HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310427_REGULARXinutss of the regula meeting of the Council of the Village of Xdina, held on &ria 27 1931, in Grange Ha11 at 8 PEL , The meeting Gas called to order by President HcGuire and all members of the'Council were found to be present except Trustee Prescotto Xr Komers, appeared before the CounciL with the request 'that a road cnlvert be pl3,Ced ~?CSOBS \:'esP; 6ad. Street, betveen Komers and Olson properties, which was refered to Road &. Bridge Committee to take care of. ET BoFaQarvey, appeared beforq the Council and stated the shoulders - along Test 62nd Street,' mere both narrofp and soft near the Korners and PJcXair properties, and requested same be placed in a safe con- attentione ., I , ciition, This was duly refered to Road and Bridge Committee for Er S,XeDay, requested that a building permit be 'granted him for construction of a small frame dwelling in Pairfax Addition which he would make special efforts to finish on outside as quickly as p oss ible e for his rec omendstion. After discussion matter was left to local Trustee Nr CeT,.HaJp, On behalf Of oPM~X'S Of 38 lots on &?den Avenue, Who had previously petitioned the Council for the installation of a sanitary sever, requested that said improvement be done this sum- mer and that costs be assessed against the benefited property, . After discussion President appointed Trustee Reirnann and Recorder Eo~re, a committee to investigate and report back Lo the Council* The matter of enlarging the territory embraced in a franchise to %be Country Club District Service Company, to install, maintain and operate a serverage system, came to the attention of the Council throum a communication fron Village Attorney I;;r Strong, to whom the matter was refered at last Council meeting* The report of Village Attorney stated that he believed the proposed franchise to be in proper form to accoaplish the purpose designed for it and suggested that this proposed ordinanc,e should provide, as in cases sihere municipalities grant franchises tu public service cor- porations, vhat should be charged for both the privilege of con- necting with the severage system and tNe service charges, if any. Aft& discussion by the Council, it was moved Reirnann, that matter be refered back to Countzy Club District Service Company, for a . suggested definate scale of connection md service charges to be made under the ordinance, motion seconded by Boore and carried. Recorder to advise the Service Cfornpaqy, Er Bachman, appeared before the CounciL *and requested that Xerxea Avenue in Mina, be graded from 54th to about 60th Street, as the same vas in bad shape. Committee for attentione &klteer duly refered to lioad and Briclge The Surety Company bond of Globe Tndemnityw Company, Wen York, l;fy in behalf of Joseph Ha Rwh, as Special Police Officer was offered for Council agproval and on motion Reimam, be approved and the sureties therein contained, seconded Villaon and carried, (. Upon exaxination of the time book, it was moved Willson that advances be made the Road 'crew and Earshalls as follows- Joy $60.00 Ro'k>erts $60s00, Tracy $90~00, StalmaYr $30000, Vebber $5O90O, Remple $30eOOs E,Jo'%LnsQn $3Oo0O, John Lund #3OeO0, Snave3.y $2Oe00 Redpath $SSeO0, Uieske $65.00, seconded Eehann and carriede 'A letter from Village Attorney I& Strong, dated April 13, 3931, ,Bu&esti;d that Village Trustees act as fence vievers , on accounti of complaint by a IIrs Houston, of cattle the pr0pert.J of a Xir Gib-.. bish, running at large over her property' in the Norzandaxe Addition Application in form 'for building permit by Anton DuuS, for private - dr.relling e4522 Drexel Avenue, was on motion Reimann, be granted .second.ed TIiIlson and carried. si *t. Application in for for buildi-ng pernit by JelLDay, for privab dwelling to be built on 10% 17 'block 15 Normandale, was on motion Villson, be granted, msonded Reimann and carriedB Application in fom.fsr building permit by IdLLPfaff, to be btlilt on lot 2, block 16, Peacedale, was on motion Willson be granted, seconded Reimann, and carried. . Uimtes of the regular lileeting held on April 3.3, 1931, were read and on motion Reimann, be hpproved as read, seconded Willson, and carried. I Trustee \Rillson reported on condition of Pollee car and. "chat? .%t sas in rather poor shapea** + After discussion by the Council it waa thought best to to advertise for bids on a new citr to re- place present car, %hereupon it was moved Reimann, that bids be-asked on a new Police car of Ford type to replace po3.ice car now in use and that public advektisement be pbced accordingly c arried* ' in Official Village Publication, motion secondsd Villson and Ho further business to come before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 11 PMe Village Recordero. \ I