HomeMy WebLinkAbout19310928_REGULARI:Enutes sP the regu9sr meeting of the Council of the Villme of 3XiBna. he1.d. 0x1 September 28, 193x, in Grange Hall at 8 PX* The meetirg vas called. to 'order"by President IcGufre , the roll was'ca2led and all member of %he Council nere found to be present except Trustee Prescott. ET f3rslce"of the Shelps-Drake Company, to Thorn the contract for cons$ruction.of sanitary seviers in Lateral Sewer Districts Noe 3. anit Noo 2 had ken awarded, appeared before the Councrj;% viith the reqw3.2; they be permitted Lo sublet 't~ the Industrial Con%raethg Colllpargr , E.Zfnneapo1i.s. Alb6rt Graber, Jhgfneer, being present stated be-nould have no objection to the sublettikg , .s~htm?upon i% was movedl Reimann," that permission be granted Phelps-Drake Coo .l;o-.sublet their contra$% as above to %lie Indus%ri&L Csntractfng Compaqf, without in aqj- 17ise or rnaniie-px'eleasjbrig the P"nelps-D~&ce Compaqy, of aqy' and alx their obligations undef ae contract, secctncled I7illsoYr and carriedo The interested pmperty owners kia-ving been notifigd concerning the opening up of a roadway acrosB Government lots 5 and 8, West of the Tillson Road and refered to as Vest 60th Street, vere $presen%,and next receBved the attention of the Council. Er S, Rnudson aspeared in protest against the proposed roadwqyo lilrs P.-Port also appeared against ib protest agairist the maEdmay 2nd stated she moOld expect pap for any land take= from here Xrs Sager, as the omer of the land lying North of l&e seckion line axso appeared fnpkoteat against the rosdwq, stating the roaa would take the best land she ome'd and mUld expect pa. for Br Bermont, appeared in protest and stating he would not be willing to pqy any costs for the squiring of lznd or donstruetion of the road as- he consfdered sthe road a detriment. . and willing to be assessed were €lr Norell, Xrs Obermeyer, J*V*Code Iks R. Hellie, Ers ;E, Cdde, Louis C. FecE'Q; 1% B. Code. Port, appaezed aga$&.l; the roado Aft&? discussion b3p the Counci and others present, 'it vias moved Reimann %ha% the matter of a prop - bed road aoross Government lots 5 and 8, be refered to Village Attorney Tor opinion as to (hxw!i3iS power to lay out and open up the proposed road and if the costs for opening up can be asses8 ed back for a two rod road, motion seconded Lioore and carrked. I . .'same should any be taken from her. Those appearing for the proposed road 32r 33%. After exaniination of the Time book shot~nk amounts of time and labor of the road crew, i$ was moved Reimann, %hat advances be made for amounts less than due, seconded Villson and carried. A comniinication was read from I& Strong, Vfll'ege Attorney, in the matter of agreement between the Councils of St Louis Park, Eom- inga3.de and mina and the attorney for the Nirmneapolis, St Paul and Suburban Railroed Cornpar., 17i-kh reference to a 3 OLE% petition by all the above parties to the RITinnesota Railroad eC IVarehouse- Commissiopl, praying for Curve, GrAmes, Vooddale and Erovmdale Avenues in the several Villages, be made%topsl crossfngs and %ha% * the statutary requirement af cars whistling at open grade cross- ings be discontinued* Aft;er discussion it was moved Eehann, that the President of the Council be empowered to sign joint pet- ition mith the Presidents of tke other interested TfiIIage Coun- cils and the Eailvzp Compmy, on behalf of the Village of JBinz, for Be discontinuance of the loud and annoying whistles of street raibmy car8 and to make Curve, Grbes, Wooddale and Browndale grade crossings Wtopfl streeta, seconded Hoore and car6iedo Application 'I?y the NorthvTestern Be11 Telephone Company, for per- mission to set ohe pole in I7es-b 55th Strees and Brookviwe Aventze, vas on motion Killson, be granted, seconded Reimann, and carriede A communication was read from Xr S.Ho~yhert, Presiden% 052 the Edim Park Eoczd, vith reference to the Park Eoacrd levy for year 1931; said Coxiimunlcation requesting %h'e Village CounciL Sor a total Pa~k Eoard levy of 1 milI. After discussion by the Cow-ciS. it was deemed that a total levy of $l,OOOoOO ~hould be syfficient for. Park Board purposes. having been set at $28,000.00 at the September 14, 1931, meeting . . it was moved Reinnann, tha% the same be ammended to baaia of $27,000 ~ The Villege Levy for a11 Village purposes - /- for all general Village purposes and that $1,800.00 be the levy for Zdina Park Board For corning year, seconded by Moore and carried, Application fn form for BuildSng pernit by P*WeReidhead, to bubfd a duplex on 10% 14, Auditor's Snts. &72, was on motion Heirnann, be granted, second+ IEbbke and carried, 4812 France Ave .Ap.glfcation in.form for building permit by P, 'lilT0 himead, to build a duplex on 10% 14, Aud$torts Sub, jfI72, ma on motion Reimam, be granted, seconded Xoore and carried, 4816 France Ave Application in form for b&;ldirag permit by BeAoGoetze, to build a privare dewlling at 4612 Drexel Avenue, was or, motion Reimann be granted, seconded TTillson and carried. Application in form for bulldhg permit to build a basement garrage at 5901 France Avenue by H+,Swensen, same to be 50 'rt. back from street, watv on motion Willssn be granted, seconded by Eeirnann and carried. I. TrusLe Willson reported fop the Committee on re-diatricting the Village into Voting precints, ' The Csqfiittee having made a very careful survey and s%udy of all the probberns involved QV~S a peFiod of several months. psecints, pegu%ation etc, it was moved T#%lXson, that the Vik- Iage of Uina now in I voting precint 'be heneefor'ch divided into four (4) precints with boundriea as follows- 4?recint #2, Comencing at Morth Village limits and Wooddale Avenue, Llzemce aouth, to \%et 54 th Street, thence due weat to 1.~. Be& S. Ry right of wap and following same %n a sozatherXy and westerly direction to Vest 60th Stree$,,, thence West to Olinger Road, thence North to #5, thence North and east ~WXI.~ #5 to , the high tension Sine of Northern States Power Company, theme . North foXlswing high line to North Village limits and thenee . 3ast to point of beginnings After e4xple,natfon OS the pl'oposed -Precint #a, Csme~icing at Nortk-east corner. of the Vfllage of Xiina, Sotxtb along France Avenue to West 54th. Street,, thence West to Vooddale Avenue, thence ITorth along V(oodda1e Avenue to . North Village Limits and thence &at to point of beginnirqg, , *recent #Zir Starting at %he Xortk Village limits and the hrgh tension line 05 the Northern States Power Company, thence South Lo #5, thence South and Westerly along #S to W~BL Village . lhi%~, thence Norkh ts North Village limits and thence &s% to point of beginning* PSeciat #4, Beginning at Xerxes Avenue and Vest 54th Street, SO%.tIir to Sguth lm.2&ge $b%$a; %h@n~e nsr%hsrIy and eas%erly along $6 4x1 6f91nger Road, thence South to WsP; 60th Xtreet,then@e Zast to X..Ne9c Sew right of way thence northeray and easterly along rai1rsad right of tray to Vest 54th Street, thence %st to point of beginning, the motion was seconded by Moore and failed t~ carxy and so declared lost, Uinmtea of the regulmt meeting of the Council, held on Sepf,X4%.b, 1931, wem road and on mo.%iion Reimann, be approved as read, seccsnaed Villaon and carried. &=&--.i;a veg3a vn%Lqgc; I Xili~$S, , . 1 Xinuters of the special meeting held on September 35, 1931, here read and on motion Reimam, be approved as read, seconded TiL lson and carried, . , Nintates of the special meeting held on September 16, 1931, were read and on motion Reimam, be approved as read, seeonded, by Willson and carried, A deed was presented to .i;"ble Village by P.lV.Reidhead and wife, il far he land to be occupied by Wesf 48th Sfxeet, West of France Avenue, in the Village of Xdina, wheretlpon it was moyed Reimann ~ same be accepted for and in behalf of the Tillage for road, pur- . poses, seconded XOQZW and carried. A. Ro further 'business to cone before the meeting,,rtlotion to'nd- journ carried at 12.30 AMe Village Tiecorder B