HomeMy WebLinkAbout19300913_REGULARCiliutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Mina, held in Grange Hall, on Sep-bmber 13 ,< lQ300 "he meeting ms called to order lg President 2cGuire. mas calledi and Z'cGuirc , Preacott , 17iIlson and floore wi-e found to be present. Atnuvnber of residents living in the nei,ghborhood of France Avenue and Einneh&a creek appeared before the Council to proteet against arg pe-mi& being granted for a Fox Farm in that district. ~hom were Kr t% Era Seed llrs & Ers Eye, I?;r EcCormick 12 Bevburn, Er Ha~dy, -Kr & 3x1 Hans Hanson, I3 & ISrs ,Perkins, L5 Geoqp Hanson, Zr Swenson, Ilr A. HI Tilson, 33 O.B.35?eastn, LTr E: llrs 1%. .Seed, Grace Hanson and Fernold Hansom. !Phc Council ncze advised. there vere some 15 fzmilfea and 2 churches in the ame bl~clr i-S+erc wo~k . had started on a fox farm vi10 had not secured any permit thus far ,for ei"&er the operation or construction work. The Council 1m8 fufther adviaed that such use OS zqy properw in,a r@sidential neighborhood would be a nuisance and 17ou.Ld greatly deprecia%e prop- erty and that the fukure development of Einnelhaha Creek would be spoiled. A letter T~E alao read from TIP A.E.Harford, ala^ living in the ab~ne neighborhood, protesting against the iasuins of 8rq ' Fox Yarn permito The Recorder read a letter frolli). League of Zlinn- esota llunicipalities advieing that Fox Farms could be conaidered nuisances ~2ien located in a residential neigkkorhood. DiScU.EsiOn by the Cou~cil vas unanimous mainst any permit being issued for a Fox Fam in the above neighborhood, &uxeupoii it vas mored&inann natter be refered to Village Attorney vith instructions to clean up 2316 situation, second.od by PrescotP, and carriedo Dr P. Denton 'Jhite , Elresident of ,the Country Club Aasn appeared ber"ore the Council and presented on behalf of the ~bsociation a petition praying that the Council of the Villase of idhag call a Specis,L Village ~~Lection establfah$ng a Park and Parkvray system and the election of a Eoard- of Eark Commissioners in the Village of &dint%* After discussioqi?%%5der Kooze offeied the SolEoltiing ~esalution ani-iiiijvs&-~~s -&i%o$ t io n: The roll P!xong c t- Be it resolved by the Counci3 of the Tilbge of Eciiiia THAT &IC question of authorizing and es'tablishirg EL Eo&d Lf -. Park Commissioners in and fir the Village of Ldina, be subitted to %tie voters of the Village at the next regular elsction to be held in this Village on Tuesctqr Xovember 4, 1930. be ky ballot in the follouing fom: Eie vote $haXl For a, Park and Parknay system and the election of EL Board of Park Comissio ners YES NO I TEAT name8 of personseligible therefor and properly filed be placed on the ballot for election as members of "ce Eaard of. Park Comicsioners for terms beginning Jenumj 1, 1931, zuch elec tfon to -be conducted in acoordance with the general election la17 and undor Section 1255 , IJason' s Uinnesota Sta-butes ' become effective if EL majority of the votes on the proposition . stabed above are in favor thereof. and shall WAT it is the inbention of .chis Council to entertain a petition of the property holders to divide the territory- of the Village into Park Districts as provided by Chapter 358, Lavs 00" L92?'. Seconded 6 Trustee Prescott and carried umniEoualy. being ~pon the ado tion of the Resolution nherein -there rere five (5) ayes 2nd no (0 P nays and so ordered, ETr Ross Col%urn, of Drexel Avenue appeared beforeii-khe Council on behalf of %he Traffic Committee of the Country Club Associstion, and suggested advicabili'cy of a da;y policeman to serve TiQh present Village I.krshaXL2 so as to further protect life and property in the Village. through its TrsTfic Cornittee proceed with the emplo~irig of the seeon police officer to report back to Council for approval, motion seconded 73y Preacott and carriedo "ula vote IC After diacuesion 9% vas moved Eeimann that Council 62 J 1Tr Ross Colburn, QT Drexel Avenue, further appeared before the Council on hehald of the Traffic Comiittee of tkre Countyy Club Association, and suggested that suitable traffic signs be plkced along \?est 50th Street, froa Highway #!5 to France Avenue. T;lherce- upon Eoo're noved matter be refered to Traffic Committee of the Council Eeconded by Prescott and carried. Llessrs Cooper and, Holm, again appeared before *the Couscil and. agreed to give the Village the land and pay coat OS tu-rqpikinz of roadway leading through the Cooper estate to Holm property 3Tort.h of the S-k~eet Car trackso After discussion it wag moved PrsscoLt that the PSOpQSSd. road through the Cooper proper-by be put through sub- ject to d-eed. for a 50 foot,strip being given the Village for road pu~poso~ and without cost eo the Village and that the COG% of turn- piking be assessed against the property benefited, motion atsconded lg Moore and car*$ede ) 1, -- Tho Road and ViZJage bills agon being found porrect, viere on rnotiou carried, They are as follows ,l?illson be alloi&d and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and J, H.'S~EX~Q Park labor ihxr 0 00 Cliff miti= Labor aith teem 233.20 Albert Olinger Park Za'bor 20 * 78 51. Xtalzman . Road labor ~ 104.40 Ben Remple Road labor 100 e E6 John Tracy . Labop with team 208 86 A* VebbeX Tractor opemtor 126.00 -TI* S . JOY Street CO~ A~g-Sept 125000 J0E.Reimm Trustee Sept. 25-00 C .FIPrescot% Trustee Sept 25*00 so 3. Roberts Utili@ wan Aug-Sept 125800 P oAsR@dp~~th . Village EJlarrshaLl Au.g-Segt 225.00 G~Q A. miison Trustee Sept 25.00 -Fen E. Illoore ' _/--- Recorder Sept 7 50 00 S . 3. Duggan TreasLzrer Sept 25. 00 DeBeECGLZiSX Pres$donL Sept 35.00 To'ca,a. 8 1,39509O 'jsfic misce1ltmeov.s biUs upon being found correct mre on motion Feimmn, be allsvfed and ordered paid, seconded by S?Ulm3n and ~ax~ied. They are 8,s follotirs The condition of Sunrjpside Road &st of Grimes Avenue in Edina - ms brought to the attention of the Council by the Recorder, rho advised of the road being in good shape all the way to France! Avenue except for a ahost piece lTorth side of street and ,jus-& Ehst of Gritilea and that the curb and gutter should be iwtslled and street tridened*about 4 feet so as to match up vim- %&st pwt in Korningsidee "lhereupon it vas moved Prescott that mattes: be plsced in hands of Recorder to complete, seconded by Villson and carriedo The na-bter of tax levy for year 1932, next-came before the Council for discussion, after which Trustee Preacott offered the follonfng resolution and moved its adoption. Kkererzs the matter 02 tax levy for all Village purposes of the Village of E'dina, for year-1931, has eone before the Vtllage Council thereof in due form for discumion ad study.. And cheseas the am of $28,000.00 appears both-a reason- able and necessary amowt for such purposec. z c- .. Therefore be it reoo3ved Vill~$e of Eiina, thak %he tax levy for yoax 1932, for all trillqp pwpose~, be set at Q28e000000 as provided in SeCtfon 1225, of General. Session Lam 1923, Seconded, by Eoore and unanimously carriede adoption of the resolution Therein there vere five f5) a;yes and no (0) nays and so orderedo 1% ~7as moved Prescodif that application of hT-V BelI Telephone Co, for permission to replace 22 poles and 1 anchor in Ealoney Ave, between KO& and 4th Aves, be granted, seconded L'oore and. carried* It mas moved Prescott that application for 'building permit by Interlacken Club to buifd a frame cottage on grounds of'. the Interlacken Blub , 'be granted, seconded IJoore and carriedrt. It nas moved Prescott %hat application for bufldie permit by Interlacken Club to build a Cady House on grounds of Interlacken. Club, be granted, seconded Uoose and carried. the Village Council of the The vote beim u on the .. I le m8 moved Prescott that application for building pernit 71y Xnterlacken Club to build a 10 x 20 tool house on grounds of Snterlecken Club, be granted, oeconded Uoore and camled,. 9% was mured Prescott that application for bui1dig.g pernil bx .Interlacken Clu3 to build a 10 zc 20 tool house on grounds of +Interlacken Club be granted, seconded IJoortl and carried.. . ." *It rras moved Tillson that application for buildiw permit by Philip l%kX@sr to build a frame dml1in.g located on IT+ of U-Ti *of Covermen% lot 3, Section 33 Tov--shi~ 1x7, Faqe 21, be *granted, seconded Eoose and carried. ' L The Pems,nent Zoning Ordiance came before the Council viA& the .infomation We Zoning CormrrissSon was about ready to sulmft to Village Council i% proporred ordiance, moved by UOOFC, that El;r George H. HerroZd, GLty Plannhg and %zoning coumellor for the Council in connection rrith "&e peman- ent zoning ordiance, seconded ly Reimann and carried, &corder to arrange alth LIr Herrold and advine the Councilo Detaifs regarding the sanitary serer vhich the Country Club *District Service Corporation is arranging to lap in and along the south 39de of Best 50th street, ConneC%ing tho present disposal plant rrith the Ehneapolin sev~cr a% France Avenue, as provided in a franchise granted said corporation %y the Village Council of Edina, vas dischssedm It vas moved Presco%--t Ccmt matter of protecting interests of Village and i%s citizens in conatruc'c- ion, the procuring of data, cop of contracts and appro~~~ls, be placed in hands of Village Attornqy an& Village Recorder, seconded 733' Fillson and carried. After discussion fP, 1788 Zoning Engineer for CiQ of St Paul, be Esrployed to aet as j- 1- After further discussion regarding the lwing of the sanitary sewer in and along VksL 50th Street from present disposal plant and Frana Avenue, it was moved 'Yillson that Recorder be instructed to arrange for employing Albert Graber, Engineer, a~ Village Inspector for sane seconded Prescott and carried. The mSnu%es of special meeting held on Uqy 27th, were read' and on motion Reimann, seconded P-sescott, be approved as read, carrieda \ The minutes of Regular meeting held on July 12th, tmre read and on motion Reimam, seconded Prescott I be approved as read carried, The minutes of regular raeetfrg held on Augw% 8th, were read andl on motion Rrescott, seconded Reimnn, be approved as read, carried. No further 'businesa to come before the meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 1L45 Pm. c Village Recorder Receipts by the Recorda since August 8th meeting and turned over -be the Village Treasurer were as Bollors~l Carbon Bros, Pluming permit 452? Elcuce Ava $54 25 Zh ITfitccl~ie, Plumbing permit 4509 \%oddale Ave Eie'ts Xnterlacken Club, 4 EuSldfng permits 8000 Philip Bailey, I Building permit 20 00 $x20 * 60 WeH,Gillcqy, Justice Court fines 99.60 2' 8 tal