HomeMy WebLinkAbout19301213_REGULARMinutes of the regulm meeting of the 1 74 Council. of the Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall, on Decamber 13$ 1930. me meeting wet8 called.to order by President McGuire st i / 8 and all members of the Courrcil were found to be present. md the Village of Edina, of sanittbry sewage from 246 acres coIllgrksing the Country Club District discharging into the Minneapolis sewer guyateat, first cane before the Council. \ Leftere from Er George W. Strong, Village Attornq , to the Coum91. under dates of December 4th and December 5th. 1930 and letter from Tkorpe Bros., ted December 11, 1930, sncloeing Thorpe BOB, ofieok for 250.00 and also giving consent of the Country Club District Service Oompaq~, t,o the connection of the West 50th Street sewin YBSm, the MinneBpolis I sewer syartern were r . &e matter ms discusued Qy the Council after which I"-" Recorder Moore offered the following resolution and moved its adoption- R.E3OLW, that the proposed contract between the City of Xinneapolis and the Village of Edins, dated December 13, 1930, pemitting sanitary sewerage from 246 mre8 are or 1638s in Villlzge of Hina to discharge into the Unneagolis sewer system at West 50th Street and France Ag.enut3, has been read and discussed cat 8 regular meefifng of the Council of the Village of BOna, held on December AXD WBEREAS, it is advisable and necessary that such a contract be entered into between the Si@ of %r?n€E%pOlh3 FEUEB!#~ BB IT RESOLVZD, by the Village Couneil: of the Mim, does hereby accept approve and agree to all the terns and conditions set forth in said con%rcae.t; dated December 13, 1930, and hereby empowers its President and Village Recorder to sign and execute said contract for and In behalf of the said Village of Edina. "her matter of the agreement between the City of Minneapolis // '7 i I , I I J I \ . \ 23, 1930. f , and the Village of &Anna. I 1 Village of Blina, for and in behalf of the Village of I I The motion was seconded by Trustee Villson, the vote was taken on the question of the adoption of the resolution wherein it wag found there were five ayes and no nays and BO declsrsd adopted. Mr Albert; Emrms and P.J=Ebbmidt, appeared before the Council asking *et issuance of license to sell fire works in Xina, be limited to service organizations of War Veterans. After disouasion it was agreed to hold the matter over, till next 4 ' regular meeting of the Council. Mr L~A.BBcClellan prersented petitions on behalf of residents and property owners in neighborhood of West 54th Street and BairB Avenue, to grade West; 54th Street in Edina from mance Avenue %st to Zenbth and for sidewalk on South side of West 34th Street from France Avenue to Zeneth. After dirjcussion it was moved Srescott that petition be received and refered to a committee of two to be appointed by the President, m~tion seconded Moore and ct~rrieil. President appointed Trusteas mllson and Reirnann. Petition by J.T.Dslaney' and others for arJaistance by the Village Council in effort ot obtain electric service along West 70th Street from France Avenue to Cahill was received. After a short discussion Trustee Reinam offered the follow- ing resolution- Resolved that the written petition subanitted Qy several remidents of the Village of Edina, be presented by the Village Council to the Xinneapolis General Hectrio Co. , with the request that that concern immediately make a J I- continued page 75. f y5 1 survey of the territory represented by the petition for the purpose of providing electric service thereto on the sane basla 09 installation and service charges as prevail in the severax other sections of the Village and that if said installation should be contingent upon the installation of a reasonable number of street lights that the Village Council stands ready to approve of said installation of street lights after approval of proper plans a The motion mas seconded by Prescott and carried unaminouslye President appointed Truseees Reimann and PrescoLt and President XcGuire as Goramittee to carry out the project. A letter- dated December 9, 1930, from for City of. Xinheapolis, in the. mtter of unpaid bi3X against the Village of IiXiina, for fire aervices rendered In Biina on January ?, 3925 , on January 13, 1927,rind Januaiy 31,\ 1928, total amount being $1,652.50. After discussion it tm moved Presctstt matter be re-refered to Trustee Reimann for acrtion towwd adjustaent and report to the Council, motion seconded by Koore and carried, ‘Sbe Hadlq, AsstP City Atf;torney -ID? E. V. Theilan appeared before the Council regarding one Rutledge uafng a building built for garage purposes for livhg quarters and assumed contrary to the Zoning ordinance. Complaint was also made on an outihouse which was placed in a very prominent posftion. :.Aft$rdiscxssian it mas riloved Villson, matter be refered to .Trustee Prescoet, for investigation and report# matter to.be refered to Village Attorney if necessary. PSotron seconded by Presce%t and carr iedo The surety company bond on behalf of L.R.Blac!rburk as Constable tms offered by Trustee Reimam, t7ho moved its acceptance, motion seconded Trustee TZlltjon and carried. Bond covering period January 1, 1931 to December 31, 1932. After discussion St wa~ moved Rebann, that Ed Port, VAOxborQ and Roy Lockwood, each be allowed the 8w~ of $35,0S for servPcea as special policeman on night of October 31, 1930 , motion seconded Qy Trustee Willson and carried. Application for Einneapolis Suburban Gas Company, for permit to lay 300 feef of gas main in and along meet 49th Street and Xest of * France Avenue, was on motion Reinann be allorred, seconded Prescott and carried. - I - Recorder adPjlsed rrith reference to the matter of storm water during most of the year at corner of Prance Avenue and Vest 50th Street, and that as the City of Zfiinneapolia had of late installed a storm sewer on Xast side of above corner, he believed arrangements might be made mereby Ldina could drain the strom rtaesr frorn Elina side of 3’rance.Avenue and mest 50th Street into the Xinnespolis stom S~VBF system. mereupon it was moved Reimann, Recoraer be en- povered to arrange, construct and install catch basin and sever corurection to drain N-t7 comer of France Avenue and Vest 50th St, d.th $,Wmeapolirs sever system, seconded Prescott and carxiede In the matter of the petition by Nr Buss, for license to install and operate an amusaent center in old Horri8 Cremeqy barn on the S-W lot of land at Bance Avenue and Vest 50th Street, Trustee Reimann reporcted to the Council for the Committee previously appofnt- ed, and recommended tha5 permimion be granted operate an iniioor golf course, to operate a lunch counter, a license to sell soft drinks and to operate an outdoor- ice skating rink on above pruiiiseeo No dancing permit to be issued, \%ereupon Trustee Psescoibt move4 that report be accepted and Recorder be empovered to issue proper permits, seconded ViIlson and carried. 1.t was suggested to the Council by the Recorder,..that if the EL3 corner of Tooddale Avenue and Brfdge Street was fzooded for ice &at%iqg, mati it muld provide healthful recreation for may ch$lda ren, and it mas moved Reimann, seconded Xoore, that owners perm mission havfng been given for use of the land, and Thorpe &os. havi% agreed to give he water, that, Recorder be empowered to arrange for flooding to be done Village employes, carried. I Check having been received from Thorpe &os, pqyable to the Village of Edina, in amount $250.00 to offset EL similar charge made by the ‘City of Einneapolis to the Village of Wins, as the annual charge for sanitary sewer discharge from 246 acres in Edfna into the J wn .. Minneapolis mw& system, it was moved Presccott, that a Village j ‘db sparrah% Tor l&ks mount be dyam in favor of C.C.Blomquist, Ninneapolfs City Treasurer as payment to the City of NinneapsIis f,or its charge against the Vi.llage of Edina, and that the Thorps Bros, check be deposited in Village Depositary to the credit .of tihe Village, mo%fon seconded by Reiwann and carried. l&.nutes of the special meeting of the Council held on October 27, 1930, were read and upon motion Preseott, seconded Reimann, be approved as rea&, carried,. Minutes of the special meeting of the Council held on November 3, L930, were read and upon motion Reimann, seconded Villssn, be approved as read, carried. kinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on Novemder 8, 1930, were read and upon motion Prescott, seconded Villson, be approved as read, carried. lViinutes of the special meeting of the Council held on November 21, 1930, were read and upon motion Rejanann, seconded Prescott, be approved aB read, carried. I Trustee Reimann suggested that a committee of the three trustees be appointed as a Committee to study and recommend to the Council, ways dnd means for possible modernization of Council proceedwe. gllhereupon it was moved Reimann, seconded Prescott, that w, committee be so appointed by the President, carried. President appointed Trustees Reimnn, Prescott and ViIIson. Ik was moved Rkllson aeconded Prescott, that P.A,Redpath, Be. refunded the s,m of $2.00 for BBarshall’s official badge purchased 3y Xedpatk, carried. -* &plication in form by’Carl Le Xoz.ea;us, for building permit to Willson, be granted, seconded PrescoZ;t and carried. /build a church building, at 5425 Branee Avenue, *as on motion $plication in form by A. GiLlness, for building permit; to build a chicken coupe on property described as B& SV& Sec 30 Tll7 R21, was on motion PrescoL%, be granted, seconded Itoore and carrbed. Recorder Noore advised with reference to the annual Vi1lage Electfan heLd on December 2, 1938 that the following were duly elec.ted to the various offices. . I 4 .. 1). Presidents D*F.NCGUire I For term of 1-year. Vfllage Recorder, Ben Bo Edoore, For term of. 2-years. Trus t ee , J.P.Eeinann, For term af - 3. years, Justice of Peace W. F. Garvey Fox term of. 2. years. Constable b L .R .Bliackburn For tern of 2years Constable, Gordon No@leen, For term of 2 years. ana that ali the above duly elected officials had duly qua1if;ed. me Mjscellaneous bills upon being found correct were on motion were on motion Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Reinann and carriedP They are a8 follows Chas T: Hay John Hoskins P.J.Asselin . We F . Schi e f e lbe in C .F,Prescot t Philpott-Bailey Co Ben. Remple , Edina Grocery 15 hrs ‘election official, 15 hrrv election official 15 hrs election official 15 hrs election official 15 hrs election official 540 lbs coal for tool house Stakes for panel snow fences Groceries for poor. Nov-Dec - League Ninn kmicipafs . L.W.Harris Gas 8c Oil for tractor & police car Park Transfer Co 7 hrs snow removal wfth truck Ivlaetzolds Hardware Hardware supplies 7 Rollin Sand & Bdg 331k Co 52 yards road gravel deliverbd Thompson Lumber Co Lumber Alexander SC Bradley mgineering services Country Club Garage 5 .X.Hemessy co Asant. Legisla reference service Gas, Oil, kepairs , storage police cm & lfghts for tractor Oak lmber for tractor cab ’ $6 40 6. 40 6.40 6. 40 6.40 3* 38 3. 00 65.66 5.00 45.57 24.50 4.16 53.52 6~49 40 e 00 , Continued page 77. EdfnaHardme . L.R.Blackburn XoR .Baa@ A3bert Graber Hemepin County Reviem Wendells Inc . . Chaa Olson h Sons, t Hardware & Road supplfes $160 28 during year 1930 40.00 auring year ~930 40e00 Use of Auto in police service Use of Auto in police service 16 dqs Vest 50th St sewer fnsp 120d30 PuBlishing Mnc Statement , Ballots Notllces of election Police badges 9.50 Ifaterial & Labor mounting snow bids and pubo ordfance 187.92 ~lon on new tractor 3'9e25 Hoyt Landscape Nurseries i elm tree planted in parkwqf 8 080 be E. Ziegler Co One 10' Gettleman side snow plow 315.00 Kh He Ziegler CO 1500 fee% mort fame & 25 poets 105*73 Pinmapolis G .E.Co e November Street lighting 406087 i4diller-Davi.s Ca J2lectfoa eS Office fsupplfes 4040 mls Culvert & Pipe Co 60 ft Amnco culverts 710 20 Village of 3XornSlngsfdee Oiling Sunwsfde Rd in Mim 28*07 John 3orqr Service8 Spa officer 10/31/30 5.00 Iiyh Signs 11 Road sfgns a*57 Wo F. Garvey Wardme, pdnt & Road supplies - -14.35 C oRoBlack'Purm Putting up eC taking down-election booths eC services special officer 7*00 of rtifnneapolis Treasurer ,Anma% .charge for sanitary sewer - discharge into 3§inneapol;bs sever 250 e 00 3=00 3.00 3.00 Ed Port VTJ.Ox%orough. . Roy Locknood P *.A.Redpath Refund for polfce officerb badge 2.00 Blackburn,Bickels ,Smith Premium Constables bond 5.00 4 Total miscl. $2,093*98 C *A, B100mq~fs t , Ci ty system for -year 1931 , Services apeoial officer 10 31/30 Services Spl ofzicer 10/31/30 Services Spl offices 10/31 30 / The VilSage and Road bills upon behg found correct were on motion Re5mann, be alloed and ordered paid, seconded Prescott and carried. 'Ihey are as follormr D .P *€~cGu j.r 3 05 oI)ug@;m Ben B. ?bore c .B.Prescott Ges A, 3illson J.E*Reimann I?. A. Redpath Rd3 .Eliseke v.s .Joy SJeROberts John Tracy Ben Reuplo Lo Stalmm A. Vebber Bert Johnson Rollin E4cCseatd;p George Fautsch John Tracy Pr esident December Treasurer December Recorder December Trustee December Trustee December Trust e e Dec ember NOT-Dec. Edarshall No v-De c Xar shall Nov-Doc. Sfrcet Corn POT-Dec V%ility man Labor with team Road lzbor Road labor Tractor operator Road labor Road labor Road labor Road labor Lieceipts by Recorder since last rneet3ng and turned over to Treasures were BmHeGB19r~ Justice COW% Fines $LOO A. Gillnesa, Bdg permit 2.00 Carl La Xoreaua Bdg permit Thorpe Bros Sever charge City Xplrs 250.00 Six candidates Filing Fees 69 00 2-00 Total 8 261*0Q No further business to come before the Council znot%on to adjourn carried a% 11e65 PE. -1 V2llage Recorder