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Ninutea of a special meeting of the Council
of the Village of mina, held on September
16, 1931, in Trim% Office Cs&n%xy Club Diis%rfct, beiw the resumption of the adjourned meeting
of September 25, 3.951.
The meeting mas called ts order by President XcGulre, all members
of the Council being present except Trustee ??rescotto
Xr C a T. Hay announced .that he had been in touch will all lot owners and res2dents in the affected territory with the' except-
were present.
I ion of a few vrho were out of tom. The 5011cming residents
3 It was announed that this meeting was called for the purpose of
tke Council obtaining views and recommendations of those bearing
the asse'ssrmnt for .the proposed se17ers in Lateral Sewey Districts
ITo. 1 and No. 2, and Ccl.lose .affected by the propsed use of 'easement along &st 11116 of Block 11, Fairway Section, Country Club District Alljart Graber, Village Consulting Engineer, was present with the
Plans and Specifications of the contemplated sewers, duly approved
by State Board of Health,
Tr~istee Reirnann outlined in detail the scope of the work to be
done md2cr both F3.m fthAf* and Plan ItBtt.
Ddaauw$on VGB 'E& %yi&21 present i?hfch de'veloped that XPeeascs
Stein, Lawrence KYIBX, Collins , ?Yarner Schwert and Battin were
'in favor 'of pla'n IrBtI usring Apwnps anit that Eesrsrs Winneb Hedstrsrn
were in favor of the AL1 Gravity, ttAII plana refered to the fact that the All Gravity Plan, waEo the most simpbe to operate and maintain and did not constitute a perpetual liab
iliig on thri part of the Village in the event reasonable care ma not rzlwqys given in the care, operation and supervision necessary' 2n the maintence of the pmps and other mechanical equipment ern- ployed under Plm flBrr, and that there were sufficient Bourt cases of record showing a direct Village liability for sewers 'backing
up to determine this fact. He further stated that from the standpoist of the residents who would use the sewers in Lateral Sewer District No. 1, that their construction costs were less under
Plan aBs but that it did throw the burden of operation ~asta~on the
whole Villagre as'wel%-arS' srp liability 2esulting from sewer back-up
in the event reaaona'ble care m8 not always given. % The possibfl- ity of open manholes on account of frequent inspections as well as the ill smelling vent from sewage collection chamber, becoming a nuisance particularily to the owner or resident of Norkhwest lot
at corner of Arden Avenue and Bridge Street, was also mentionedo
38 affected lots, stated that either system %vas acceptable to Thorpe Brew., preferdng Plan fIBlte
Recorder Moore,
-&I$ Hw for and in behalf of Thorpe Eros, 8s the owners of 20 of the
At 'chis point Trustee Reimnn, moved that it be the consensus of the meeting that Plan eB9c be adopted, motion seconded by Willeon and
Trustee Reiman, moved that contract for the construction of sanitary
8wers in Lateral Sewer Districts no. I and No. 2, be Bw&rded to the Fhelps-Dr3ke Company pertaining thereto and under Plan frBcl and that the President and Recorder, be and hereby are empomered to enter into necessary con-
tract for and in behalf of the Village of &Una, motion seconded
by Trustee Wi128on and carried,
C aTr PQd
according to plans and specifications
T?o further business to come befo-re this me&ting motion to aCtjourn
carried at 11.00 P&