HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300809_REGULAR57 !-* ISnutes of the regular meeking . of the Council or" the Village of Mina, - held in Grange HalX on AugusL 9th. 1930 at 8 Pi50 %e meeting vas called to order by President UcGuire, the 2011 vas * called and all members of the ,Council ansnered presente *I r Ur VoH.Adams and Ckpt Peacock, appeared before the Council viih the request Capt Peacock be allowed to c0nnec.t; vith the main sanitary sever propofired to be installed by Thorpe Bros, running past Capt, Peacock's property on Test '50th. near Halifax Avenue, to carny untreatod 3cmago from Country Club Districe to IJinnenpolis SOE~BLO at Vest 5Wh Street ayld France Avenue South. He was assured of Councilts co-opemtion in the matter. lrJr Co A. Holm and TloZJeCooper, appearsd,before the Gounci1 on the sane matter OB apening up a road to Nr HoLm'e property North of the Street car tracfta and the Cooper property, as ~ms presented to the Council. at the reGulsP July meetingo Nothing having been- done the matter vas reforsd to Vi11cge Recorder to %&e up nith Village Attorney and report back to Councile After discussion on the matter of street traffic signs %o be placed at the eight (8) entrances to the Country Club DistricZl , Trustee Beinam- offered the following resolution, ,I Qe. it resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina that a regulation street traffic sign be placed at- the I 1Torthms-k corner Sunqyside Rd and Grimes Avoo.. . - Ora Ves.%"sTde-'-Vooddale Ave South of Street car. tracks - On X'es% side Bromdalo Ave South of Street car tracks . Qn South.side Sumyside Rd near junction with $5 On ITor'ch &at corner Arden Avenue and S7est 5OtIl S.% On ITorthast comer Bmce Avenue and Vest 50th SLo On Xor-&east corm2 'C"loodda1e Ave and Vest 50% SL On &as% s'iW Bm~mdale Ave South of Vest 49th St. followins locations in the Village of Nina, *r ,n , to read DXVE CAFBFULIX - 371 CHILDFUX LIVB 115: !THIS DLSTRXCTtl and moredig% aaoption, seconded by Preacott and carried; Recorder to arrange i-mtallation as per Council resolutiono 'Th; Recorder ~ead a letter dated'Auguet 7th. '2930, Qy Ur JOAeJensen, Supervioor of Xinneapolis Ylater Voxks @dpt., stating the Viater ToYks Committee of Uinneapolls City CounciX, had on August 5, 1930, aut- horized the extension of the 48." nater main from South 38th Street . and France Avenue, to South France Avenue and Vest 5B-bhe Street, and .that frrom t'le north village limits of.L'dina on &a-nee Avenue, , to Wst 50th. Street, there. was laid small vater mains, g;aa rizains and sever &ad 'chat it would therefore be difficult, to constm,ct Vne large 48" main on the Cip;Y side of France Avenue and reques%ed pemnission of the Council of the Village of Edfm, to lqr the 48" main on the Cest si& of the center line of France Avenue Prom PTorPlh Village limits Lo Vest 50th Street, in the Villege of Gdinao After discussion Village Recorder Uoore, offered the folloning 9 rasolut ion. .- . vith at120 filileu%ign on same post and belon the laqpr'sfgns d Fesolut,ion authorizing the excavation for, layins# - ins2;alling, mainfehahca ,and operation of EL 48" rrz-PsT min on the Vest slde of Branee Avenue Souti11 h VXhge of Mine,, Prom the North Village liai%s of said village to Vest 50th StEeeL in said vill8geb VH3FWS, "316 City of ECIfnneapoliB desires to and is- at present extend- ing a 48* rater main in Prance Avenue Soueh, Tron {Sth Street to . 50th Street, "throwh said city, the Village of St 'Lauis Park, the Village of Eorningside , and 'the Villqe of ddina, which said nater , main i~ intended to and will bring the principal raster qupp3.y into said districfa, and WBREAS, it appears from a statemen* from the Yatar To&a Department to $h'e Ti.lIlase Recorder of said Village of Zdina, unde-r data of .. August ?, 1930, that by reason of said Prance Ayenue being a border street, the present small water main, conduits, sever and gas mains nov laid iq the city side or" the center line of said avenue, it mad be difficult to canatmet this larger) main on the city side OP said - avenue t7iA&out seriously Qisturbing existing inprovements , and. a 58 requests penmission to lay this larger main oa the Ves.4;' aide of the center line of France Avenue through the said Village of Mina, ~ith~~..i; cost to the Village of afna or any prspkrty 02 property otvner~ tlilerzi~ and . \%&Pa, the installation of this 48" water raain t7ould grJeatly improvt~ the service to the residents of said Village of Xdina connecting the revi th and e P VE&3S, the cost of said main and %he cost of laying and istelrzlling the-same and keeping the same in pepair and in proper condg-bion for the purpose for which it is installed, Gogather nit11 any and a31 exm genae t3ia.i; nay hemafter arise by reason of the said watw main being BO located in said avenue and all cost and expense of excava%ion, repaif, brreaka of main floods, cave-ins, personal iHn3u-q~ and aqy and all dsr9nago or ~QSB that may hereaftez? be sustained by anyone, ineluding said viXlage, by rearnn of the installation and laying of said va'ce2 mainp and operm ation thereof, and all cost of disconnecting and reconnecting private ~&2;srp and gas eervfces, shall be borne and paid the s8,i.d City of ECdnssapoihbs, without aqy cost therefor or for aqy thepeof to the , said Village of Zdina OF to any property facing on said Francc Avenue and located in said Village of J&ina, p ITOV, !EiZRB?OEU.$3 l3ii 1'91 RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of %ddna that the City of Ninneapolfs, a municipal cosppora-b~on, is *. hereby granted the right and gFfvi3ege of constructing, laying, installhs, operating and mainlaining a 48" w8tes main on the %T~EI% si& oP't'ki*e cen%e~ liiie; of France Avenue SQW.%~, as the sao is now laid out through said Villege of &Una frsm the north village Xfmits of eaid village to the south side line of Vest 58th St~eet in aaid v913agee BE: XT 3UR93UR .R$SOLVBR that this%ersolut%on shalX fake effect and become ogepative and binding upon the acceptance of the privileges herein granted and the asswgtijoa of %he obligations herein set for%la 'by the City Coun~iE of the City of 21inne~,poXis and its twler . workr~ depalP.P;ment and speceipt sf notice of such acceptance by the Vilbge Recorder of the Village of &dim. The .&corder moved the adoption of the resolu8ion, seconded 'by ReimExnn and carpied unanirnousW* - pmpe~y darmage., street and pavSng repairs I t I, a Br F, Denton White and Ur J.J,Loufs, appeared before tke Councfh smggecting advisability of better traffic regulations in the built up postdons of Edfne and partfcuXarhly In the Counrty Club Di stri Ct e Bromdale to Highmy #5, the perking opposite drivenays, lumber debris being left in Barkways for long periods of tine by various contractors and others, $,he permitting of Parkways t'o be tised for ntorage of materiala during construction of hou'cea, .the hiring of an additional policeman .to serve during at least park of the day, and a special committee of citieena v+th police powers to regulate and deal with traffic violationa were mentf'aned. The gentlemen were assured of Council's co-operation. ir- above matters. After discussion on traffic matters by the members of the Counci% it vas noved Reimmn, that a committe of two, members of the Council,be agpointod by the Pres3dent' to be horn an the Traffic Comi*tes of the Council, motion seconded bk Preacott and carriedo President HcGufre appoihted Tnateea Reimetnn and I7iT1oon on 'the . c om5 L t eo 59 !l Such matters its parking on Sunnyslde Road from - A general survey on the handling of tax matters and records t'las made by the Recorder, who suggested tke Village of Ediina, B^Lave some pemment record of itox otm, whereupon Trustee Prescott moved %hat ' Recsrder Uoore and President XcGuire, be empowered to install 8 permanent sys"tm of tax records in the office of the Recorder, seconded by \7'lillson and carriedo The niacellanesus bills upon being found correct, mere on motion Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Vi13,son md carried, They are aa follows 17-8 Bell Telephone CQ Uarshrall a %elephone I Aug 25 DeJLLberg Brsc Suppliea for police car 4,70 Eo lV* MEST% a Ga9 & Oil for tractor Edlna Grocery Groceries for poor July 22.90 C auntry Club Gwrrage Gas 8~ Oil & auppliee far police hf;innetz+pol,is GmEe Ca July Street Lightbng 406 e 87 and police car JuSy 680 68 cay June and July 50e34 ' Edina Eardt7are Iiardtrare supplies le 95 'I Tractor supplierJ & parts 50.36 7,06 Cbas OL~tosn eC Sons Blackamf tkrfng 2eQO Xollin Sand &: Bdg Blk Co Road Gravel delivered 74*40 0. E, ZZ cagler Co '57. P, Garvey Eennepin County ?ieoiew . Published notice 7820 Me Va D~xT 27 loads road gravel ' 6,?5 Thomas Rym 10 laads road gravel 2,60 Honnepin County Poor farm service June July 94,50 ALP JerPJtad Spl Office & Plsy Grd, Ins. 96,OO B-a De Bmgger 23 days asb3essar 115 0 00 Pa J.P.eigger 85 days dept. 8SSesSOT: 425, OQ W,P,Merrirm.n D, E'.If.cGuire 'Rardware & Supplim 58 days dept. a.we8so;F - 29QeOO- Board of Review 5 days 25eQQ Ben Be &bore Board of Review 5 da t3 25, QQ a Total M8Clo The Road bille upon being found <sorrec%, were on noti8n \Y%llss@ be allowed and ordered paid, seconded'by Reiniann and carried, They are a13 follow Se J,Rnberts Utility man JuWLhg $125 e QQ c * I M, s, Joy Street CO~, J~hyaA~g 125 * QO 13, Fe Lf~GuSre Preaident August 35000 Je J, PU~~ELTI Treaourer Au&uct 250 QO Ben Be Moore Recorder August 75,QQ Gea A. '176llscrn Trustee August 25,OO co F. Prescott Tmntde August J,E. Reimsnn Tr~a%ee AU~US~ Be RRmBle Road la;bor L, Stalarnan Road l&or P. A, Redpath Village 'PBrashsbb Juzy- hug 1250 OQ 25eOO 25eOO John Tracy Labor mftb teem 167o40 82e8Q 78a30 1 $a ' VGbbeZ; Tractor operator 134.40 I J. El, Snave3.y a Park labor ' 94.05 To.taX Road 8 Ib143,95 It was moved Brescott, that, application in fom by Paul Bursnb pernit for sleeidence to be built on lot 30 Aucls~ granted seconded by Moore and carried, Bretscott, that applbicatien %n fa& by EeJeDocken for permit to move alter and add to a frame dvelling to lot 14 blb 21, lkiia Abbatt Park Add, be granted seconded by Poare and carried. It WELB moved Fres'cott, that app1icatlcm fnz 'form by E, J.DocEren for permit to move and repair a fmeklsne dvellfng to lot 16 in blk 21, l3mma Abbstt Park Add, be granted, eecsnded by Moore and carried, No further buainsse ta come before the meeting motion to adJaurn carried at '%1,5Q PB9