HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310824_REGULARMinutes of the regular meeting of the Council 1.28 of the Village of Bdina., held in Grange Hall at S PM on August 24, 1931. The meetirZ was called to order by Trustee Prescott, in' the absence of the President and the roll pan being called found all other members of the Council. present* The minutes of the regular meeting held on August 10, 1931, were read and on motion Reimann, be approved as read, seconded by Willson and carried. Application • in form by B. Svrord, for building permit to erect private dwelling at 3,922 Wast 49th Street, was on motion Reimann, be granted, seconded Willson and carried. Application-in farm by B. Peterson f6r building permit to erect a 6' x 10' x 6' chicken coupe on Lot 12 Block 4 Harriet Manor. #'2, was on motion Willson, be granted vrithout payment of building permit fee being required on account/ of costing; less than $50.00, seconded by Reimann and carried* Application in form, by John Moors, for building permit to erect a 18 x 20' private garage on Lot 3 Block 1 Tingdel.e's Brookside, was onmotion Prescott be granted, seconded Reimann and carried. At this point President McGuire Arrived and assumed the chairmanship of the meeting -o Trustee Prescott reported on the F. Brooks family and presented a bill from Archie Kelly for groceries furnished the Brooks family in ernount $13.50, the same representing the last aid it was thought necessary for the vil.l gt to extend, v3hereupon it vrae moved Prescott, it be allovred and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carriedo Upon examination of the monthly time book, it was moved Reimann, that advances be made the Road Crew and Marshalls as indicated in time "book totaling $353.60, seconded Prescott and carried. Trustee Prescott reported for he Corfiiittee on the proposition of the Village of Hopkins furnishing fire protection to the North- Vlestern part of the Village of Idinm., stating it would be ' possible to gave reasonable protection, for which a charge of X45 *00 would be made per call or per houro Afr;e� discussion by the Council' and others, it was moved Prescott, that the Council of the Village of Edina, for and in bei;al.f of said Village, enter into an agreement with the Vil- lage of Hopkins to furnish fire protection in the area in Edina, as follows - starting at the Poor Farm Road and Minneapolis, St Paul, & Suburban Railroad Co's Right- of- Way,South along Poor Farm Road to Highvray #5, thence 39.ster3y and Northerly along both sides of 1#5 to Blake Road, thence Northerly along both sides of Blake Roaad to North Village limits, thence hest to point of beginning, and to pay for same on basis of $45.00 per call'or per hoiir,ft" the arrangement to continue in effect until notice of, cancellation is given by either party in vmiting 30 days in advance of ary termination and that the Recorder be empowered to' carry out' and make necessarj arrangements to carry out the Council's order, notion seconded by .Willson and carried* hIr J.B.Carte-rel, , appeared before the Council with request for road work to be done `on Nest 63rj' Street, t'Mast of Willson Road, which vras refered to Road & Bridge Committee for fats attention. Mr Pel.key, as owner of lot on South -17est corner of France Avenue & West 49th Street, appeared before the Council for informatiosn as to when test 49th Street would be 6pened up to Arden Avenue, and was advised the proposition laakpd: a dafinate prograan and doubtless premature at this time. X29 \ Bills for the 1931 asseedmment by H.D.Brugger, Aosecsor for 17 d wgs pay, Tars H.D.Brugger, Dapty. Assessor for 25 darn pay and P.J.Reigger, , Depty, Assessor, 53 days pay, all @ r5.00 per day and totaling $500 *00 , having been returned togather with verified acknowledgements , was on motion Prescott, be allowed and paid, seconded by Willson and carried. A petition was received from ,7.E.Code and others asking that a road be built Tasterly from Wi,llton Road and across Govern- ment lots.S' and 0 was on motion Moore, be ref ered `to Village Attorney for report, seconded Willson Wnd carried* Letters from Tars L.D.Rtttledge and Nellie 11. Kline; were read protesting against construction bf sidevrallc in front of lotp 7 and 8 in AuditW s Sub. #176 and vrere refered to Village Recorder for answer, Recorder advised on grade of sidewalk in front of Lot 9, Block 9, Brookside Add., set in 1924, and complained of by present owner Mx Hughes, as being too high.. The records showing that the grade was established by the Village Engineers and that the cost of setting grade was included in the costs for sidewalk, assessed and paid for by the lot o;mer, whereupon it vris moved Yoore , that that part of sidewalk in- front of Lot 9, Block 9, Brovindale Add., ;&ich in the opinion of the Village Enginc-= as being too high, be relaid at Village expense, seco iced by Willson and carried. Albert Graber, Engineer., presented plans and specifications duly approved by State Board of Health, of proposed sanitary sewers in Lateral Sevier Districts No. I and No. '2, located in Fairway Section, CounUT, Club District, and submitted some for Council acceptance. After examination and discussion of the said plans and specifications, it was moved Reimann, that the Plans & Specifica.tibns submitted by Albert Graber, Engineer, covering proposed sanitary sewers in Lateral Sevier Districts No. 1 and Nos 2,, in the Village of Edina, be hereby accepted and that the' proposed se= -rs _1n Mstricto ;1''1 ' and !,;'2, be and are he�reb; authorized- constructed and :Rep or der, empoz red to adver- tine, for:blao, seconded by Prescott and carried unanimously. i5r T. G. J vensen, 436 Baker Bdg., Minneapolis, appeared before the Council on request and outlined the nature of the financial, service andthe nature of proper proceedure 16 the cafe of server warrants and the spreading of the special asses- etments , he was in position to offer the Co�kncil in connection :ri.th Lateral Sewer Districts No. 1 and No. 2* After discussion by the Counoil and others, it was moved Reimann, that T.G.Evenson,. 436 Baker Bdg. , Minneapolis, be employed to handle' all. details on behalf of Village in connection with financing of Lateral Sevier Districts No. 1 and No. 2, forthe sum of 0250.00 to include Attorneyts opinion, crhich sum to'be one of the items of expense in the construction of said sanitary sewaars in Lateral sewer Districts No. 1 and No. 2, and to be paid out of funds of said Lateral Sevier Districts, when as and if the sewer warrants are sold, otherwise' no pad *ment for services to be made, motion seconded by Willson and carried. ` It was moved Prescott that an advance of -015000 be made . tea Albert Graber, on account of engineering services for Lateral Sevier Districis No. 1 and No. 2, to be paid out of General Fundo of the Village and to be returned to said General. Fund upon sale of sewer warrants for said Lateral Sewer Districts, seconded by Y'oore and carried, No further business to come before the meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 111,35 PU* Village Recorder j