lubz4cm.t %0*20 Parkway treee planted 45,QQ Gaai,oil,etc for police car 20,99 Published Sotice 4,80 Plashlight batteries 90 Street Signs 720 QO a? Tarvis I" 36600 Road gravel delivered 107 o 02 Road gravel 310 40 Flowering &nusbs 3*55 Blacksmi thing 3.75 Groceries for poor , . 35004 Engineering services I 24. QQ Flowering annuals 67 e 1.5 Gaa & of1 for tractor and are oa follows Perk Labops $lOX, 7Q Park Labor 7028 Labor witti team 36000 Rood labor 45.45 Road Labor 103.05 Labor with %em 2063 e 10 Tractor operator 157o50 125 *,00 125 ., 08 Utility rmn Nay-Jpftle Street Corno May-June Village Marshall Xay- JGnc 125: 00 Trustee Salary June 25080 Truatee Salary June 25e00 Trustee Salary June 25.08 R~GQXX~~P Salary June is e' OQ Treesurer Salary June .1 25eOO Pre s i dent Salary Jun o 35000 Total $Is 242eOQ ,No further business to came before the Council. motion to adjcrum *car~i~~d st k1a50 PN .* *. Village Recorder 1