HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310209_REGULARMinutes of the regular meeting of the
Council of the Village of Edina, held
in Grange Hall on February 9t2;-1931,
The .meeting was called to order by President McGuire after
which the toll was call and all members of the Council were
found to be present.
The matter of proper vacation of a part of Laura Avenue and
other pieces of property having coarse before the Council at its
last regular meeting....on Tahuary, 10tho last and persuant to
notice duly published. and posted to come before the Council
at this time, was t,ak6h up as the first item of business.
After discussion by the 'Counc it r1r th_ Vi,ll age Attorngt- ,aeorge
W. Strong and Mr :E. T. Abbott' Trustee Prescott offered .the
followirkg resoluti ®n,'
"Be it resolved by the Village Council of the Village
of Edina, that the following described streets or f
parts of streets' within the corporate limits of said
Village of Edina, to wit:
FIRST® That part of Laura Avenue as formerly laid
out and stablished in said village which is now known
and designated on the plat of Auditor's Subdivision
number 176 as the Fast Forty feet (40) of Lot Thirty
(30) of said Auditor's Subdivision . #176: -
SECCND All those parts of that certain strip of land
forty (40) feet wide lying next to and adjoining on
the South and West, a line which begins at a point
175 feet `Jest of the East line of Sec tion 28 , in Town-
ship 117 North of Range 21 West, and 211.5 feet South
of the South line of right of gray of Minneapolis,
Iyndale and Minnetonka Raili ay Company and runs thence
West 275.4 feet, thence North 2 degrees 20 minutes
East of 61.5 feet: thence on a curve to the right with
a radius of 187.6 feet a distance of 77.8 feet: thence
on a tan6bnt to the last named curve 7.6 feet: thence
on a curve to the left with a radius of 183 feet a dis.
tance of 64.2 feet to the South line of right of way of
said Railway Company, which are not included within the
limits of Moore Avenue as now laid out and traveled in
said Village and which is not included within the limits
of tract of land described as Lot 24 of Auditor's Sub -
division Number 176, and the Easterly 5 feet measured at
right angles to the Wert line of said lot 24, of lots
20, 210 22, and 23, and the Westerly 5 feet measured at
right angles to the East line of Lot 24, of Lots 259 26,
31 and 32, all in said Auditor's Subdivision Number 176:
THIRD. All of that strip of land heretofore deeded to the
Village of Edina for street purposes, bounded by a line
beginning at a point on the East line of Section 28, in
Township 117 North of Range 21,, which point is 595.3 -feet
South from the Southerly right of way line of Minneapolis,
Tyndale and Minnetonka Railway Company; thence Westerly
on a curve to the left with a radius of 291.1 feet a dis-
tance of 104.8 feet; thence on a curve to the right with
a radius of527.8 feet a distance of 152.9 feet; thence
South 85 degrees 58 minutes West a distance of 72 feet;
to a point 323.6 feet West of the East line of said section;
thence North 85 degrees 58 minutes East 69.2 feet; thence
on a curve to the left withr a - radius of 487.8 feet a dis-
tance of 140.9 feet; thence on a, curve to the right with a
radium of 331.1 feet a distance of 119.2 feet to the Fast
line ,of said section.; thence South .along the east line of
said Section 40 feet to- the point of beginnings be and the
same are hereby vacated -. " Y Trustee Reimann moved the
adoption of the resolution, Seconded by Willson and carried
unanimously, there being five votes in favor of adopting
the resolution and none opposed, and so ordered.
At this paint Mr E. T. Abbott, offered a corrected deed, signed,
by John Moore, under date of January 7th. �nich on motion by
Prescott, be accepted by and in behalf of the Village of
Edina, for road purposes, seconded by Moore and motion car-
ried unanimously. Mr Abbott to have said deed passed by
County Treasurer and County Auditor of Hennepin County and to
present same at the next regular meeting, of the Council
Mr P. W. Reidhead , as owner, appeared before the Council with
applications in form for two duplex buildings to be erected for
residdntal purposes at 4804 and 4808 France Avenue. After
discussion by the Council it was moved Reimann, applications
be granted, seconded; by Prescott and carried.
The miscellaneous bills upon examination and being found correct
were on motion Prescott, seconded Reimann, be allowed
and ordered
paid, carried. They
are as follows . .
Irwin Schneller
Groceries for poor
Archie Kelly
Groceries for poor
Blackburn, Nickels &
Street Commissioner
Premium Recorder's bond
Thomas Ryan
Road gravel (60 loads)
Fran: Lindahl
Supplies for poor
United Motors Service
Radio in police car
Ben B. Moore
Fees advanced County Recorder
Chas Miller &: Son
Grass & Clover seed
Boreya s Shell Station
Gas for police car
Minneapolis G.E.Co.,
January Street lighting
Philpott- Bailey Co
Co4 for poor
Edina Hardware
Road tools
Dr L.M.Campbell
Servives Health Officer
J- .E.Hennessy Co
Sewer pipe
Twin City Ins .Agcy.
Police car insurance
Country Club Garage
Repairs & Storage police car
E. 77. Harris
Gas & Oil for police car & tracto49.60
Edina Grocery,
Groceries for poor
Carl Olson
Groceries for poor
Miller -Davis Co-
Justice of Peace .Codes & Docket
Hennepin County Review Published notices
Thompson number Co
Lumber(St Coma)
N -W. Bell Telephone Co
Marshall's police telephone 4.25
The Road and Village Bills upon examination and being found
correct were on motion Willson, be allotted and ordered paid,
seconded by Prescott and carried. They are as follows-
A. Webber
Tractor operator
L. _Stolxman
Road labor
J. Tracey
Road labor with team
Utility man
V7. S. Joy
Street Commissioner
Roscoe E. Mieske
Village Marshall
P. A. Redpath
Village Marshall
Trustee salary
Trustee salary
Geo A. Willson
Trustee salary
President salary
Ben B. Moore
Recorder salary.
Treasurer salary
;3 984.95
Application in f6rm by G. R. Craig, for building permit to
excavate for basement and move house to front of lot to line
up with other buildings at 5616 Xerxes Av -enue, was on motion
Willson, be granted, sefonded Reimann and carried*
Application by Minneapolis G. E•. Compary, for permission to
erect 8 poles in Mirror Lake District as follows
1 pole alley bet. Griffit & Arthur N of Seth
2 poles on 3rd St ,bete. 2nd & 3rd Aves.
4 poles in alley bet 2nd & 3rd Aves, bet 5th & Seth
i pole corner Central Ave & 5th St
was on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded Willson and carried.
Minutes of the meeting held on January 10th, 1931
were reed and on motion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded
by Reimann, and carried.
After discussion by the Council on pay of Village Mar -
shalls , it -was moved Reimann, that effective March l.st, 1931,
salary of each marshall will be on basis of $135.00 per month,
seconded by Willson and carried* Mr Reimann-.to advise marshall s
No further business to come before the Council motion
to adjourn carried at 11.00 P14
Village Recorder'
Receipt by Recorder since last regular meeting
and turned over to Village Treasurer r=e as
Carlson Bros, FlumbiiZ permit 4609 Fdina Blvd 06.50
Ind. School Dist #17, Grading school grounds 212°02
17. H. Gilkey, Justice of Peace 10.00
P.17.Reidhead , Building permits, 480 -4808 France Av 4.00
G.R.Oraig, Building permit, 5616 Xerxes Ave 2 ®n0
Total 0234052