HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310413_REGULARMinutes of the regular meeting of the Counc%l of the Village of Edina, held on April 13, 1931, in Grange Hall at
€3 PUS3
"The meeting was called to order by President lfcguire stnd all members of the Council were found present except Trustee Rebnann,
%lr Dlfarch of the Yarch Gardens Inc. appeared before the CorxnciE in response to letters written hh by Village Recorder under dates of
October 15, 1930 and April 7, 1931, stating that 10 trees planted
'by said concern in Parkways of Brown Section, Counrty Club District, *were dead and should ble replaced. ldr Narch advised that he could
find but one tree appearing dead and which. vrorald be replzced soono The matter vas left open however as the budding season mas near a% hand and further check would be made Qy Recorder ia near futureo I
Nr Moore and 1\Ar HcNalIy, of the Hopkins Fire Dept, appeared before the Council. with a partizl report as per agreement at April 13th, meeti'ng, on the subject of fire protection for certain parts of Bdina; wherein it would be possible to provide protection. Their
tentGitive report ststed all the territoxy in &Iina, North and \?est of HZghwray #Ei-Vrlest of Mirror L&e Road and to include the Inter-
Lackgn Club and other property in llEirror Lake District, could be
pro tee ted, The Brookside District District was recommended to
be taken care of by Village of St Louis Park Pire Dept., as being near&, of St' Louis Park and would further report in near future* It was agreed Council Conunittee cal3. ~n council of Villwe
Igr Lgrskov, owner of land and buildingson Sunnyside Road, adjoin-
ing Xdina, advised that the Council of the Villa&! of Morningsfde
wou3.d order in sidewalk this smer along the North side of Sunny- side Road, and requested this Council. order in sidewalk on lot at corner of Sunnyside Road and Grimes Avenue, so that a complete and contsnoud sidewalk my be had available for many pedestrians of Edina walking from France Avenue District to Country Club. This 'being agreeable to.the Council and would be arranged later.
The 3Tiscellaneou.s bills upon being found correc%, were on motion Prescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried, They are as follows- .
S & N Tire Compaqy $36.90 United Xotors Service Co Police radio' service 6i25
Tires & Tubes P~lice car
Country Club Garrage Repairs, Storage Pol,ice car 436 20
VJ. F. Garvey Road supplies 40 77
Roscoe Eo XilieBke , Adjustment Lhrch-April pqy 3.75
F. Ae Redpath Adj us tnent S;riarcbA;pri3. pay 30 74
Dockovls corn Store Groceries for poor 4000
He Go StfLXwell Services Assessment Record 30,OO
Archie Kelly Groceries for poor 32.79
Thos Ryan lo4 loads road gravel 26 00
E. W. Harris Gas BC Oil, for tractor Q police
c ar 3.00 71 Xdina Grocery Groceries for poor 89 0 01
Be We DB,T~ 13 Pbsds road gravel 39 25
Dockem Corn. Store Groceries for poor 8.03 Xinneapolis G -E.Company March Street lighting 446003
IT-W Bell Telephone CO Police'telephone 4.25
George Ha HerroLd Service8 Zoning Advisor 55800
Earsh eC NcLellan Premium on Spl Officer bond \Ye 5 .Oxboro 3,oo
Marsh eC MaLellan Premium on spl officer bond m Port 3.00
Eareh & NcLelfan Premium on tractor ins, balance 2.77 Security Natl Bank Premium on bond. Village Treasurer23.00 Hennepin County Poor Farm Service (&Donough xr & DB~S Eartine ,g/~&~z;/&j/ja. 271.50
Hennepin County Review Published notice 4.80
lUller-Davis Co Of fic E supplies, Park bard 3.00
Barrett Compaqy KKP Tarvia 34040 United 310 tors Servic e Service police radio 6.25 Rollin Sand Bdg Bk Co Road gravel d-elivered . 21060
Con'ciiiued page 91.
93- \ Harriet State Bank
Gi le Let.ter Sersric e
GeoP '17. Strong
H. Claire Alden
I€$ ddi rg Go tor 7s ales
D-r L eKeCam~bell
TYooddale Grocery Edina Grocery
Philpott-Bailey Co Thompson Wber Co
Premium J of P bond
25-15 page mimeographed copiea
of proposed Zo'nirg Ordinance 25000 Stamps, stenographic "semice , s*i;a?;ionary etc, Zoning Comwjssion 25*00
Correcting Village IJap lO'.OO Police car sesvice 0 75 Services Health Officer 5600 Grocer-ies for poor 7836
Trachr & Fo%ice car supplies 2.05 Coal for poor 20 0 30 LUBl%er - e69
TO tal @,364*%5
$5 * 00
The Village and Road Bills upon being found correcP; were on motion Villson, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Prescott alld carried,
ParR labor
Road labor
Road. labor Tractor operator
Road labor t
Labor with tern
Util$.'t;y man Street corm Village IJarsha11
Village Llarshall
Salary President April Salary Treasurer It Salary Recorder It
Salary Trustiee 11
Salaxy Trulj tee 1)
Grand t&l Kiscellaneous , Road and Village lf?2,552,05
J1.k Leonard 5. Rrznson apsestred as spokesman for certain resfdentq
02 Zclina, and presented a petitian signed by about 125 residents presented in protest against stores being aXLotred in the Civic Center across form school at ?Jest 50th Street and T?looddal& Avenueo Xr.Hanso-a stated %ha% rdiile be though6 %he Zoning Ordinance as
prqposed lg the Zoning Commission was a commendable ordinance, be
believed the allowing of stores acrosa from the 'public school to
be .a mistakeo Application was placed on fileo
I&.Joseph Ruafi, a resident of Xdina, appeared before the Councif at
the request of '3 Steck, IJanager of Counery Club GoLf Club, aak5ng he.be appointed a special policeman, to serve vfhollY on the grounds and propertyof said Golf Club, for tlie purpose of guardit% property and preserving order.
aypointed a special. village polic em=, seconded Prescott and cayrked,
Apglication in form for bujlding pennit by John Austin -to build a
12,x 16 garsaga costing about $200. located in center of block 822,
and. about 30 feet &st of the 1"Jes-b Line, attached to rear of'drrelling
laqated on ITaLeman Avenue, was on motion Preacott, %e granted, seconded by Villaon and carried.
Application in fom by C.D,Gulbrandson, to build a priva'ce dwelling
v1$h garage a'ctachsd on 10%. 15, ThePlen's Brookside , clas'bing about
$65000 was on motion Erescott, be granted, seconded IEIlson and
Apilication in form by Fred Sampson, to build an addition to private
dwelling located at S-31; corner West 50%h Street and KaLifax Avenue.
costinf about $8OOe 17as on motion VilLson, be granted, seconded by Prescott and carriedb
Application in Porn by &il Leersson, t.0 build'a frame diveXlirg on Lot 4, Block 23, Pairfax Addition, costing about $1600. ims on motion ViZlson, be granted, seconded Prescott and carried.
Application in form by Louis Haason, for permit to bulld k?me and
stucco dtltellirg on Lot 8, Block 6, CCD Brom Section, costing about
$20,0000 17as on motion Eresf%%$ be granted,. seconded Villaan and
1% vas moved Tillson I.@ Joseph Rush, be
Cayrieda -
.l gf;.?
After discussion.by the Council on t'ne matter of harshakla being paid short on their monthly salargt, _due to error in fig-
u??i*q Pebruav and Narcfi rates of pay whef'kin changes took place, it was moved Prescott, that check be dram in favor of Meske
for $3.75 and a check in favor of Redgath for $3.74, to adjust
salary differences and claims, seconded by Willson and carriedo
A letter from General Inspection Bureau dated April 2, 1931, and
in reply to letter by the Recorder dated Narch 14, 1931, regarb ing Fire Protection along Bance Avenue, East of the Country Club
District and South to 54th Street, wherein fire hydrants would be located within 1000 feet, was read and placed on file pending
additional data from a survey to determine rates.
A letter was read signed by CeAeBoehae, asking permission to operate a seii-private gun club on E. Rjlaxxd property, West of
Warden Acres, On motion Irrioore, 'be refered to Villson and IXcGuire for investigation and report, seconded by Prescott and carriedo
Communication 'by Recorder of the Village of St Louis Park, dated
ApriZ , 1931, replying to letter by Recorder Xoore dated- Narch
20, 1931 'wherein it was suggi&st&!d -that a police program 'be arrang- ed for the radio lequipped police cars of the two villages, was read
in which the willingness of the St Louis Pa%k Cou.nci1 to co-operate
in such matters vias set fortho The proposition being left tQ Police Cormittee of Bdina Council to work out Tilth St Louis Park Council and report back to Council at a regular meeting. *
A proposed franchise WELB handed the Council by Nr Chas To Hay,
-on behalf of The Country Club District Service Compaqy, vhich was
intended to enlarge the territory embraced in that certain ordin- ance and franchise adopted by the Bourricl of the Village of Mina,
on LTay 21, 1923, and granting unto said Country Club District Service Company the right and privilege to install, maintain and operate a sewage system for the benefit of all the property ovmers facing lqor'ch and South on West 50th Street, from Xast Village Limits at France Avenue to East limits of Country Club District, also a &- acre tract at Sunnyside Road and Grimes Avenue and. th8:40 acre
Bull tract Horth and &st of 'Nest 50th Street and V?ooddale Avenue, bn notion Xoore, '5e refered to Village Attorney, seconded by Prescott and carried,
A letter dated April
80 ft setback along South side of West 50th Street, '&sL of !;'ooddale
Ave, in PFoposed Civic Center; vms considered to great a setback,
was read. Inasmuch as the proposed plans and specifications as submitted by Architects & hhgfneers and others in behalf of lilhorpc
Eros, to the Zoning Commission, specificalQ7 stated an 80 foot set- back, %be letter on mokion l%.ll80n, be placed on file, seconded Presmtt and carriede
,1931, from Thorpe &os, stating that the
' Ninutes of the regular meeting held on Narch 9th, were read. and on motion lXllson be approved as read, seconded Prescott and carriedo
€To further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried. at 12*50 ANo
Receipts sinceA1ast meeting a
Plumbing permit, A, Jobson, 4522 hexel Avenue
FamAly Welfare Assn, Board Xrs A. -?Jartine 9/1/38-2/28/32,
I' -
K6ailding permis C eMeHansen, 4682 Edinn 84625 Drexel Ave 4.00
/kilding permit Louis Hansen, 4514 Noorland 2.00 /€bil.ding permit, C eDeGilbrandson, dtvelliiag 2,oo
YBuilding permit, John Austin, garrage 2,oo LEhilding permit, Bnli Zeersen, &%?lling 2.00
r/fEiuifdfng permit, Fred. Sampsan, addition 2*00
Gigar'ette Tax, State Treasurer, 61.20 Justice of Peace, W.HoGilkey 2.00
Justice of Peace, WeH.Gi21cey 12.25
To tal $ 185.20