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the-adap%%on of .the ordinanrice
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WHEREAS, certain electric cars op- erated through the Village of Edina in the County of Hennepin and State of Minnesota by the Minneapolis Subur-
An Ordinance Limiting the Speed of Ekctric Cars Over Highways and Street Crossings Through the Vii-
lage of Edina, and Providing a Pen- alty for the Violation Thereof: The-VilIage Coupcil of the V+lage
__.. - do ordain as follows: WHEREAS, there has been filed I with the Council a petition signed by a majority of the property owners in the &strict urvolved, asking for the establishment of a lateral sewer dis- hick and the construction of. a con- I -__I necting sewer serhg their property.
AND WHEREAS. it amears in the ---.- interest of public healtfi -and welfare that such a sewer district be establish- 1 ed. AND WHEREAS, the cost of con-1 structing such sewer system may be assessed against the benefited proper- I ty and paid for out of special funds io be obtained by special assessment igainst the benefited property. NO WTHEREFORE, be it resolved that there hereby be estabhshed Lat- we1 Sewer Distrid’ which district shall Village of Edba which district shall embrace all that portion ‘of the VU- 1 lage of Edina comprising specifically6 Iots numbered 11-12-13-14 B 15 h/ Block two, Fairway Section, Country Club District, Lots numbered 11-12-13- €4 B 15 in Block three, .Fairway Sec- ;ion, Country Club iDstrict, Lots 1-2- 3-4-5-6-7-8 & 9 in Block eleven,. Fek- why Section, Country Club DLstrxct, Lots 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8 & 9 in .Block ten,, mirway Section, Country Club OB-; Mct. There shall be employed to prepare: plans and specifications for the con-[ struction of lateral sewers to serve said property an engineer who will1 submit his plans and specifications, to- ’ gether with an estlmate of costs Of said lateral sewers, for necessary ap- proval. The cost of said sewer construction’ project shall be paid for by special as- sessment against the property herein specified and the Council is hereby authorized to issue warrants in anticl- pation of the collection of such special assessments to be know nas “Sewer Warrants” the principal on which and the interest on which shall be paid out of monies in the special fund hereby created to be known as “Fund of Lateral Sewer Ditsrict Number One” of the Village of Edina.
President of Village Council. &%%. Moore.
D. F. McGuire,
~. Village Recorder. Passe$ the Council of the Village of Edma on the 13th day of July, 1931. Published in The Hennepin County Review on Thursday, August 6, 1931. Ben B. Moore. Village Recorder. (August 6, 1931)
The Council of the Village of Edina do ordam as follows: Whereas, there h& been filed with, the Council a petithn signed by a majority of the property owners in the district involved, asking for the es- tablishment of a !atera1 sewer &stnct md the construction of a connectmg sewer serving their property. And Whereas, it appears in the in- terest of public health and welfare that such sewer district be established, And Whereas, the cost of constmct- ing such sewer system may be assess- ed against the benefited property and paid for out of special funds to be obtained by special assessment against, the benefited property.. Now therefore, be it resolved that there hefeby be established Lateral Sewer District Number Two of the Village of Edina which district shall embrace all that portion of the Vd- Iage of Edina, comprising specifically lots numbered 25-26-27-28 and 29 in Block eleven, Fairway Section, Coun-’ try Club District, Lots numbered 6-7-
8-9 & 10 in Block twelve, Fairway Sec-
ance be abated.
27th. 1931. Dated at the Village of Edina, July
VILUGE OF EDINA, BY D. F. McGuire, Its President. Attest: tion, Country Club DLsh?ct. There shall be employed to prepme ~iw and spxiscations for the con-
Ben B. Moore, village Recorder. *etim$ of‘ .a3wm .to :tiem *p5-irty tin. ‘engineer WhQ“m
submit his plans and specifications, to- gether with ’ an estimate of costs of said lateral sewers, for necessary ap- proval. The cost of said sewer construction project shall be paid for by special assessment agaiast the property here- in specified and the Council is here- by authorized to issue warrants in an- ticipation of the collection of such special assessments to be -+own as “Sewer Wamanta” the prinupal on which-and the interest on which shall be paid out of monies in the Special fund hereby created to be known as “Fund of Lateral Sewer District Number Two” of the Village of Edina.
President of VUlage Council. Attest: Ben B. Moore, Village Recorder. Published in The Hennepin County Review, Thursday, August 6, 1931. Passed the Council of the Village of Edina on the 13th day of July, 1931.
D. P. McGuire,
Ben €3. Moore.
(August 6,
- .~~ Village 1931) Recorder.
RAILWAY COMPANY: Notice is hereby given that on July 27?h, 1931, the-Village Coupcil of the Vdlage of Edma, Hennepin County,
, Minnesota, duly passed the resolution, of which the foregoing& a true copy. You are hereby notified to abate the nuisance referred to in said resolution wit+ two- (2) days after the service of thLs notice upon you.
Village Recorder.
Ben B. Moore.
Passed by the VLLLAGE COUNCIL this 27th day of July, 1931,
D. F.3IcGuire,
, Attest:
’ Ben B. Moore.
Review Thursday, August 6, 1931. Published in The Hennepin County