HomeMy WebLinkAbout19301027_SPECIAL\ 8 Uinutes of a special meeting of the CouncII. of the Village of Ediraa, held on October 2'7, 1930, at 8 in Grange Fall. The meeting tvas cabled to open bids for 1 caterpiller type tractor as per advertisement in Hennepin County Review under date October 23rd. 1930, The meeting was called to order by President McGufTe, the roll was ca,lled and NlcGuhre, T.?iU.san Reirnmn and %faore were found to be present. , Sids were received from the YJm E. ZSegler Company and the Kotor Povrer Equipment Comgany. The bids upoa being agened and studied S~QVJ~~ the bid af the Ziegler Company to be tke moct reasonable in price, the mast liberal $n the mount of trade in for ald tractor., tmwld mount the present village snow plow easier and more in line with the needs the Village of Edinla WQUI~ kave for suck apparatus. -. I tZ&ereup~n $.I; vta8 mqved Reimann, that the bid submitted by tke 1% B. Ziegler Cotiipany, for 1 standard "Ca%elrlpd.13.exlft E'ifteen tractor complete with flat shoes and .ice grousera for $1601,60 fob Edina Tool 3tlauae, wed with $600,00 alboivarce for present old 2 ton village tractor, he accepted, and:%Ba% Epsid&n&) znB-Vi%la&;e?d3eeoxlder be a,uthcrized ar.d empowered to sign contract and arrange terrnrs, secon?ded by tZT%Ikeon and carr*P ed, It wa8 agreeable to the several members of the Council, that the Recorder advise the Recorder of St Louis Psxk, they bad no objection to the Village of St Louis Park, entering in and upon Brooks and Mackey Avenues in .&kit? village of Edina ttnd nopth of We& 44th Street, for the purpose of laying water inairis and supplying the residefits thereon with city wa%er under such term and conditions as they may see fit. 30 further business to come before the meeting motion $0 adjourn carried a3 9,50 P Village Recorder.