HomeMy WebLinkAbout19311012_REGULARmnutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Zlina, held on October 12, 1931, in Grange Ha11 at 8 I?&
The meeting vas called to order sjy President XcGuire and all members
of the Counck.% mere found presente
I& AeT*&hkSQn, $641 Xerxew Avenue South, and a Ur No&stn, repres-
entlng the proposed Bina Produce Corporation appeared before the
Council to request permission of the Council in establishing it
PouEtJy killing, picking & drawing business in the Uorris Creamery Company*s Wfldi~g on \%st 50th S.P;reet near France Avenue. &%er
considerable explanation the gentlemen mere advised 'chat such a
business as they had' outlined, including the candling of eggs gas a non-co-nfomirg busjness to that of a conmuni"iy retai2 store disL
rict serving z residential neighborhood and a direct vielation sf
* the Bdina 'Zoning Ordianca .* Request 17789 a180 nede to use the
Norris premises for * cold storage of poultry and eggs an6 EL genera3. +i-~osesale and retail poultry marketo Tnis latter item 'being left
wit% the %Corder to 'cake up vith IJr George He HerroLd, Zoning Ad- visor to the Village of &din&, for report back to .the Council a% its
next regulm raeetirrgo
SeJoRoberts, Utility mzi, advised 'the village road grade?? vas in need of certain repairs and it was agreed that the grader? bc placed
in good repair at once, &rr RoberZ;s fio-bs'btain necessary repair parts
and- 40 the wmke
The miscellaneous bills upon being found correct, irere on notion fieimam, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Prqsdot% and- Carrieda They are as follova
Efina Garage Repairs to paliee cw $14*30 c .A.Lindquis% BlacksmiS;l?frig 1.00
Rennegin Coun-by Review Published nottces 29040
and 'crac.P;or 520 54
August and September street
lighting 8689 ?4
Eoreyts Oil station Gas for police carr 1.82
EofJeHamis . Gas & Oil for polfce cas
XinneaBolis G oEeCanpWIy
Wooddale Grocery Groceries for poor 3e95
Country Club Garage Police car storage & repairs 220 00
lLYJ Eel1 Teleghone Co Earshall telephone eC %olZs 40 55
Milia HaTdmre Road supplies 9045
Mina Grocery Grocesries for poor 220 61
Q.2 .Garvey Road supplies 4+ 56
5 e'fCeSeir.tr~ COIIIPSUIJT Sideiva3.k construction (1931) 4340 56
I%- EfEace3.c Road gravel 4.000
To tal $1 461 e 48
The Village and Road bill8 upon being found correc$, were on motion
Vi3lsen be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Reimann, and carriedl,
They are as follovs
Village NarshaL1. Sept-00 i; $;135400 .
S e E,Xieske Village &IwshalX " it 135.00
5 .H SnzLveIy Park labor G6,1:5
I? dhlhgren Road labor 9800
Lo Stolzmm Road l&or. 17940
S eJ .Roberts Utility rnan 125900
5 .Trac ey Road labor with team 154e85
vosoJ0y Street C amisaione r 125eOO
Dr LorreZ.1 E* Campbell Health Officer 25eOO
Village Trustee 25~00 5 X ,Re imann C.F.Prescstt Village Trustee 25*00
George A, 'Jlillson Village Trustee 25eOO
J *J .Duggan Vi 23% e Tr e 8,surer 25000
Ben E, Xoare VCLlagc Recorder 75e,OO
LOlni8 XitZf31 Road labor '70%
D DF .3EGuire Village President 25000
To"c3. $1 ,O 69 0 55
.. . . *...
Contract bond tendered by Phelps-Drake Company, in connection \ vrJith tho sanitary sewer work csvcsed kry their *csn%raa.& in La%-
era1 sewer Districts Noa 1 and Hoe 2, viere received and rerered to Tr~ttstee Refmami for iiivestlgabion and reporte
A cowimnication da,%ed Scptexber 29 1931 , from C.\LJohnssn, 4520 Afden Avenue, was read with reference to being assessed for san-
itary sewer under 104, 10 s block 2, Fairway, &IT Johnson stating he had been granted permission to connec% with the elanitmy sewer
of his aefghbor on the IVor'ch of him, after three cess pohls had failed - . It was accordingly moved Reimarrn, that the Recorder refer the matter to Sewer bgineer with requ6st no asaessraant be
made against lot 30, block 2, Fairway fos: reason a sanitary sewer
5738 already provided and that no benefit would result from any conriection wit31 Ihteral sewer in Distrfc% Noe -1, motion seconded
by Prescott and carried,
* Application by Northweestern Bell Telephone Corhpany for pennlss-
ion to set one pole in West 62nd Street, at Brookvieir, vias on motion Prescott be granted, seconded Willson and carrfed, '
The matter of emergency relief to residents of Edina I%LS discussed. at length ly the Council., and it was agreed to hire such deserving rssld.ents as possible @ 25p' per hour to do brushing, cleanin.3 culverts etc. as possible. Commissioner under t'ne Village President and. to be carried in a
a epar ate ac c oun t e
Purchase of the l!!t*iberg property for a Village tool yard vas
again discussed 'i- the Council, t7heraupon it vlra,s moved Vi1lso.n
that Hr Fred Childs, Be appointed appraiser to represent the Vil-
lap of Edina, in the matte% of suggesting a fair valuation of
the property located west of pil,Ne& S, Ry and Zien Prairie Road, ~~oL%on ereconded by E)Tescotf and carried,
Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held 011 September
25, 1931, were read and on motion Reiroatan, be approved as read, seconded Prescott and carried,
carried. a2 IOo 55 PM,
The vork to be hand&ed. by tbs S%re@P,
. No further business to cone before the meeting, motion to kdjousn
- Village Recorder,
Receipts. by the Recorder since September 94, 1931 meeting
and turned oyer to Village Treasurer, we~e 8s follom
WeH *Gilkey, Justice of Yae Peace $9 2.50
A A .Buck Repairs to sidewa3.k 9.95
P .T.Refd.head, Bdge permit, 483-2 France Ave 1.00
PeVeReidhead, Bdgo permit, 4816 France Ave 1.00
H .A.Swensea? Bdg. permit, 5901 3rancc Ave ' lo00
Ge Bmman, Plnibg. permit, 4522 Arden Ave 5025
B .A .Gae t ze . Bdg, pernit, 4612 Drexe3 Ave le00