HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310914_REGULARj 3.3 NTinuteEc of the regular meeting of the Council of the VilZage of Edi'na, held on Sepixmber X4,' 1931, at 8 PM in Grange Hall. The meeting was called to order by President McGuire 'and the r01X on being called found all members of tke Council presentr Mr Jones of 5249 Kellogg Avenue appeared before the Council. with &quest far bufldlng permit for 18' x 8' addition to present build- ing at above addrefme After discussion it was moved RLLlson, that the application be granted, seconded Rehann and carried, Messrs 'Harford, Seath arid Newburn, appeared before the CounciX as a Cornittee on behalf of residents living neighborhood of France Avenue and \Vest 55th to 57th Streets, complsinfng of the nulsmce; caused 'by ode Lammas and were assured by the Council that it was anxioun for law enforcement and would co-operate with them to fullest extent The Road bills upon examination and being found correc.t, were on motfen Reimam, be allowed and ordered pafd, seconded by Prescott and carriedt They are as follows D. F. XcGui're Ben €3.. Moore J .E.Rabann Gearge A. Willson Dr Lowell N. Campbell FoEtcoe E. Nieske S . J .Roberts J. Tracy L. Stalman A. Webber J J *Duggan C *F.PreaCOtt l?*A*Redpath K* S JOY Salary President September @35*00 (I Treasures B 25.00 . fI Re c or der It 75.00 It Trustee p I1 25.00 It Trustee M 25.00 11 Trustee It 25.00 IF Health Officer Septa 25.00 Village Marshall Sept. 135.00 Village 3hmshall If ' 135.00 82.97 740 55 If Labor with team 117eOO . 18 Road labor 58 50 It Tractor operator 58 80 $1 Park labor 105e75 It It Streek, Commissioner fI Utility man To tzla. $ 1,002.57 The miscellaneous ,bills upon examination and being found correct were on motion Prescott be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried. They are as follows He De Brwges, Asae$soT!, l?'dqp kaBOr=193% assessanent ilks A.L.Brugger, Depy. Assessor, 28 dqs labor 1932 Assrnt. P J .Reigger, li lt 58 days labor 1932 United Eotors Service, Poliue car radio servioe Lyle Signd Road sign Barrett Company Road KP Tarvia Jay W. Craig Company Oil & appl3ping road oil to ?Vest 44th St and Brookside Ave &l&%%QldE! Mardmre Road supplies paint 17-17 Bell Telephone Co l.hrshal3.1s telephone (2 mo) St Louis Park Garrage Adjustiag lights police car H.V.JO~SQII Culvert Ca . Road culverts Csun"cj Club Gsrrage police Gar service & storage + Rollin Sand 8s Brlg B'lk Ca Portland cement (sidewalk repairs) Bdina Groce-ry Groceries for poor G . VLCrZtten Groceries for poor E.V.Harris, Gas 8c oil for tractor & police car Breri Hardvme Co . Road suppliepl 2dina Garage muipnent new police car G.3.Supply Gorp Police car Radio batteries I $85.00 125.00 290eQO 4.00 7.85 21.48 345.00 1.20 8.25 .75 6 2. a0 25.06 74 20 20.90 9 e68 50.63 3. 40 21.7'7 4.20 To tal 8 1,093.33 Bids were opened for 1931 sidewalk consl$uction according Lo Council action and as duly advertised as follows S.K.Sei~up Company, R .Le Jensen e 75g per squap yard 75472 " li It Y whereupon it was moved Reimann, that the Seirup Compmj~ be adjudged low bidder &## that contrack 'be accordingly awarded arid that the President and Recorder 'be empowered to sign contract fos and in Be- 'n&f OF the Village of Bdina, seconded by Prescatt and carriedr Par E.L.Jensen, of Xorningside, presented a request to be granted perrni'ssion to install a catch basin for s%om water on North side of Sunrgrside Rosa, Vkst of private drivev?ay at Z3,st Village Iixits and also be allowed to modi@ the gutter grade at private driveway, whereupon it 778s moved Uoore, request be granted, see- onded Prescott and carried, Application in form for building permit from Oscar Port to erect a tool shed on Lot ?, Section 28, N-Ti7 10 acres, costing $200e00 tvas on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded Reimann and carried Appli'cation in form for building permit by Anton Duoos, %a erect a private dwelling on Lot 27, Block 5, Bairwqy Section, CCD, was on motion Hebann, be granted, seconded Villaon and carried, Application in form for for building permit by L. Hansen, to erect a private drrelling at 4527 Drexel Avenue, mas on motion Reimann, be granted?, seconded "lillson and carried, I Application by Ninneapolis Suburban Gas Company, for permission to lqy 760 feet of 8" gas mail on France Avenue from Nor'cSl.side of Fuller Street south to #5S% Prance Avenue, was- on motion Prescatt, be granted, seconded Reimann and carried, A comunication dated September 14, 1931, from George V. Str'ong, Village Attorney, ma read regarding present status of certain ordinances of the Village of Elina, St Louis Park and Eornirig- side, relating to loud whistling and the speeds of electric cars across open grade crossings in said villages, ~-$%e~c=%S%Ps operated bjr Einneqolis, St Paul & Subur3an Railroad Conrpany , After discussion it vas moved Villaon, that Village Attormy' empowered to negotiate on behalf of the Villwe of Zdina togathcr with the Attorneys for Villages of St Louis Park *arid Norningside and. the Railroad officials, an anica51e arrangenlenl to abolish present nuisances and ordinance violations and %cE refer any such tentative settlement to the Village CouncfZ for A communica'cion from Council of the Village of Hopkiiis tms 2ead with reference to fire pro.tection in the Village of &dfna', after discussion it was moved Prescott, that Recorder be em- powered to mite Council of the Village of Hopkina , accepting their proposal to answer all fire calls and fprnisjh ffre pro- tection at the rate of $45e00 per call or'per hour in the area starting at the Northwest corner of the Village of mfna, thence South along Poor Farm Road to Highway #5, thence mat and North along both sides of #5 to Blake Road, *thence along both'sides of Bl&e Road to Sorth Village Limits and thence Vest to poi9nt of beg5ning, motion seconded by Villson 'and carried, A letter dated July 2Otl1, vas read from County Welfare Board with reference to area in mina they and the Ninneapolis Com- munity Fund t70Uld respectfully serve and which '1751s refered to Village %?corder for replyo Communication dated September 3, 1931, from Village Attorney to 171iom the petition 'by V.EeCode and others vms refered fdr' the opening up of a roadmy &moss Government Lots 5 and 8, mst af Villson Road, After discussion by the Council SL was moved Xoore that the interested. propitrty otmers on vhom Yfie aaser~sment would falx, be invited to atteit next regula2 meeting of the Counci3 for a public hearing of the matter, * motion seconded by Reimann and carriedo Application by Northwestern Bell Telephone Compw-y , for per& mission to set two poles in West 55"& Street between Br'abkviert and Park Place, was on motion Villson be granted, seconded Prescott and carriedo ttis official action, seconded Roore and carried, .. - f Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council held an August 24, 1931, vere read and on motion Reimann, be approved as read, seconded Prescott and carriedd -1 , 'I \I32 The matter of the V2XLage Lev for 1992 was suggested to the Council. Qy the Recorder, After discussion by the Council it IVEM agreed that despite the knowledge more services would csntinua9y 'be elqected of the Village by its residents, that general conditions dkd not warrant an increase in tabes at this time e It was therefore moved Prescott, that the mount of tax levy for all Village purposes for the year 1932 be set at $28,000.00, seconded %imam and carried. Trustees Prescott and ??illson as the Committee, reported on their further survey of dividing the present village wide * voting precint into sovera% and indicating that three precints seemed the best arrangement and that further recommendations would be made at the next regular meeting of the Council, Ho further business to come before this meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 1Z4J.O PM* Receipts by the Recorder between the regular meeting of August 10, 1931, and September 14, 1931, and turned over to Village Treasurer, were as follows H .C e 30 oth, $21.50 John Noore Bdg, permif LoL3, Blk 9, Tingdale's LOO Justice of the Peace, (Hopkfns) E Sword, Bdge permit 3922 $1 49th-St 3.000 Oscar Port Bdge pernit 50% 7, SeC 25, etCo 1.00 Ae DUOOEI ' Bdge Fernit 4507 Drexel Ave, 1kOO. L. Hansen Bdgo pernit 4527 Drexel Ave4 lllb 00 To tal, $26 o 50 .