HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310110_REGULAR, The matter of improper V~CEJ,%~Q~ of par%-.sf-Lmra, Avenue and
, other piece8 of property by previous Council was dfscumed by
JImTeAbbOtt Civil Xngibnesr, Bhr John Noore, owner and by Viilage Attorney George Wo Strong. After dfacusafsn and study of plat
it vas moved by Breacott, %hat Recorder catme due pubffcation
and posting of netfee of vacatlbng Laura Avenue.and other slre-etcs or parcels of land and to sign and secure publ%catfon 8s per-
exhibit '*AA1 filed with said petition by John Nsore and-others
on January 30%h, 193Pe MotksYl secsndect by Trvo*ee Willson and
carried unanimoue%r I
In the dfscusaien of Gas and.021 purchaaea of the Village and in
order $0 divide same in fairnesa to all, it ms moved %%flson
tha% all purchaem 09 gasoline and oil for police car be purchased between Eo .We Harris and the Country Club Garrage and if purchased
otherwise muld not be at Bifhage expense, seconded by Trustee
Prescof't and carriedo
me miscellaneous bi1I.a as follows upon examination and being
found correct, were on mo%ionn PrescoLt seconded Eeiniann, be al2ewed and ordered paid.
IrlilIer-Da~f~ CO Office supplies' & l!&Xluals $6980
We F, Gar~eg~ Paint &Hardware supg%iczpr 8822
Ci$y of KinneapoPixs Inspection w 50th St sewer PO 0 80
%'*G .Christensen . Plumbing fnerpectfons 1930 48 eOO Mar~ph & McUnnan Prenuin tractor insurance 20 90 Blackburn Nickels eC Smith. Prenuirn Jus%iae of Peace bond 5600
EdPns Grocery Groceries for poor IX~C-J~~ 48.83
Borey'a Shell Station Gas fer police car 229 55 2 eW*Ha,rr $EI Gas .for tractor %e91
~ Pennsylvania FR Oo,, Pass. transportation Waspi family 94.72 Country C9un Garrage Storwe & Service police car l5*98
Roalin Sand & Bdg Bfk Co Road gravel delivered 101987
N-Y Bell TeIe@.o~e CO Earsfr~t93.~ s telephone to date 6095 Justus Lumber Cs ' Coal .fer poor 5800
American Bke $hoe $c Fdw 80 Ca$sh basin cover & grate 11680
%in H. Ziegler Co Tractor supplies e 36
Vib~ Ha Zieg3.e~ CO TTac..t;or supplies 9.66
%I He Ziegler Co .Snow fence postcc 60 26
PhiZpstt-Bailey CO Coal for poor DeC-Jan 36.00 &Tina Hardware Road- toale & paint 4068
Hennepin County Review Published notice 8.48
DS Le Ne C8~1pbe3.P Services Health Officer Nov-Dec 6501)0
Edinnshaf?a Grange #a98
George He Herreld On account services Villwe
lhomptson Lumber Co Lumber 2.60 Nbliinneapolis GB Ee Csmpariy December street lighting 407 e 07 Rent Grange Hall July-December
and for various village purposes 84.00
M. Newterg Tool shed rent July-Decemnber 3't e 50
The Road and Village bills upon exanination and found correct were on motion Reimam, secorrded Prsrses&t, be allot)rctdl and ordered
paid a$ follow~
De Fm 3L~G~i.re January salaxy President $35.00
Ben E. Noose January salary kcorder r5oCIo
George A. W~.~~.SQYI January salary True tee 25.00
Ce F. Prescott January salary Trustee 25 0 00
Jo 3. Reimann Jawuaasy sa3xr?gr Trustee 25.00
J . J e Duggarn January $alary Treasurer 25.00
continued ern page 79.
Village l?hrshall, Dsc-Jan $X25*00
Services Village A.P;P,orney 193100 500 e 00 Street Commissioner Bc-Jan 125POO
Labor with tea 80010
Road labor 4509U
Village BrIarEifiall Dac-Jan 150000
Utilfw man Dee-Jan 1250 00
Road labor 10 080 Road labor . 9000 9 1,380e80 Total Road & Village
Xr A. V'. HarWAg, appeared before - the Counci% requesting that
sometking be done tottard stopping fast md truck traffic on Arden Avenue. Natter refered to golice con?mitteee
I& P.JoAsaefin and L.R.Blackbuq, appeared before %he Council
as residents and tax payers of Zdina and requested an equal distribution of ViIlsge Insmantie anon@: *its reaiden%se
disposed of on motion Reirnann, seconded Preecot%, be refered to Insurance Cornittee of Council, carriedo
Thfa neeting being the first of the calendar year 1931, the following appointments and wage scales were madeo -
It mafs moved Prescott, Alexander 8c Bradley , be reappointed
Village Zngineers for year 1933., seconded IYillson and carriedo
It m8 moved Prescett, Dr Lowell P. Campbell %e reappointed
Villege EeaI4;h Officer for year 1931, seconded by Recorder Eoore and carriedo
It t%s moved l'lillson, that Hennepin County Revierr be designated
as Official newspaper of the V%Ilage for the yqar 1931, seconded Prsscott and carriedo
1% cas moved &bore, that George W. Strong, be* reappointed
Village Attorney for the year 1931, seconded Reimam and carried
It ms moved Reirnann, that We G. Christensen, be reappoi-nl-ed Village Plumbing Inspector for year 193L,. seconded by Eiissre, and carriedo
It vas mcvedReimann, that Me Reed Iks8, be reappointed Specisl Policeman, for the year 1931 on baafe of being reimbursed for expenaesr only, seconded Xoare and carried,
It vas moved PrescotPI that Ve So Joy, be reappointed Street
Commissioner at a salary of $125~00 per month, seconded uoore and carriedo
It as moved Prescott that Se 3. Roberts, be reappointed Utility man at
It TELQ move& Prescott that salarg of Village Recorder be se%
at #9S000 per month for the ensuing year, secor?ded Villcon and carriedo
It vas moved Regmann that salary of Vill-e Treasurer be ssf
at #25eOO per month for the ensuing year, seconded Villeon and czrriedo
It YELS moved Reinann that Road labor be paid a% the rate of 45#
per hour, Road labor with teaan 0 90g per hour and tractor aperatcnr
at rate of 7Qg per hour, seconded ?%,llsorz and carried,
It me moved Reimann that Harrjtet State Bank of Ufnneay~lia, BE re-designated as Official Villa@? Dapersitary for tihe year 1931, aectmded by Prescott and carriede
It vas moved Prescott that Traffic Committee be requenated to invoatiga%e preeent police arrangements and rcquirementa for report to Council, .seconded Uoare and carried.
salary of $125000 per .month , seconded EfocrreI and carriecl,
\ -7
AppliCatiQn in form & C.W.Rognas foP bufldfw permit for
frame private dwePZfng 5405 Wooddale Avenue -8 on motion WlltlEson , seconded Noore, 'be granted carried,
Application En form by RoBt Johnsan Of% Company, for psm%$ to erect 3-20,OOO gaProEine storage tanks Vest of Right of way Me Neb S €@ track8 South Eden Prairie Road, vas on motion Villaon be granted. subject Viblage Orabmeea @.nd State re-
quirements t seconded Presostt @nd carriede
Applfcs,t%on im fsm l-p &scb Sward for building permit for
prfyate dwelling 9,918 \&st 49th Street, FI&B on motion Reimann
be granted, seconded BrIosre and carriedB
Application in form Qy A. Be Austin, far building permit for private dwe11ing 4802 Sunnyside Road , was on motion Reimann be granted, seeoladed Nosre and carried,
Tnx-'t;rse matter of the con&raut between the City of Xinneapolia
and Village of Edina, dated DecembeEo 13 , 19%, perraitting sanitary sewage from 246 acre8 more or leas in the Village of Zdina, to discharge into the Xinneapolis sewer system, that upon examinastion discrepaneha were found and offered a subs sfitute contract dated December 18, 1930, in Lieu of the one
dated December 2.3, 1936, which upon being read and discussed
by tihe Council, it wks moved Noore that the contract dated
DecemBsr 18, 1930 a8 above be Lfie'one acc8ptabh to the Counei.3
and thaf thq Prersfdent and Recorder be empovered to sign and execute stme for snd in beha%f of the Vi'blage of B&ina, motion
~a8 seconded by Willson and cerried uanaraira0ue3.y~
Trustee Reimann reported on the matter of csm~%~~%fon from
Ur Hadley , City Attorney fer City of Niinnezpolia, under
date of December 9, 1930, cancerra%ng unpt%$d bills by the C%%y of Ninneapslirs against the Village of Xdirma, htal mount being
$1,652.50 for fire department charges, and that it was 3x?lte.ved
tho matter could be settled by a mal8 payment. The matter
legality to pay any moun.%, was refered to Village Recorder to take up with mblic Examiner.
After discussion by the Council on the adv%sa%il%%y of holding
Council meetings OM mme other night than Saturday as has been
Lhe crmtomn for many years and alas that account of increawed.
activities of a grovfng municipality the Council. should meet mere often, it moved Reirnann that commencing February 9,
1931, regpalam. nneetfngs of We CounciX be head on the tsecond and fourth Eondays of each month at 8 HBd, motjbon ajeoonded by lWJ.leon
and cwrr iedo Recorder to cause offiehl notice to be given each week is official wempaper until Feburaxy Who and to have
new8 iten mention made if poasible.
Pfinutea of the regular meeting held on December E3, 1830,
were read and on motion Reimam be approved ars read, seconded \Tillson and carriedo
The matter sf a Ettreet light &o be ins%allsd a% 518% S-breet a& Halffa Avenue, 'VPBB requested by residentxi ~f %he ne$gh-
bsrhood, vllereupon it m13 moved Noare that a 208 c'p? street
. light be fnatalled as requested, motion seconded Qy W..Zlssn
and carriede Recorder to sign appxicatioxr for the Ifgl~%~
No further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 91.50 EXe
Receipts %y Village Recorder sime regular meeting on Dec-
mber 13, 1930 and %urned QVBS? to Village Treasurer were
as f011OWE3