HomeMy WebLinkAbout19311026_REGULARYinutes of the regular meeting of the Comcil of the Village of Edina, ,held in Grange Hall on Octoker 26, 1931 at
8 EL
The meeting t'iits cglled to orcter by President EcGuire, the roll vas
called and %he following were found present EIcGuire, YKllson and
Eoore absent Pre'scott and Reimann.
U'inutes of the meetirg *held on Octoober 12thB rrere read and 8n motion T7ilLson be approved as read, seconded IJcGtaire and carried.
The matter of rate of pay for so calleit emorgency or made <;OX% labor
was discussed a% length by %he CaunciT, 2% being determined that road labor was being paid on bash of 4Efl'per by the State, 6S&l by the City of Xinneapolis, with 45 to Sop pes howl being an averqee 1%
was therefore moved I"lill.son %hati the rate.0.S pay for so called. em??- gemy sork be on basis of 35p per hour in lieu of 25g per hour as set
at the Octokr 12th- meting, motion aeconded by Xoors and cafriede
EE R.V.Taylor, 4816 Casco Avenue, appeared before the Council te advise the public siderralk in front of'his premises wa,s in bad con- dition, which was refered to Roberta, utility man for immedis'i;e repair
Eessrs Kilbride and Kelly, AssB City Attorney- and Police Eadio 221%- inecr of the City Of Xinneapolis I ~eapeqtfully avaited on the Coun-
cil and presented %i proposed contract beLslreen the Ciky of Efnneapolis
and the Villsgs of Edina, with reference to Police Radio Broadcast service vihich mas carefully gone over. moved Eoarc that the Council of the Village of mina, for and. in be-
half of the Village of Mina, enter into the proposed contract for
police radio broadcast service as submitted by "&e duly authorized agents of the City of Ninneapolis, and that the President of the Sil-
' iage Council and the Recorder, be and hereby is authorized t~ sign
said contract, for and in beha1f"of the said Village of Edina, motion seconded by Villson and carried.
After dfncusaion .It w&a
The matter of the petition of the City OS Minneapolis to the Federal
Badio Commission to increase the power of fto Police Radio S-L;a,tion
from 2416 to 2470 kilocycles, next d€im€! before the Counc%l, Whereupon Eoore offered the following resolution, adoption secoiidod kj Yillson0
X!€I&W, the Village of Edina adjoins %he city of Ninneapolis
on the Vest ar?d South and is the largest village in are8 in
the State of Ilinjesota.
AlD ThEE?&AS, it io necessaxy that police service be rcnctsred the
3300 residents of 2dina particularily on account of its cZase proximiw to the largest city in the Northvest and that Sla.t;e
Highwqys pass through its confines,
AID S%EBZ!AS, it is both neceasauy and ezrpedfenl that the Police
Deparknentrs of Lne City of EIirmeapo39s and the YiZlaga of &dinas .
and other and adjaccnk municipalities coooporaLe and co-ardinate in matters involving publie safety, crime prevention and criminal apprehension, all of Qhich are greatly aided 'gt PoLice Fadf0
Broadcast Service, .-
!M3Z?~ORE BX IT ESOLVBD, "ufiat %he Council sf the Fillage of Zdlna,
he~efjy reques.i;s *he Federal Radio Cornissfon to grant the p,e"cftitdn
of tlie Citg of Xinnertpo2ls, to increase the poirer of its Police
Radjld station to 500 va%ts and change frequency fron 2416 ts 2470
The vote beins upon the adoption of fhe rcsoZutiori $?herein it was found ts Ee three a3res and no nays and so carried aad so orderedo
Upan exmination of the time book, 2% vas moved Yillson that advances ,
be =de the road cren as indicated and for mounts less than act,f;'LxaU,y
due seconded Efoore and carried
k:flo@wles e J
Nr Albert Graber Village &kgS$nasr on Lateral Sewer Districts 1-
No; I and.Xfoe 2, reported on the prsgreafi of the work and it
C"JS,EI movsd idoore, that AlSert Graber be advanced $25SOS0 on account from the General Fun& and zle%ziszned -E;@ said general fund upon tlie sale of the sewer wamants, seconded !VilXasn
and cauried,
It WBEJ moved EIoo~*e that final paymetat be mad6 the WeHeZiegler
iil total axtourit $53lO'P2, seconded Willson and carried.
RBc~rder-Plc~6~& offer"e1 the fsPlawi$g-*resslutisn and moved its
adoption,concerningS Lateral Sewer Districts No. 1 and Ho. 2b
C',Qll@ar337 On b?b~a~Ce OWil~ for' tl& "CELterpilZar"' Pifteen "cELC"car
Be it resolved by the Council of the Village of Edina,
that at the izegulsr meeting of said Council to be held in Grange RaU at 8 PX 011 Monda;y the 9th. day of Hop-
ember, 193P, at vhich time and place the said Village Council will pass upon the proposed assessments for sewers in Lateral Sewer Distric%s No. 1 and No. 2, of
said Tillage, and the Council mill then hear and pass upon all objections and alter or affirm and adopt such proposed assessment
And be .it further resolsed, that at such meeting aEJ
persons aggrieved by tihe proposed assessment may appear
before the Village Council and present their reasons wm such proposed assessments or any particular item thereef should not be adopted, and that no grievance or objection thereto or to any item therein shall be
heard unless the party objectiizg: ox- his duly authorized agent; or atlomey shall on or before the date of such session file with the Village Eecorder a complete
written statement of the objection with specdfie re- ference to the matter or iton called in question and to which objection ris mi2doo
.&id be it furthey resolved, that such proposed ass- esment is now on file wit11 tihe Village Recoyder and
is open to inspection and copying by all persons in- terested aizd that due publicstion sf this resolution
be inade in the QMcial Publication of the VilZqe,
The adoption of the resolution'ms seconded by 7KLLsc)n sad.
the vote being upon Yts adoption, vl~erein there were throe'
adyes and no nqys and so ordered adopted,
AppZfcaticrn in forn Psr building permit by EeB.Olson, to build
a prim%e dvelling on S-Tf 5 acres Sectkon 30, T 28, 1~18s on *
motion TiiLscln be granted.
No further Isusiiiess to Gorge before the rneethg, motion to ad-
journ carried at 1O030 PX,
seconded KOQB? and czrried.
Beceipts 'by Becorder since QcZcober l@he meeting and turned over to Village Tre- WSU%BT
at f;forem%er 9th, meeting were as fOllO17S: '