HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310608_REGULARMfnutea of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on &.ne 8th, 1931 in Grange Ha11 at 8 P. Bd.
The meeting was called to order by President McGuire and a21 members of the Council vere found to be present,
&fro Frank Rouskrs appeared before the Council with a Highway Easement properly signed by himself and wife giving title to a 60' strip of
land connecting the Gleason Road with Highway #5 and described a8 the eaat- 60: of the east 219' of the northwest Q of the southeast f of section 31,tonnahip 117,range 21 west right betveen the south right of vay line af highway #5 and county road 82 in said section 31, township 117,nosth of range 121 west ,
The consideration being the sum of $40.00 to be paid by the Village
OfT Edina to said Frank Roushar and w3fe. Rhere upon it was moved by Eeoore that the sum of $40.00 be paid Frank Rouahar and wife for high-
way assumed a8 described above. Pdotion seconded by Prescott, oarrie8.
The miscellaneous bills upon being found correct whereon motion, Reirnann moved be allorwd and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and
carried,. They are as follows:
N. W. Bell Telephone Co. Marshall telephone $ 4.35
1. H. Ziegler 00. DA tractor lubricant 18.00
Country Club Garage st orage 19.30
Edina Hardwuare Road supplies 5 -90
Kennepin County Review pub1 icat ion Zoning
Thonrpson Lbr. Co.
Police car seryice &
Pub1 ished not ices and
Cedar posts for road Or d inane e 72 e00
guards 2 .00
3. E, Hennesay Co. n nn n ll 9.90
Lyle Signs Road danger 8 igns 21.00 '
Fdm. Masek Road gravel 2 .GO
U. S. Rubber 00. Water Hose 12.38
Norten Arneson Parkway trees 36.40 I Barrett Co. HP Tarvia 53.63
H, 8. Culvert Co. Road Culvert 113 . 22
as. Claus Johnson Road gravel 4.50
E. V. Harris Gas & Oil for tractor
& police car 63.79
Edfna Grocery Groceries for poor 31 31
Edina Garage Inc. New police car - Bal, 410.32.
Greggs Pharmacy Prescript ions for poor 1.5'7 A. Kelly Groceries for poor 11.72
Frank & Julia Roushar HXghway: Easement #5
& Gleason Road 40.00 TOTAL MISCELLANEOUS $1385.52
Road and Village bill$ upon being found correct %here won motion, Prescott moved be alloffed and ordered paid, seconded by Willsa,
carried. They are as follows:
Landers, Morrison, Christenson Road surf ace gravel 8.50
G. A. Lindquist Blacksmith ing 1 .oo General Tractor & Eq. 00.- Swap er repairs 11 -12
Ninneapolis G. E, Go. May Street 1ightir11 431.62
I?. A. Redpath Village Marshall, May,135.00 June
Roscoe E, Mieske Village Harshall , Hay, June 155.00
I?* s. Joy Street Corn. Nay, June125.00
S. 3. Robert6 Utility man, May,June 125.00
L, Stalzman Road labor 78.75 John Tracy Labor with, team 157oeiO
.A. Webber Tractor operator 128 010
Ben Reqle Road labor 49.95
3 , E. Snavely Park labor 77.m
Ben B. Moore SaLary Recorder 75.00
Geo. A. Willson , Salary Trustee 25.00
C, F. Prescott Salary Trustee 25.00
J, H, Damschm Park labor 14.40
D. F. McGuire Salary Pres Sent 35.00
J, J. Duggan Salary Treasurer 25.00
. 5. E. Reiluann Salary Trustee 25,OQ
App1 icat ion in form for building permit b, Mrs . Kennedy on the
south 30 acres of N. 45 acres, w-$ of ~~w.1 on motion PreRcott, be granted, seconded by Willson and carrigd.
Application of L. L. Rose for permission to 'sei1 fire works at 55th Street and Xerxes Avenue was on motion Reimann bo granted, seconded by Prescott, carried.
Application by Hilda Nystrom for application to sell fire works at 47th Street and France Avenue was on .motion Reimann, be grded,
seconded by Willson and carried.
A:-(Jomrmnication -was read from form George W. Strong, Village Attorney with reference to the Councils of the Villages Of St.
,Louis Park, Morningside, and Edina joining in protest to the loud
and indiscriminating blowing of whistles on the Minnetonka cars.
Where upon it was moved Moore, .that the president be empovtered to sign such a protest on behalf of the Village Council of Edina, seconded by Willson, carried.
It was found tha% the matter of repealing the ternpomry zonbg ordinance had been over looked at the regular weting3 frbfd-on
May 26th. mhereaa Council of the Village of Edina at a regular meeting
held on May 25Gh, 1931 did adQpt and pass a corgrehensive mning
ordinance for the Village of Edina and whereas a temporary zoning ordinance has been in effect since May 14th, 1929. Therefore, be it resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina that the tem-
porary zoning ordinance in effect previous to the adoption of the
permanent zoning ordinance on May 25th, 1931 and die" published in the Hennepin County Review on gay 28th, 1931 by am the same hereby
repealed,--motion was seconded by Reimann and carried unanimously,
The mdnWag 05 the meeting held on May 25th, 1931 were read and on motion of Prescott be approved as read, seconded by Willam and
No further business came beofre the Council.
seconded, carried at 11:30 P. M.
Where upon Moore offered the following resolution.
Motion the adjouurning,
' Village Recordez!
Receipts since last meeting by Recorder and turned, mer to Treasurer were as follows:
b I. W. Cwrflaings Building Permit $2.00
A. 17. J2hnson Bu5lding Perirnit 2.00 w. Sryup Building Permit 2.00
?-io sryup Bui 1 d-i n g P E ~lil i t 2,. 00 F. S. Ilansen Building Permit 2.00 B. A. Goetge Building Permit 2.00 L. E. Hason 3uilGiDg Perfiiit 2.00 P. FIed31oom Building Permit 2.80 A. Du.oos duilding Permit 2.08
14Y's. Kbnedy . Building Pertilit 1.00 7. Y. Gieky Justic of Peace 1.00 . +
' A, --ibb..sm---- PI unb&r+-pezmi% - -_ 5 =--AS;? .~-c-xe-~- F. Xelson Pluabincr Permit 5.75 45lF Tdina F. Nelson Plumbing Permit 5.50 4517 Zdina. F. Nelson Plumbing Perrait 5.-25- 4602 Edina
TOTAL $42.25