HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310713_REGULARMinutes of the regular meeting of the 116 Council of the Village of Edina, held on July 13, 1931, in Grange Hall at 8 PM. The meeting was called to order by President McGuire and the roll on being called found all members of. the Council present. Mr D. W. Wallace-, appeared before the Council and presented a petition signed by more than 25 residents petitioning the Council to enact an ordinance to prohibit the sale of fireworks in the Village of Edina, for reason fireworks3 stands were a nuisance and a detriment to the best interests of the citizens of our village. After discussion of the subject Recorder Moore offered the follow- ing Fireworks Ordinance and moved its adoption. AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING THE SALE AND RIGULATING THE DISCHARGE OF FIREWORKS AND PROVIDING A PERALTY FOR vroim ON wmioi . The Village Council of Sdina do ordain as follows: Section 1. Definatiob., The term 1Pfireworks?" as applied to explosives. the sale of which is prohibited within, this village, -shall include toy pistols, toy guns, toy cannons, detonating canes, blank cartridges, firecrackers of any size and kind, and any sub - stance of an explosive nature and devices for discharging the sane; -provided, this ordinance shall not apply to amuniti,on and fire- arms or to dynamite and devices for exploding the same. Section 2. Sale Prohibited. All Sale, possession, or dis- play for sale of fireworks within the Village of Edina is hereby entirely prohibitede Section 3. Discharge Regulated and Prohibited. It shall be unlayful for any person to set off or discharge any fireworks within this village at arq time except between the hours of-six (6) Ala. and midnight of July 4th, except when such day .£alls� on Sunday; then upon the following day; provided, that then no fire- works shall- be discharged so as to injure or threaten the safety of arny • person or property;-provided also, that pyrotechnical ,displays may be authorized by resolution of the council,- vrhen ,under the control of a competent person or persons and the council -is satisfied that proper precautions will be taken to protect life and property. Section 4. Repeal. Ordinance No. 8. entitled "An Ordinance Prohibiting the Use or Sale of Certain Fireworks and Providing Penalties for he Violation Thereof', and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances inconcistent herewith are hereby repealed.. Section 5. Penalty. Axq person, firm or corporation • , violating any of the provisions of this ordinance shall be guilty -of a misdemeanor, and:-.upon-.donvi.ctionthereof shall be punished. by 4 fide of not lees than ojie dollar nor more than one - hundred ,dollars besides the costs of suit, and in default of such payment shall be comitted to the county Jail until payment is made, not to exceed ninety (90) days in any ease. Section 6. Effect4 This ordinance oha.11 take effect and be in force from and after its passage and publication according to la's't. The above fireworks ordinance was duly read before the Counoil and the motion to adopt was seconded by TTurtee Raimann. The vote ,vms upon the adoption of the resolution wherein there were five �(5) ayes and no (0) nays and so ordered duly adopted* .A number of citizens living on West 44th Street' Thielen Avenue, - Coolidge Avenue, Brookside and other streets, appeared before the. Council praying for relief from the dust arising from West 44th. 'Street and Brookside Avenue, as the same are much traveled and ` interconnectir;g thorough a fares and asking that these streets ,be be oiled at village expenoe.as they border on street car and railroad " right-of-ways. After discussion IV the Council and residents, 'it was moved Moore That' hest 44th Street from Glen Place to' - Brookside Avenue and Mackey Avenue from West 44th Street to North 117 Village, limits, be oiled vrith a 70 to 80% asphaltic road oil to be applied hot and to cost the village not to exceed 6¢ per gallon applied, motion seconded by Willson. and carried+ It was then moved Reimann, that Brookside Avenue be oiled from North village limits South to Highvray #5, with a 70 to 80% asphaltic road o oil to be applied hot and to cost the village not to exceed 6X per gallon applied and that Recorder be empowered to have the work of both jobs done at. the same time, motion seconded by Prescott and carried. 'fihe miscellaneous, bills upon being found correct were on motion by Reimann be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried They are as follows- Philpott•Bai.ley Co L.A.MzClel.lan Lii. nneapolis G . E.Co Ryser Electric Co Country Clu Garrage Tooddale Grocery Village St Louis Park Hennepin County Review Edina Hardware t7. Y. Cooper & Sons League Minn. Y.unicipal.i.ties Hiller -Davis Company Interlacken Green House Dr L4,YwCampbell Dr F.J.Kuceria J.E.Hennessy Company _ X-Y! Bell Telephone, Co Kennedy Bros Co Johnson Undertaking Co Miller .-Davie Compare Justice Lumber Company C oA.Lindqu.i6st Thompson Lumber Co Jean Witman Fdina Grocery E.17.Harri s Hinnehaha.Grange #398 M., Newberg Ben B. Moore D.F.M%Guire J.J.I3aggen D.F #McGuire George A* Willson Ben B. More Ben Be Moore Wood for poor 011.00 Refund o:p ffrewarks 1�s+ence 5.00 June Street Lighting 434.37 Police report box 6.70 Service & storage police car 16934 Groceries for poor 3.28 Fire service (Philpott- Bailey) 3000 Published notice and printing Ben Kemple of Zoning Ord. booklets 42.90 Hardware supplies 3.32 Flowers for Parks, 48.65 Membership dues 25.00 Justice Docket 7.00 Flowers for Parks 21.50 Services Health Officer 30.00 Professional services (Roushar) 2000 Cedar Posts (17 50th St) 9.10 Marshall telephone 4.25 Police gun cover 2.00 Ambulance ,- H Van Atta to Uni.v.Hosp.7.00 Office supplies Park Bd & Village 31.75 Coal for poor 12* 75 Iron frame & Welding 15.50 Lumber & Cement 7.10 Stenographic work (Ordinances) 14055 Groceries for poor 33.92 Gas & Oil for police car & tractor67.90 Half year rent to 7%1/31 & spis 58.00 Hall' year rent to 7/1/31. 37.50 3 days Bd of Review 15.00 3 days Ed of Review r 15.00 ERpenoes St Cloud Convention 12.50 Fitpenses St Cloud Convention 12a50 Empenses St Cloud Convention 13.25 Expenses St Cloud Convention 12 *25 Refund for recording fee advanced ( Roushar & wife Highway easement) .85 Total. MiselA I $ 1,060.94 The Village and Road bills upon being found correct were on motion ,7illson be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried, They are as follow P. A. Redpath -Marshall June -July 0135.00 R. E. Mi.eeke it t° n 135 940 J.H.Demschem Road. labor 42.30 J.H.Snavely Park labor 113.40 r John Lund Road labor 51 :00 Ben Kemple Road Labor 630,90 A. Webber Tractor, operator 135.10 L. Stal2man Road labor 102.15 J. Tracy Road labor with team 201.60 S.J.Roberts Utility marl June -July � 125.06 W.S.Joy Street COMM. L June_July' 125.00 Geo, A. Willson Trustee Salary July 25000 C.F.Preseott Trustee Salary July 25.00 Continued on page 118* 1 J. E. Reimann -Ben B. Moore J. J. Duggan D.F &XcGuire Trustee Salary July Recorder salary July Treasurer }salary July Presi,,dent salaxy July Total Road & Village 25.00 75.00 25.00 25 *00 '� fl, 8 A letter from C *W.Chance, dated June 16th, 1931, re- grading Halifax between West 50th and Test 52nd. streets, was read and refered to Road and Bridge Committee, to investigate and report to Council A letter on behalf of the congregation of St Peter's church, France Avenue and Vest 54th Street, asking that Fuller Street from France Ave. to Drew Avenue, be graded, was refered 'to Road and Bridge Committee to investigate and report to Council* Mr E. Sword, appeared before the Council .and asked that West 49th. St. be oiled Test of France Avenue* Inasmuch as there seemed-to be-some doubt as th the extent all of West 49`h street was a legal street, matter was left for Recorder to investigate* A bill from the United Motor Service Company in amount 020.70 for police car radio service for May and June, being satisfactorily explained by a letter signed by Rr George Mall., Manager, was on motion Reimann, be allowed and ordered paid, sconded by Willson and carried* Application of Minneapolis G.E.Cempany, , for permission to set one pole can Waterman Avenue near Main Street and one pole in alley. North of Waterman Avenue and East of Mail Street, was on motion. Prescott, be granted, seconded Reimann and carried* Mr L.A.McClell.an, 3501 Test 54th Street, addressed the Council by let - ter dated July 6th, 1931, asking refund of all or part of $10 *00 lic. ense fee paid for fireworks license for real -on of his stand burning on June 30th* After discussion it was moved Reimann that the sum of 05.00 be refunded D.A.McClelien , -by" mason of loss by fire of stock of fireworks and stand on June 30th. and the fact he sold no fire. works thereafter, seconded Prescott and carried'. A commnioati.on dated June 24, 1931, by George W. Strong, Village Attor- ney, regarding sidewalk. and curb in front of Gregg, Erickson and Hartzel propert of France Avenue-116 th of West 50th Street, stating that inas- much as said sidewalk, curb and gutter were laid without a permit. being granted or a grade established by the Village of Edina, that said part - iea are unlawfully 9ccupyi.rg a public street and may be properly order- ed to remove the obstruction from the street. After discussion by the Council it was moored Prescott that Recorder advise Village Attorney Mr Strong, to take necessary steps to have any sidewalk, curb or gutter extending out in street in front of lots 22- 23-24-25 -26 and 27, in Auditor's Sub. #172, removedg motion seconded by Willson and carried. The matter of sidewalks to be ordered in this year next 'came before the Council, whereupon Moore offered the follo %7irg'resolution and moved its adoption. Whereas, sidewalks are both necessary and .expedient in and along the following public streets in the* Village of Edina, and in front of the following described property. South side Vest 49th Street lot 20 Auditors Sub* jW2. West and South sides that part lot 12 of Auditor's Sub. #172 lying North of SunWside Road and East of Grimes Avenue 8 in the Vi ll.-Lg a of Edina* North side of Motor Street lots 10 and 11, Thi6lens Brook side Addition* North side of Motor street lots 7 and .S Auditor's Sub. X176. _ On being seconded by Prescott, the vote was upon the adoption of the resolution wherein there - were five (5)-ayes and no (0) nays and so ordered. Recorder Yoore, made knovm to the Council several requests he hid received for a street sign to be installed at West 62nd, Sheet and the 77illoon Road. Thereupon it was moved Prescott that Recorder be empowered to purchase proper street sign _to indicate Wast 62nd Street and Nilson Road, to be installed by village workmen, seconded by Reimann and carried* After `discussion by the Council and others of the proposition to install sanitary sewer for lots on Arden Avenue J h ,the Country Club District, now Without Ganita37 eevrer, Trustee Reimann offered the following ordinance Arid moved its adoption. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLIMENT, CON'STRUCT- I`ON AND ItAINTAINEN'CE OF A LATERAL SEM IN THE VILLAGE OF EDIHA. The Council of the Village of 'Fd.ina do ordain as foll.ovu VSEREAS, there has been filed with the Council a petition signed by a majority of the property owners in the district involved, aeking for the establishment of a lateral sewer district and the construction of m connecting sewer serving their property. AND WHEREAsS, it appears in the interest of public health and welfare that such serer district be established. AND WHEREAS, the cost of constructing such serer system mGV be assessed against the benefited property and paid for out of special funds to be obtained by special assessment against the benefited property. N017 THEREFORE, be it res3ol ve& that there hereby be established Lateral. Suer District Number One of the Village of Edina, which District shall embrace all `that portion of the Village of Edina cosmprisi,ng spec,ificelly lots numbered 15 in Block 2 FairvW section. CCD, Dots numbered 11.12 -!Z-14 & 15 in Block 3 Fairway section CCD, Lots 1-2420-4-5-6-7-8 & 9 in Black' ll. Fairvmy Section CCD,, lots in Block 10, in Fairvray Section CCD. , ` There shall be employed to prepate plans and specifications for the construction of lateral severe to' serge said property an engineer who will submit his plans and specifications- , togather with an estimate of cost of said lateral severs, for necessary approval* The cost of said sever construction project shall be paid for by special assessment against the property herein specified and the Council is hereby authorized to issue warrants in anticipation of. the collection of such special assees ments to be knorin as "Sevier Tarrant'," the ' principal on. which and the interest on which shall be paid out of monies in the sapebial fund' hereby created to be known as "Func? of Lateral Seger District, Number One" of the Village of Edina. The resolution *as seconded by Moore and the vote bein upon the adoption of the resolution, wherein there' vrere five eyes and no nays and so orderede After the adoption of Ordinance etablishing Lateral Sewer District Number One,. Trustee Reimann, offered the fellowin, Resolution and novod its §adoption* AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE ESTABLISHIRG, CONSTRUCTION AND IiAINTAININCE OF A LATERAL SEM, •IN THE VILW5B OF JUDiNA's The Council of the Village of Edina do ordain as folloi7a MIREAS, there has been filed with the Council a petition signed by a majority of the property ownera in the district involved, . asking for the establishment of a lateral saewerl district and the construction of a connecting sewer serving their property. AND WHEREAS9 it appears in the interest of public health and welfare that such surer district be established. µ AND WHEREAS, the cost of constructing such sewer system may be assessed against the benefited property= and paid for out of spec- ial funds to be obtained by special assessment against the benef- ited property. IMW THEWORE, be it resolved that there hereby be established Lateral Seger District Number Two of the Village of Edina which District shall embrace all that portion of the Village of Edina - comprisixg specifically lots numbered 25-26-27-28 & 29 in Bloch ll, Fairway Section CCD, .Lots 6.7 -8..3 & 10 in Bloch 12, Fairway Section CCD. There shall be employed to prepare plane and specifications for the construction of lateral sewers to serve said property an engineer Who will submit his plans and specifications, togather with an etimate of cost of said lateral sewers, for necessary approval. The cost of said sewer construction project shall be paid kor by z l special assessment against the property herein specified and the Council is hereby authorised to issue warrants in, anticipation of the collection of such special assessments to be known as "Seder Warrants" the principal on which and the interest on which shall be paid out of monies in the special fund hereby created to be known as "Fund of Lateral, Sewer District Number Two" of the Village of Edina. The resolution was seconded by Moore and the vote being upon the adoption of the resolution, wherein there were five ayes and no nays and so ordered. In connection with the proposition to employ a competent engineer to prepare plane and specifications. estimate costs etc: it was moved Moore that Albert Graber, , 2€)1 Pheonix Building, Minneapolic , be employed as engineer to prepare plans, specifications, estimate o!f coots and obtain necessary approval of State Dept.,of Health, for sanitary sewers to be-built and constructed under Council resolution establishing Lateral, Seger Districts Number One and Number Two in the Village of Edina, motion seconded by Reizaann and carried. Application in fom for building permit to erect a private dwell- . ing on Lot 9, Bloch 7, Brown Section CCD, by Carl M. Hansen, was on motion Reimann, be granted, seconded Willson and carried* Application in form for building permit to erect a private dwell- ing ng at 4600 FAina Blvd. , by B.A.Goetze , was on motion Reimann, b'e granted., seconded Prescott and carried* Application iii fora for building permit for to erect a private dwelling at 4378 Mackey Ave.,. by C .P.Peaek , was on motion leimann be granted, seconded Prescott and carried. Application in form for building permit for to erect a private dwelling at 4601 Edina Blvd. , .by H.N.Leighton, was on motion 'Reimann, be granted, seconded Moore and carried. Application in form for building permit to erect a garage building on rear of lot 38, Block 2, South Harriet Park Addition, by`'W*C.puck motion Willson, be granted, seconded Reimann and carried* Application in form for building permit to erect a 10 "x 24$x 81 shed on Young Fuel Company i s property at M.N.& 8 Ry and Eden Prairie. Road, by Young Fuel ComparW , was on motion Willson be granted, seconded Reimann, and carried. Discussion by Council on subject of placing Village Health Officer on monthly salary basis, in lieu of fee basis as heretofore, dev. eloped to be ## advisable, whereupon it was moved Bexnann, that Dr Lowell M. Campbell-, present Health Officer, be placed on monthly salary basis of $25.00 per month beginirg as of August 1, 19319 and for balance of 1931, seconded by Prescott and carried. 121 The minutes of the regular Council meeting held on June8, 1931, were-read and on motion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded Mi llson and carried° The minutes of the regular Council meeting held on June 22g 19311 were read and on motion Villson, be approved as ,reado seconded, Prescott and carriede The minutes of the special Courxil meeting held on July 2, 1931, were read and on motion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded Willson and carriedo No further business to ~come before-this meeting, motion. to adjourn carried at 1,30 Arlo Village Recorder° Receipts by Recorder since meeting on June 8th, 1931, and turned over to Village Treasurer on July 13, 1931, were as follovm. 7.H.Gilkey Justice of Peace 12.50 C.R.Vinson Building permit 1000 E.J.Forester 1.00 Ruth- Payne Firerorks License 100,00 Ralph. J. Johnson If " 100,00 Fred Sampson If " 10000 H.77.Meagher " " 10000 L.L.Rose 10.00 C.F.Moore Jr " " 10.00 Lee Miller " " 10000 Fr aru G. Gleeson " " 10.00 L.A -MCCle eland If " 1 6.00 C. de Si Hubert et of 10800 Hilda. Nystrom " " 10000 Carlson Bros Plumbing permita4608 Drexel 6.00 Carlson Brost n t3 4525 .Arden 6.00 A.B-.Johnson " r' 4517 Drexel 5o0t3 Total s 131.50 C (j r' i l� �y 1% Y C�