HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310323_REGULARI&inutes sf the regular raeeting of the Council of the Village of &dim, held on Narch 23, 1931, in Grange Hall at
8 .P Ne
88 \.
53.10 meeting was called to order by President NcGuire, the roll was
celled and all members of the Council were present.
A petition wa&i presented by Herman Hejxrmison, with nine signers
asking Ynal 7th Avenue, belween 4th and 5th Streets , be graded and graveled, which on motion PrescoJct, be refered to Road & Bridge
Committee, seconded Reirnann and carried,
Nr S. Wo Babson, appeared before the Council in the Matter of the
proposed plat to be known as Born237 View Acrers, and stated he would be wfll%ng to m&e the changes suggested by Alexander 8c Bradley, Village Engineers, and also to give an additional 37 feet along the East side of Tillson Road for rod purposes so that a 100 ft.
roadivqy may be possible, It was also agreed, bettvesn ET Babson and the Council, that 36r Babson would furnish levels throughout
his development so that the matter of the grading of $.%reeta might
be fairly determinede
IJr Mooye and Nr NcNally of +he Hspkins Pire Depto, appeared before the Council with a .proposition ts furnish fire service to that
part of Sdina, tributary lo 'Hopkins, .After discussion and the
study of map shot.sing the affected territory, it was moved Noore,
that ldlr Moore prepair a daflnpte survey for as rmch of Edina a8 it would be possible to pro%ect, togather wfth any reduction in rates of fire insurance, and that the whole proposition be resubmitted at . the next meeting of the Council on April 13th, seconded by F~escott and carriedp
lili.r Bjork, was present and asked that the West end of Griffi'tlz Avenue
* be graded vsl?ich was refered to Road and Bridge Chrmi2;teee
Ttk C. No Peterson, Route #3 Wayasta, and Ur 3. Boberg, 3139 Colfax Avenue Sov.tla, Xinneapolfs , presented their request for permiacjion to operate a small ice cream freezing establishment on Prance Avee
near West 50th Streeto After discussion and the fact but 3 horse
power would be used, they were advised Council had no okj ectioa to
their speratkon so long as the premises was kept clean and that the sidewalk would not be used for storage of freezer tubso
J4r George W. Strong, Chairman of the Zoning Cornissfon 2nd 1.b Geo.
H. Hekrold, Zoning Advisor, apgeared before the Council dn b&haEf
aP the Zoning Go&&~aiog~~-for TIE?. purpose of presenting the pro- posed Zoning Ordinance for the Village of Edina, In a letter Xr Strong slated the %mirig Comisefsn, composed os' the fOXlolXLi?g members: L.H.Elefcher, J.T.Jones, Wed KO tKi+lbson, Ges A0 Xingsle~, E;.T~Rasrntxssen, Chas To Hay, H.D*Brugger, WLChance, &ex Bosrre, A.F.Carls-broin, \T.H.MacNeil, J.T.Delaney, GesS E. Vessey, J.A.Jarv$s,
and George We Strong, Chairman, w%th D.F.NcGuEre, .and Ben €3. Moore, &-officio members, and Nr George H. HerrsLd, Zorains Advisor, beg
to present a proposed Zoning Ordinance, complete in fom, for the
Village of Edinao It was further stated that the ordinance wag the result of bver a year of labor on the part of the Conirflis8ion and vas presented pursuant to a sesolut2.ern passed at the last meeting
of the Commission ty the tnnanirious vote of the members present, commending it to Qouncfl' B favorable consideration, At this point
it ~EI moved by Recorder Noore, that the proposed Zoning Ordiiiance
be accepted by the Council on behalf of the Vi1lag;e and that the
Councff a&presa an unaninaous vote of thanks to all members of the Zoning Comir~slSsn and to Mr George He Herrold, for ita work in
gtudying the various zoning prob%sms and conditions of the villagrs, of hearing all residents of the village w??o wished to voice their
views on zoning and. f~r the complete form in which. the proposed
ordlaance was Frensented, motion socondea by Trustee Frescott and unanimously carried,
6% was moved Prescott, that public notice be given that the propoged
Zoning Ordinance had been submitted ta Council %y Zoning Csmmisni~ra
and that same will come up for further consideration or adoption
at next meeting of Council. on April 13,/seconded by Reiaann, Carriedo
Application in form for bufldiqg permit for private reaidence by
Cap1 Urn Hanseii, to be built at 4602 Uina Blvd, , ms on motion
Reimann, be granted, seconded &ore and carriedo
AFplicat&on in form for building permit for private residence by
Carl LT* ansen, to be built at 4625 Drexel Aveme, vms QI-~ motion Reimam,' be granted, seconded Prescott and carrieda
It vas moved Srescott, that advances be made Xarshalla and Roza crew in amouts less than due, seconded Tilllson and carriedp
Request on behalf of G.R.Craig, 5616 XenxeB Avenue, to fill in holes in alley Yest of Xerxes and betveen 56th ayld 51th Streets,
seconded :Tillson and carried, on motion Reimrznn, be refered to Road and Bridge Committee,
I) Recorder presented a letter from ihtfonzl Surety CQ~PEUIY, dated ETarch , 1931, stating that while the original bond of JrnJ0kggasll
as Vihlage Treasurer, read for a period of one year, it also stated lrOr until his 8ucce8sor duly elected and qualifiedt1 and that
as ffr Duggan ms duly elected for a tern of, tr;a years, that his
moved Rebann, that the bond of J.S.Ruggan, as Village Beasurer,
be considered as for a two year term beginning a8 of January Is%,
1930, and that Recorder furnish the Bational Surety Comparii, with such infomatian as to designation of official depositary and the condition of the account of oakd S,J.Duggan, as of December 31, 1930,
motion seconded by Prescott and carriedo
- bond would duly cover for the tern of tm yeame ]Ct vas therefore
Application of KinneapoliEi Suburban Gas Compaqy for permission to lay an 8" gas main on France Avenue South, from 140 pee% South of
Xorth line Yest 54 th Street, South to charch a distance 160 feet
to #EA21 France Avenue, lots 9 eC 10 Block 4, Ivandale Park Addition, was on motion Frescott, be granted, seconded Willson and carriedo
Application by Uinneapolis G*E.Company, for permission to erect
1 pole at Halifax Avenue and \7est 51st StTeet, was on motfdn Refman
be granted, seconded 1,7illson and carried.
Letter bsf Ec E. V. Thielen, 4372 Thielon Avenue, dated Ihrch 19t.'hQ
1931, complaining of a techinical violation of Zoniw Ordinance
by one Em Eutledge, in that a buildizlg wherein a building pemi4; to erect a garase had been issued, ptas never built for gmEgc pur-
poses but for 137ing quarters, was read and on motion Reimmn, be refered to Village Attorney, seconded Prescoltt and carried.
rtlinutes of Vie r,egular meeting of the council held on %xch 3, 1931, were read and on.motion Psescott, be approved as read, seconded
, Reimam and cayriedo , *.
ITo further business to come befire the Council, mdtion to adjourn carried at 1%45 PIErn
Village Becorder a