HomeMy WebLinkAbout19301108_REGULARKinuLes OP the regular neeting of the Council of the Village OS &din%, held in Grange Hall on XovembeT 8, 1930, at 8, PEo The meeting vias called to order by President fkIcuire and. all members of the Council t7ere found. to be presento B'ir Young of the Young Fuel Company, appeared before tho Council to report thefts of small quanities of fuel from their yard located at Xden Prairie Eoad and 3.I.R & S Ry tracks. It vas agl-eed-to refer the nmtter to Village I.ia-rsl?alls for close rELtcl1, Health Officer Dr CarapbePl, reported on tmo hog feeding ranches operated by Eenq Christiansen and Christ Christisnsen in neighborixood of France Avenue and Test 70th Street, rhere- upon i-t vas moved Kooi-e, no,tter be Tefered by Health Officer to Village Attorney, notion seconded by Prexcott and carried, Dr Caapbell.' also reported regarding pollution of >Tine Xi1e of State Division of Smitstion. 1 - Creek, in Xdina, mcb that matter was nov in hznds of 1.k Po~em, 1.1s CoT.Hay on behalf of Thorpe &os, and fir PhelptJ-Dr&e Co, ' qpeared before the Council concernii?g the installation of a szunitary sewer to serve 33 low loLs on Arden Avenue in the Coun'cxy Club District, at present without a, sanitqr set~e~. A petition TXLS presented signed by 31 owners of said lots asking, that such a xe~rer be installed and that the co~t of same be assessed against the 33 benefited lots, a,nd that agreed. 'c'nat more defina'ce plans and specifications 170Uld be furnished. the Council later. the Vlll.age sell bonds to ginance the prcpject. It t78,B , f L 7 In. the matter of the Special Xlectiorm held at the time of regular election on November 4, 1930, as called for by Council "esolution duly adopted at regula meeting of tile Cou.nci.1 on September 13, 1950, to submit tbe question of a,uthorizh~g aifld. eslablishlng a Board of Park Commissioners and %he election of members of the Board of Payk Commissioners for teruna begin- ing Januaxy 1, 1931, in and for the Village of tdin-2, Hennepin Counej, FIinnesota, T-!e~orde% Lioore advised the Coutncil. that tb.e proposition had carried by a vote of 552 For to 313 against, and that for mernbers of said. Board of Park Commissioners 13 J. H. Xayhevr, received 548 votes 1&r George ITb Strong, received 544 votes 12% ?Yard Bo Tucker, received 499 VO~W~ 12 Xayhen therefore beiilg elected for a three (3) year tcria, 3 Strong being elected for it, tvro (2) 3rear term ixid 1.2 Tucker beiiig elected. for a one (1) year term as per st.lztues providins. ',,Iicreupon President NcGuire ordered the spreading of tho rqorl upon the records of the ViZZage Council. Applicfition in f0-a~ for Euilding permit for residence 4505 Suisn;rrside, Road, by EoA.Goetze, vas on motion Feimmn, seconded Ilooie be granted, carried. (a kpglication in Po-rm for Build.ing pernit for residence 4404 . . Su.nq~side Road, by P.Wedbloom, was on motion r'eirnana, seconded 1 A,OOT~, be granted, carriede -_ Applfcstion in form for Bu-ilding permit fora chicken house 'GO be built on om acre plot in the South Test corner of I'lillxrd . Coopsr '.property Pacing on Interlacken Foad,, TELS o& motion %y I Presco'c-b , seeonlied I7illson, be granted carried., L.D.Fanner. Applfcation in form for Buildiiig permit for a chichen hou.se by P .EoR~,ymO~d to. be built on lot 24 j%& 3 ClevsLand' 6 Sub, second-ed by Tillson, be grated, carried, Asglication by IT-Y Telephone Co, to set 1 pole 'Test 49th St zad Frsmce Ave, was on mo'cion Presco*i;t, seconded Eeimanii, be grmtsd, carried, - . Elocko 2-3-4-13-14 2e 15, ha Abbott Park, v~as on motion l?rescot'b Application S3r 15'2 Eel1 Teleplione Compmy , for permission to replace 3 poles and 1 anchor at :rest 56 and Xerxes Avenue, -vas on notion Seimann, seconded. Prescott9 be granted, carried.o After discussion and resorts 3y the Council on the matter of sno:y removal, it vas moved himann, seconded by ",7illsony that a 10 f'c. Get'clazn side plon be purchased from V.E.Ziegler Co cad- that amangement be made nith Park Wanafar Cornpaw, for mounting szid plon on one of their trucks 17hickl ~ould be rented on an hour %asis for snov plorrix, carried, In tlik matter of Judges and Clerks for December ViZlec election, Karqy Enasen and C.$.Hay as Cle~ks and C.P.Prescott, Geo A. Tillson and J.3.Duggan as Judges. :TimQes of Vfic liegulas meeting of the Council held on October 11, 1930, mre rezd and approved a8 read. I . President EcGui-re nifa the consen**-of the Council, wmed Kint.%ss 0f.a Sgecial meetinG held on October 25, 3.930., vere read and apgroved as reado The Ciscellzneoua bills uqon being found correct rrere oy! motion Yeirmnn, seconded '.7illson, be, a1lor:ed and ordered paid, czzrried. The37 am as Pollono Gas 24 Oil (159 66 Comb CCG Sunnyside Ed 139 . 29 Fees advanced recording deed-a 1.80 34 hrs Llection official 15.90 34 hrs Llection official Ilia 90 34 hrs election official 15.90 34 hrs alection official 15.90 34 lws election official 15-90 22 hrs clec tion official 11.00 10 hrs election official 5-00 4*00 I 8 hrs election official Putting up & takiq doma elect- ion booths C: Il'nrs sgl offices 7.00 Road Supplies 1.95 Serv5c es Health Offic 9% 20 0 00 Offic e & Election auppli cs 4.45 Coal So%, poor 14 25 Road supplies 20 75 Yillag c Xarshall Telephone 4.25 140$ :7isn. 70 Dri venay culver ts 71. YO Cement & Sand 4,ee; Baynsnt on ne77 tractor 590 o 00 Parts for snov plon 50 . 24 I'otor oil 50 0 80 Rear Cranking assen3ly 28 Q 15 loo;:! DA lubricant 18.00 Trac $0 r parts 44.55 Planks 6.75 Oc to'ber S tr eet lighting 406*&7 Groceries $or poor 48 0 88 Set7er Inspector (V 50th SL) 17 2.53 Servic ea Spl Karshal3. 6.00 Foad Gravel 2.50 Parkmq trees planted 640 00 : :wahall' s e quiplent 36-20 refund on Lamhall's equipt 10 03% Final on Sidet~alks, C2G 425.05 Frcmium Xarshallt s bond 2.50 To tal 22yz4x*65 I Police car supplies i: equip%. 36.35 The Village and Poad bills upon beiaz fouiicl corrsck vere on motion ',7illsoii, be allovred and. ord-txed paid, seconded Prescott and carried, n1ey aye ES :~olloms 1::: 35 * O@ 25000 '75cOO 25.00 25000 25 a 00 125.00 125eOO 169 a 20 84; 60 79020 59 o !X 64 e 80 36 . 00 125.00 Receipts since last meeting 73y thq recorder and turned over Lo Village Treasurer were as follorp~s Fmily %elfare Eureau Eoard- 13s A. f.iartine at Coun'Gy Farm@. 50 Jusctce Court Fines 47.20 Total ' 15.2a45 IT. H a G i 11~ ey 1 30 further. business to come before the mee'cing, motion Lo adj durn carried at 11.50 PN < ,