HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310511_REGULART.%,iiutes of the regular meeting of the
Council uf the Village of E’dins, held on EZay 1$, 1931, in Grange Hall st 8 PL
The Ytleeting t~as called ‘to order try President EcGuire and the roll on being called found all members of the Council present,
Kiss Euston appeared. before tke Council vfith a complaint %hat the cattle and horses belonging to one 23 Gibbish, vere running at. large
and espeef&3.l.y over her lwm and daing damage to the grass and shrub-
zys t;.i?iGh nilatter vas refered Lo the PoLicr: Committee,
3.3 S,T7.Bbson.nas prescn% and tendered CbuncSJ 3 revlSssd plat of . Boney View Acres, containing certain chenges vith respect to streek
as recommded by Alexander & Bradley, Village Ihgineers, togather
vith a, topogsspkzical xap showing presant and proposud &racks for all streets in said. development. After exa;nlinz-tion and 6iscussion the Council ar,d %he fact but slight grading would ’be required far streets,
Tcustee Feinrann offered the follo~ing resoluthn, .
- -
17HWEAS * a satisfactory plat hming been tentatively Siled
%y S,T7.&bssn sith the Council of the Village of Edina, she++
ing lacatlon of all streels and lots or plots in the proposed Eaney View acre^ development , togather t7ith a’ topographical‘
ma9 of all streets irr said development, and that upon d-ue examination ’cy said Village Council% and the favorable recom- rnemj-ation by V531age Engineers I s&%d plat appears reasonable and righto
THERIZYXUZ LIE; IT RZSOLVJD, by the Council of the Villege of Edina
tl?a% plat of Eoner View Acres 2,s sutmitted ‘by SoV.%%ssn, be
approved subject to verification ky Village Attorney*
Trustee Eeimsnn moved the adoption of the Resolution, seconded
by Srescott, carried and BO ordereda
-.-.? Bids were opened for one Police car as authorized at rezular meet-
ing held on April 27, 19Z3.* as \du@ abvert$sr;d in official paper
and found to be suhitted from the fims of Dahlberg Bros, Hopkins Xfnnesota, Bert Eabsrlrn , I%nneapo3.irJ., Ey”innesota, and Edina Garaget
Edinn, L7innesotae After consideration and discussion ‘ay the bouncil and representives OS all the above concern8 it vas ncr~red Feimmn, that as but one Bid was accompanied by a certified check, %hat all bids be rejected and $ha5 new ’bitis ’b&,zdvertised for to be opened a% next regular nieeting of the Council to be held on E:ay
25, 1931, motion vas seconded by PlrescotZ; and carrieds
Applfc~~ti~n in fom by Ewd I?. Tucker, for buildiq pcrrnlt for a one room add.ition to present build.lrg at 4623 Browndale Avenue,
ms on mtion Xeinann, be granted, seconded. TTi31son and carriedo
Application in form by L.FoS!.reeney, for building permit to erect
a private @%rage on property I block &st 17 55th Street 8: Park P%,
on motion t?ilZson ’be granted\ seconded Reimann and carried,
Application by liinneapolis Suburbw Gas ‘Company
to lay EL 2” gas mail in and along Se%h Aveiiue, a distance of 366 fte
betveeicr Grove Place and Little Str:eeB, vas on motion Presco%L
be granted, seconcled by f7illssn and carried.
A comnuunieatim fron %T.I Hosp, Trustee of Village of Hopkins, dated LZay 4, 1931, 2nd in rep3y to letter from Recorder Koore dated.
Earch SO, 1931, vms read. in which co-operation of Village of Eopkins
as offered in Police matter$ and refered to PoMce Couu,~r.iLlee to arrarge and refer back to Council.
for permission
A cormuniczlion dated Xay 5, 1831, by Executive Secre.ta.y of I,’fnn-
esy~olin Society for he Blind, vas read in behalf of gm,nting one
C1ztyton %ley a gemit to sell firetmrks a% 5113 France A=ireriuee
rfter discussion it 27as moved Reimann, application be grml;ed,
seconded by Villson and carried.
ZIT (2 .T.Hay, advised OS the agpxrent un-neceseqy
whistles of late installed on street CBTS operated by :9lnneapolis
& St Paul SuburZran Pailsoad Company, which ~m.8 a nv.Lsance to res-
id-ents s.:i”kriri a mfU of car tracts. Mter discussion it 17a9 moved
Eoore. be refered to Pillage Attorney, seconded Prescott and. carried
Loud and piercing
A petition tlfas reeeiTred signed by 57 voters of the Village of \ 96 %dins, protesting against any stores being allowed in %he Civic Center area as outlined in proposed Zoning Ordinance, which on motion Prescott, be accepted for consideration, seconded Reimsnn ' and carried*
Trustee T@i.llijon presented the matter- of a barn being built along Vest 70th Street, on Lot 1 Section 9 1l:aqy Glsason property, in which. no build-ing permit had.. been issured, After discussion. it vms moved Reimann, that unless necessary pernit and. other restrict ions of Terflpsrcxg Zoning Qrdfnance were complied with a% once,
that rktter 'be refered to Village Attorney with instructions to
obtain a restraining order rr.0tiicar-i seconded Prescott and carried,
The miscellaneous Bills upon being found correct, were on motion PrescsL'C , be allowed and ordered. paid,, seconded Eeima,nn and cnrrio d
They are as follows
E .ttle€Iarric , Gas & Qif for trac-bor and
Police car $70 Lt 42
Edina Grocery Groceries for poar 56095
J~D.Adaria Coapany Road PLOW & part8 63082
1330s Fyan Road gravel 4025
Xfnneapolis G eEBC~e April street lighting 433082
TsFfl Hasec Road gravel 17 e 00
To oddale Grocery Gas Tor tractor 4,58
ELY? Bell Telephone Cs llarshallt s telephone 4*88
Ee T *Abbe t.L; Fees for recording dseda 30 00
& Smith Ins. premium bdgso & machinery 280 54
2: Smith Ins. premium officerts bond 3.00
Eelmepin County Revietlt Published notices VendelZs, 3nc SpIe Officer's badge (Push) 3.50
Country Clu?~ Garrage Oil ,repaire ,stcorwge police car 3.4% 35 BdSLna Hardwar e SupplieEI 20 75
%'d.ina Garage Chaise for tar heater . 37860
HeDeWugger CO Addo premiun ?Jorkmanfs Corn poLo 6Q047
Blackburn ,Bickefs
Elackbuxn ,KickeLs
5 .E*Hennessy Ca Sewer pipe 15e 08
39 00
Total TLiscS. 8 891e73
HeVoJohna6n Culvert CO ROE^^ culvert (24") I7 0 F .GE?%VGJT Ro ad. 8 uppl i 8s
C A 0 Li izd qui 9 t B1 acksmi thf ng
The Village and Road Bills upon being found. eor~ect were on motion :Yillson, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Prescott and carried
They are as follows
Street C omriiis s i oner Apr-Xay $1 25 0 00 Ut iliSy man AFr-Xay 125 e 00
Labor with tern 3513, e40
Road labor 79 * 20 Tractor operator 122.50
Road labor 79020
Road- labor 25 0 20
Road labor 58 * 50 Road labor 33030
Village 9,tarsEzall. Apr-1k.y 135e00
3% es i den% 35000
25 * 00
Trtns te e 25e00 Trustee 25800
Trustee 25aOO
Park labor 640 50
Village Marshall A.pr-1L~
Treasurer Recorder 75.00
Total Village 8; Road #I ,340 080
Continued page $97,
Unutes of the regular meeting held on April 27, 1931. vere read and on motion Reirnann, be approved 2s read, second-ed Tillson and carried.
IT0 further buatness to come before this xeetirg motion
to adjourn carried 11.45 FU
Village Recorder
Feceipts by Recorder since April 3.3, 1933.
znd turned over to Village Treasurer were
Bdg permit Lot 2, B1k IG Peacedale
it It Lot 17, If 15 Fairfa;:
It II 4522 Drexel hve
Justice of the Peace Larine, Paynent loss 2y23/310 und-er policey #2570906 (Tar wagon)
Bdgo perniif 8-55A& & Park P1
It It 4623 ljrovmdale
‘FreeviJ.3. donation to Park Poard- to
be used as Park Eowd sees fit (ITot derived from tax levy) To tal
680 o 00
. I-