HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300712_REGULARLI&nutcs of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Bdina, held in G~axe Hall 55 \, at 8 Pkl on July 12, 19ZOo t The raeetiRq vzs called to order by President KcGuire and found Tmsteea Tillaon and Prescott also prenent with Trustee fielmnn and Recorder Xoore, absent. Prosfdent appointed Trustee Presco"ct to . act; as Recorder for the meeting, XI- C .A.Holm and 17.~0C~op?r, qpeared before the Council regarding - opening OS street to reach Er Hobss property Horkh of Street Rail- 17a.E tracks and the Cooper propertyo Alexander and Bradley, Village Engineero, estimated cost of the said proposed road 88 follons- Wcavating and Fill 1500 puUbZc yards dirt @=30g - $4.SO.Q0, Graveling qa thick and 9 feet vide, 250 cuo yds, 0 $1.00 - $)250000, TurnTiking 2 d8.s by Village Traotor Crsn vith catapiller and grader ($50.00 total $750.00* le%;ter f~om Er Boardman, General Attorney for S%reet €hilvqy Company advising him that, unless the fence gabs vere kept closed on his property, the aLreeZt rallvq compar3y rrould have t to pernanonlly.close the gates, Ze%ter to Er Holm Lo be refered to Village Attormy to ascertain if ViSkage could Pome a street crossiri after street mas graded- i?The matter vas refered to had and Bridge Committeeo The rollorring monies were received from Village Recorder and turned - OV~F to Village Treasurer. t An estimate prepared by LIP Hob presented a t Fred Smpson, Pire vo&a pernit $10 0 00 CoAoUooFe Jr ditto 20.00 E.J.Docken ditto 10.00 Ruth Payne ditto 10.00 Jo Costello ditto l0.00 Albert Farmer ditto 10 000 L.L.Raae ditto loo00 / 10000 L. Ao?sfcClelban ditto Lo Do Riddle Soft Drinks Xi~em'e 15000 .. Au~ It0 le~rg Plumbk~ FG*M%; 4601 Vdioddals AVO 5025 FoC*Eughes Bdga Permit, lot 5) Blk 9 BrOTmdals 2.00 AoB*Au~t%n Bdg;. Pennit, 4801 Sunqyside %ad 20 00 To -Lax :?lo60 25 John Uore11 Bdg. Penraft, Lot 4 Blk 4 Code% Hv 2@00 1 H.HeZlstrom Garrage Bdg Pennit, 4608 Arden A Applica-bion received from Robert Johnson Oil Co, (to inatall bulk oil station on Uinneapolis lorthfield & Southem BJ property South of Eden Prairie Road and Vest of %racks and refered to PresidBnt UcGuh~c? snd Truetce Tillson for investigation and reporto The miscellaneous bills upon being Found correct vere on motion Villson, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Roima.nn and carpied, They are a8 Pollovs E'fnneapolia G oE.Co June Street Lighting 8406089 CaRoBlackburn, Spl Office2 et election and labor on boo"&s 7.00 . A; Ve'bbep, Rent-of tools Jan to July 1950 25*00 3.2030 J e 5 .lhggan Judge Pr;Errary election IO .40 5. T .Delaney Judge Primawy election 10.40 Francis KcGuire Clerk Primary election 10 0 46 Ben Bo lLooro Clerk Primary election 3.0 D 40 Judge Primary Election and delivcxy of ballotEl DO' F JkGuf~o Ufo JGrstad Spl police & plqyground instructor 9Q.00 Fire extinguisher, lawn edger Ez rake 23.00 1.90 I %&ha ;HEL rdmre R!llin Sand E: Edg Blk Co C ment lT-17 Eel1 Telephone Co Qe 25 Vo F.Gamey Hafirmre & Supplieo 60x0 Ronnepfn County Reviam Published notice 60 60 l.lunfcipelitios Bembe rahip duea 28000 Village L%rshall telephone July Chas Olson G: Son8 \?elding trac"i;r housing 10.90 League Uinnesota Repaim on Adding Kachhne Co Road culveTts' Office supplies Rent Grange Hall Jan-June and Rent tool house property Jan-3v.ne spocid. meetiqs 9033 155076 80 25 E. Newberg Cont. on page 56. Band Concert an July 4th3 8 50.00 yb Services Health Officer Nfagp-Ju.ne 20 Q 00 The Road bills including pqy-for labor of J.H*Snamdy and ALbert falingesp, upon being found correct.tn?re on motion Reimam be allowed follsws B and ordered paid, seconded bJTl T?illson and camied, They are as Ernest Young %ad labor 921060 A* Webber, Tractor operator . XZB080 JQ~A Tracy Labor with '&em 165.6Q Ben Remple Bad Za'bor 82.80 T, G~be3.l bad labor 57 60 He vt?,n?a.t;.e;Ea Road labor 32.46 L. Stalimm Road labor 61*20 S.H*S~~TWQT Park La'bor 90.45 Albert Qlingep Park labor 5% 65 D*F.NGGI.Z%~PQ President July 35. QQ J . J .Duggan Tmasump July 25.00 Bel2 Bo NOSE %corder JuXy 75eOO Geo~ge A. tViilssn Trustee July 25 e 00 J . B. Reimnn Trus tee July 25.80 P,A.&dpath Village Mamba11 btx2.y 125.00 3 c .F ePreac Ott Trustee July 28.00 Se J*€bbe~t@ General Utility man July 125000 , V?*S*JOY Street Commisaione~ July 125.00 Road TZtaH.. $; 1,2?8.16 ' It ms rnoved \Tillson %hat application %y Mdmeapolis Suburban Gas Comp'a~, for pemissfon to lay gas mains on Blake %ad between Seth Avenue and Street fiai1wa.p track^, On Seth Avenue from Blake Road to Grove Place and on John Street Eot?'th to Uelson Avenue, be ,granted, seconded by Reimann, and caFrbed. ft W&B moved himtiinn, that application in fom of F.C.Hughes for 'building pemi;'c for residence to be built cm 10% 9 block 9 in Browndale Par?&: Add, be granted, seconded Preecott and carriede Tt vms moved Reirnann,, that application in fom of Hemdan Hellstxxm for building permit for garmge at 4608 Arden Avenue, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carried, , Tt ms moved Reirnann, that application in fom of A.B.Aus'cin, for buildex permit for residence at 4801 Sungyside Road, be gmntecl, seconded f'lillson and carxJied. *_L Pt was moved- Tillson, that application in .EO= of' John IbreU to move and slteeno house 1st 4 block 4 Codes' Hfgh View, be granted seconded. ReSrnann and carried* 1 ft was moved Pre~~~tt that Trustee Rbhenn be emp0nersed to purchase ~ludS;z~ble badges for members of the Council md Street Csmaissioner and General ULi1i.t~ Man I seconded WdIl.son arid carried. Ximtes of the regula2 meeting held on June 14th, vere read and on motion Willson, be approved as read, secsndea Preecott and carried, No kurther business Lo come before the meeting, rnotioii Lo adjsum CSfPYied at 11.25 PNe