HomeMy WebLinkAbout19301011_REGULAREinutes of the regular monthly meeting of the Council of the Villase of hdfna, held
in Grange Hall., on October 21, 1930, at -53 PEL
,The meetins vas called to order by President KcGuire, the roll cas
called and all members of the Council vere found to be present.
The matter of 8a additional Village I,Tarahall%me before the CounciZ. and, there agpeared Oer H. Chelstrorn and H.S"loCnsey in person and applications in ariting from E. Remple, P.Dalgren and L. S'colman,
all seeking t'i-ie posf*bion of Village Earshall. After a short dis-
cussion @r the Council, it vas moved Reimann, that all applications
be refered to Traffic CommiLtee of the Council, seconded ljy Tillson
and carried.
Xr George Y~ssey and other residents of Adina appeared before the CouncII complainiw of the pollution of l?ine I3I-e Creek in Ldina, presumably caused by sanitary sevage or disposal plant discharge of Village of Hopkins into said creek. It t7as moved Yoore that
matter be refered to Village Health Officer for invest%Eatfon and
report to Council, seconded by 'Jillson and cerriedo
Bids vere opened persuant to Council resolution and as advertised jn HennepfP Cowity Revie57, for side~mUc on Hart& side 02 'Jes% 44th
Street lots 10 & 11, Yhielanls Bookaide, Curb & Gutter in and along ':!est side Irackey Avenue in front of lots 8-9-10-11 Q 12, and for sideT;lalk in front of lot 8 in block ? Srorrndsle Park, Addition;
and for sidezstrzUc: in and along Yest side €rooks Avenue in front of
lots 8-9-10-13. 6 12 in block 8 Browndale Park Addition.
Ti1 e folloving bids mere received
R .L1 J ens en I' 63 65#
Standard Sideiva2.k Q '?4$
After discusskon it vas moved Prescott, inasriluch as the
seitgon for cenent ~rork vas n,oarly ended and aa ReLoJensen vas in pos-jtion Lo start; the vork Mediately, that the contract be awarded
to said R.L.Jensen, and that President and Eecorder be End hereby are enyoarered to arrange propex cont2ac.P; on behalf of the Village
sith said Jenrsen, seconded by Villson and carried.
The misceilaneous bills upon being found correct were on motion
Reimann, be alloned and ordered paid, seconded by Vi1lson and carried, They me 8s follovs
Gr egg s Faarmac y
T,% LIacek Edina Garree 5 gals gas
%-!'b Bell Telephone Co
C&G GI SSg per linear ft, Sideaalk 0 94-$# sq yd 0 90# I' If
8 99g I9
*I 11 SI
If It 11
Hedding Thtor SaXes Shock absorber compound 475 .
Village Earshall telephone Oct. 4.25
Earrett Compzrir KP Tarvia 37 0 13
Flash Light batteries e 30
39 loads road gravel 9 050
Eoyt Lmdscape Ifurseries Przrkvay trees planted SS rd. 740 75
Ziil er-&vis C 0 Mina Grocery
E . 17 .Ham is ISimeapolis G &*Co
3'. Garvey. Hennepin County nevien
Hennepin Covul'cy ";inno
Alf J ersIad
slection supplies a 40
Police car 47 6 20 Hardslare supplies 5.95
* ' ( ~c Enon0 u~1-1 :art in e-Ear tine)
Groceries for poor SepL-Octo L>5o 23 Sept. StreeZ; Sighting 406.87
Gas 6 Oil for tractor and
Published Notic e 6.QQ
133 eo0 Poor Farm service June-Ju3y-llug
Sunnyside Ed & Grimes Ave Catch baoin €c tile $126.19
129 feet CLG (Ass to Wird Xst) and 45 fee'c replacment OGS$
Spl Officer E.: Play Grouns Insrt.
total 174 ft* f)113*10 139 29
( Corrected ) 3000
191 e 25 Sever Inspsctor p lest 50- ~t)
66 The Road and Village Billsupon being fownd correct vere on
and carried.. They are ax follows
motion Xeirmnn, be allowed and prdered paid, seconded Presco-bt a
J el3 e Sn~~vew Park labor $7 6, 50
50 00 I& EeIi; Cam>bell
P t 7 8 zo Cliff Thiting Labor witkt team Louis 8%?3dlzman Woad labor 73080 Ben Ranp28 Road l&or 46080
John Tracy- Labor with tea 15%04O
A. Yfebber Tractor operator 5Se80
S e J ,Eoberts Utility Ynan Sept-Oct 125000 P.A&edpath Villaee li&trshsll Sept-00% 125.00
T?e SoJoy Street comissioner Sept-oct P 125.00
J .S. t;l ebam Trustee Oct '25900
25800 c 8PIFreseott 25.00 GOO Ae ?YiZlson D B *XcGuir e President 36.00
P '25oOO JoJoDugge.ia ' Treasurer Eea Be goore Eecorder 11 75600
Totd 8 4 3511a 50
Eealth Officer services
11 I1
tt It
Dr 3'. Denton VhiLe, President of the Counss;tJ Club Association appea~ed. before the CouncKl yegarding the establishing 04 a fieLieP Fund to serve tihe entiire Village of &dine, thought n@cesxmy because
of the failure of the Eimeapolis*Community Fund to serve but a liaite mea in lidina. 1% was the suggestion of Doctor Thite, that
condit 4 * onally upon the efforts of the Count-ry Club Associstfon to establish such a fund wt its October rizeetliig, %ha,% "&e Couiici1 instruct its Recorder to Wite those in charge of the Xinneapolis
Comu.ni%;y rtv,nd,qnd request of then that they not solicit funds in
&d&iia, Peeorder vms so ordered*
The Council went into executive session in-the matter of selecting and additional Village Ikrshall. After careful ConSideratiQn of
all applicants, it was moved Eeimenn, that &;Zmer He Chelstrorn,, be
mployed as Village XarshaXl for be VilXage of &dins,, at a nalaqy
of "':l50.00 per month, to include furnishing of a raotoor cycle in
good state of Tcpafr and officerts unif"ox?m by said Chelstram, sec- onded by Xooreo The vote being by' secret ballot and. was 4 yotea in Pavor of motion and 1 vote opposed and so declared 1 carried,
Traffic Committee of the Council reported on Vest 50~ 'Street
"t;rco,fPi.c signso signs be purchased asd erected by direction of the Council sf the
Village of ddina, as fOllOVS-
a'c junction :7es:t 50th St and EIighmy $, Vest of $5 South side V 50th
oil Sou-bh side ?ks% 50th StS vesL of- 3v.nction vritlz old ?%S% 50th 8%.
300 fee% &st of Club House on South side of 'Yest 50th Street
One at SoUth-WeSt COT~BT and one at EJorth-east corner of Tooddalc Aveiiue mdL ::'ers:t 50th Streeto 1 fWesidenLia1 Dist~5ct Speed Limit 25 miles
on Uor-kIi side ':lest 50th St midway between &den :and BX'UC~ AV~?~AU~SQ "Wtering Mina Vi1J:age Reduce Speed"
a,-blSorJch-t~est corner Prance Avenue and 7kst 50th Street 50 feet YTest of Brrznce Avenueo
One on Iooddale Avenue IJorth of intersection with Vest 50th Street and one ';ioo,ddale Ave South of intersection with ?fee% 50th S"ce@t
011 al~,j:e road. ?Torth of intersection with Interlacken Road at dlu-nd's
COT~~~F, Xo~th of I.:irror Lake,
All this being agreeable to all mabers of the council,
After discussion it 17as moved Prescott that tmffic
1fVilla~;e S-hreet Reduce Sveedtt
"Bnger Slovs Dorrn"
Tesidential ?District Speed Limit 25 miles I)
t Vross Roadsff ,
"S1 O'.Y
llCurve Lef'c" I
Kotion seconded. by Moose and carried,
It n~s moved Villson that application in form by Clarence ILFie$d
to enlarge garrsga thorne Park, be granted, seconded Prescott and cltrriedo
It *;;$a moved 17illson that apglication in fom by N, Bjork, to add
to dyelling on lot 24 in block 11 Fairfax addition, be grcjinted,
seconded by Prescott and carried,
It vas moved Reimann, skiat application in form by Thorpe Bros,
for hilding permit for dwelling on lot 6 in block 5 CCD Faiqyay Section, be granted, seconded by Wllson and carried,
It vias moved Relmsnn that application for dwelling by C.PJI,Hansen
for hilding permit for dwelling on lot 1 in block 7 CCD P'aimiay
Section, be granted, seconded by Willson and carried.
It vas rnovcd Reimtan, tkat application in form for dwelling-by C.lil.Fannsen, for building permit for &.relling on lot 26 in block 8
CCD Paimay Section, be granted, seconded. Willson and carried.
It was moved Reirnann that application in fomn for dwelling bji
Louis Bansen, on lot 29 in block 5 CCD Fairway Section, be granted seconded by !7illson and carried,
The matter of conducting the November Generai Election vaa dis-
cussed and it 1789 decided advisable to have three Counting Clerks
to asoist the regular judges and clerks as the vo%e would be large It vas rnoved Prescott that Elfessrs XcGuire, Tb7i11~on and
Duggan, serve a6 judges aDd &foose and Prescott serve as clerks, and that Er Earry Eansen, Mr L.R.Blaclrbuq and Ned 'iT. Joubart,
serve ao counting clerks after closing of polls at 8 PE, seconded
by Villson and carried,
on lot 6 block 4 Seeleyta First Add, to &vr-
The matter of the Village carrying the Nevberg family r:a~ brought
up by Recorder Lfoore, rho suggested sone arrangement should be
concluded tThere5y the
money spent on necessities for Newberg family in the event a2y
assets were later available.
the aRecorder %e empowered to proceed tp protect Village interests in Nevrberg case, seconded by Willlaon and carried.
Village of Edina might be reimbursgd for
Yhereupon it vas noped Reimann that
Application of Northvestern Bell Telephone Company to set 3 poles on Xoore Avenue, :+?as on motion Billson, be approved,' seconded by Reirnann and carried..
En tho'matter af security bond by Harriet State Bmk ts.grotect
Village of Xdina funds an deposit, communication was read from
-, First National Bank of ldinneapolia, dated October 10, 1930, and signed by Bred Spafford, Vice President, stating they vere holding to secure funds of the Village of Edina deposited in the Harriet State Bank the following sundry bonds in amount of $lO,OOO.OQ
New York CLicago & St Louis Ry 44-$ Illinois Central Ryi Serj,ea._C, ...L&&$
State of Uissouri, Series Xa 4%
.On motion Reinann, be accepted in lieu of seconded by 2rencott and czrrioti.
Xinuteo of the regular meeting held August 9th were read and appro'ir-
ed as read.
30 further buchess to come before tke neeting motion to adjourn carried at 11.55 E%.
i Village Recorder
. Recepits by Recorder sirnce meeting August 9, 1930
and turned over to Village Trea- er were
V.H. Gilkey, Jylcctfce Court $7,00 GBuS2hcaJ,n~ ;"v,~.2j6- CD liE;P,ed 1% QQ
a.9. uo