HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310309_REGULAR'Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of thg Village of Edina, held in Grange Hall on March 9, 1931, at .
8 PIE*
T~c? meeting was called to order by President XcGuire, the roll tva8 called. and all members of the Council were found to be present.
I!& S.W.B&zbaon, appeared before the Coumfb and submitted a proposed
plat for subdividing the tract of about 40 acres lying Nerth and East of the Villaon Road and Vest 70th Street, as surveyrd by JoE.Hill, Civil. Xngineer, and to be known its Boney View Acres. After ex-
planation and discussion it wa~ moved Boore, that plat be received and refered to Ville,gte Engineers for report at next regular meeting,
seconded Prescott and carried.
The miscellaneous bill8 u$on examination and beiui found correct,
were on motion Reslmanm, be allowed andl ordored paid, s@esnded Willson and carried., thcy are as follows-
H.V.Johnoon Culvert Co
~Couuatry Club Garrage
Aei If er-Bvfe Company Earrett Company
Gregg tl Fmarraacy Fni lp o t t Edina Hardware Frefhl Plumb & Heating Co
EL-?? Bell Telephone Co
3Zinnenrpolfs G .EOCO United MoLom Service United Motors Service lidina Grocery Deckme Community Store
i 3. ey C o
I in Ciw ~ns Agency Thomas Ryan Hennqifi County Review
VJ. Po Garvey Park Transfer Co
City of Uinneapolis
Road culverts $960 60
Storage, Battery & Repairs police car 31026
KP Tarvia, 944 61
Poor relief 1.38
Coal for poor 33.96
Road supplies 30 45 Gafvo iron for tractor cab 40 50 XarshwlJlts police telephone 40 25
February Street lighting 405087 Service Police radio 6.25
Service Police radio 30 34 Groceries for poor 67e89 Groceries for poor 5393 Gas & Oil for Blfce car c_
and tractor 660 64 ~orknanb Cemp. fnswrance 391.57 Road gravel 35.00
Road tools a* 65 Snow plowing with truck 19.25 Fire Depto service to date ( a,djwtsd) 250.08
Off ic e suppli es 4.40
PPxblfshed BTotfces 9.90
Total 8 1,533.88
The Road and Village bills upon sx&inatfon and being found correct, irere on motion Prescott, be allowed aYid ordered paid, seconded by
XLllaon and carried. They are as fol~ok78
Eoscoe E. Mieske
John Tracy
Een Remple
L. Stalzman
John Tracy
A* Webber
Vas, JOY
D F .Mc Gu%~ e
J J .Duggan
Ben E. Moore George A,' Willson
C .P.Prescott J . Eo Reimann
Village EffarihaS.3 Feby-?&r
Labor witkt tern
Road labor Tractor operator,
Road labor
Road labor
Utilfw man Peby-Xaxx Street Conmissioner Fe'ky-firiar
March - President March Treasurer March Recorder Wrch - Trusted
Village Marshal1 88
Narch Trust e e Narch - Tmstee
141* 96
1650 60
Application in form ly V.A.&rglund for building permit to build
a chichen house on rem let 26, block 14, West Ninneapolis Heights,
mE1 on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded Reimann, and carried.
Application in form by Sven Wold, for building permit to build
stucco r eoidenc e, Block 28,
'~"J~Ls on motion I?iZl~sn, be granted, seoonded BeScott, and carriede
Applicstion in form by John Nickels, for building pemft to
erect a real estate office on Bonq View &rea trace to cost
about $lOO*OO vas on matien Willson, be granted, seconded Reimam and carriede
A letter from Hennepfn County Fair Eoard, asking for a subscription
50 buildirg fund of 4H Club, m8 read and placed on file.
Recorder pesented a communication from Chas Ce Svanson,. City
Clerk, EPBinneapolis, giving copy of resolution council of the
' City of E5nneapoli.s on PeSruary 2'7, 1931, acceptirg the offer of the Council of the Village of Edina,, to settle Unneapolis Fire Department bills Mo* 1273, dated January 7, 1925, $540.00, zoo
1619, dated January 13, 1927, $102.50, Eoo E789 , dated January
31, 1928, $j18'9;50 and Noo 1790, dated January 31, 1928, $822e59
tofal $1,652*50, for the sum of $250.00 in full aot%laent of
said 'billso . After discussion it was moved Reimann that full settlmen% be made and .that check be dram for $2BO40CI in favor of CiW of ELnneapolis, seconded Prescott, and carriede
Recorder presentea the matter of the VIll8ge of Edina, posting
Vrith the City of Einneapolis, a Surety company bond for $1,0000 - to cover any expense t?fiich mi&t be incured by the Fire Dep%* - of the City 06 Einneapolis, in fighting fires in Edina, and
* suggested that the General Inspection Bureau, be requested to - m&e a aurvqy of that part of Edina boarderirg on Einneapoli&
e and vhere ci.p;V water is available and rrhich vould first, e~itab-
bish the diotrict where fire protection can be given and second, - the rates t7hieh mould apply .in the prtected districte After
discussfsrr it was agreedbls $0 the Council that the Becsrder- mite General Inspection Bureau for such infomation as to rates
I and territory in Edina vl~ere fire protecti'on could be provided*
After discussion Qy the Ceuncf3. on the matter of providing fire
. protection for Rural Edina and the IXirror. L&e District, it was moved Rehann, that Trustees Erescott and Vi13son be named .a
7 committee to confer with the Village of Hopkin8 Count%%, and ascertain vbat protection might be arranged ferand vhat rates
= for fire department service would apply, seconded Eooxme and. carried,
A communication was read from Zndependent School DiatricZI #I? vith refergnee paymen$ d3qpmiurn on bonds for school Janitors who have been appointed special policeman 'to guard school pm-
Attornqy , seconded Reimann, and carried,
8 perty only and was on motion Yti,llson, be referad to Viliag~
Surety Company bond ly Standard Accident Company, in behalf
of IT'- 3'. Garvey as Justice of the Peace fox period 3ebrua.r~ 26,
193135 to Februayy 26, 1932, was off @red and on motion %y Reirnann
. be accepted, Beconded Willson, and casrled..
Xinu'cee sf the regular meeting hefd on February 23, 1931, tmpe
read and on motion Reimann, be approved as read, seconciad by
Prescott and carriedo
After discussion by the Council an the matter of police co-cper- atlsn with neighboring villages, it ms moved PPetVcwtt that
Recorder be empowered to mite Councils of St Souis Park,
Hspkins and Eornhgsi&e, offesfng our assistance &rid co-aper- ation S5*'-paxticular with our radio equipped, polioe car in all
cases bordering on the respcctjve vilhges or within such ~%l- lages whenever possible, seconded ly Willson and carried,
Receipts by Recordter sPnce regular meeting hefd on Februangt 9,
1931 and turned over to Village Treasurer were as follomo
V.A.Eurglung Bdg permif. $2000 Svcn Yield, Bdg permit 20 00 Sohn Nfckele,, 13dgop em i t 2900 Total $6.00
No further business to come before, the meetfng motim 4x9
adjourn carsied'at 11,50 2&
Village Recordero