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Minutes of the regular meeting of the Council of-the Village of Edina held on November 9, 1931
in-Grange Hall at 8 I?. M.
The meeting was called to order by President McGuire. called and. all members of the Council were present.
Messrs Clark and Trafzer appeared before the Council as objecting to the establishing of a fox farm at or around West 62nd street and PeacIjdaleY--@uch a mattes being a violation of the Zoning Qlrdinance.
It was moved Moore, that Mr. D. Ivea be notified objection had Wen. made to the Council by residents of the neighborhood against the
establishment of a fox farm or raising of foxes in a residential neighborho.od and that such a matter would be considered a violation of the Zoning Ordinance.
The roll gas
seconded Willson and carried.
The matter of application for permit to buUd, equipt and Operate
a gasoline. filling and service by W. F. Garoy on Lots 11 8c 12, Block
22, Fairfax Addition, next came before the Council,. Aft.es discussion and the fact the location was zoned for community sCoses permitting
uses proposed, it waa moved Willson, that the application be granted
subject to provision that a11 pumps be set back 10' or more from lot line, Seconded Reimann and carried.
The Village and Road bills upoa examination and being found correci,
were on motion.Willson be allowed and ordered paid. Seconded Reimann and carried. They are as follows:
J. H. Snavley Park Labor $ 43.m
P. Dahlgren Road Labor 70.20
P. A. Redpath Village Marshall 135 -00
R. E. Mieske Village Marshall 135 e00
L. Stalaman Road Labor 70 065 J. Tracey Road Labor with Team 144.90
S, J. Roberts Oct . Nov. Salary Utility 125,OO
W. S. Joy Street CornrniBs ioner 125 .OO
J. E. Reimann Village Trustee 25 .OO
Village Trpst ee 25 .Q0 75.00 George A. Willson Ben €3, Moore . Village Recorder
4 J. J. Duggan Village Treasurer 2 5 ;OO
Dr. L. M . Gampbhl 25 000
C. F, Brescott Village Trustee 25.00
' Village Health Officer
D. F. McGuire Village Presiident 35 000
John Leggett Bark Labor 9 020
Total i# 1125.40
The matter of us0 .ox benefit of telephone installed in the home of
Marshall Redpath was discussed. in police ca\r surplanta by serving all purposes bet-ber.
was moved Reirnann that Village telephone instqlled at Village expense in the home of Marshall Redpath for police purposes be moved.
Willson and carried,
It being established that the radio Therein it
Seconded t
The miscellnneous bills upon being found correct were on motion Willson be allomd and Ordered paid. Seconded Prescott and carried. '3 They were a6 follows:
~ J. J: mggan Bost'age Treasurer's office 12.00
Ernest W. Hansen Special Police 10/31 3.60 years 1930 & 1931
Thorpe Brothers 17 loads black dirt 17 .oo Tholcpe Brothers Use tract office for 5 000
City of Minneapolis Fire Department Service 54 . 47
C. A. Lindquist Black 9x1 ith ing 3 000
p 01 is e headquart ere
John Borey Special services 10/31 3.60 Rollin Sand BB Co. 1 sack cement 60
Wooddale Grocery Groceries for poor 9.48 Arthur Peterson Labor with t earn 24.40
Xinneapolis G. E. CO,
J. D. Adams Go. Unit ed Mot or Service State of Hinnesota (Highway Dept ) Edina Hdv. Berg J. Hagen Hiller-Davis Go, Edina Grocery
J. K. Seirup Thompson Lbr, Co. Alexander & Bradley
Improvement Bulletin Hennep in County Reviev
Em Bell Telephone 00.
E. E. Harris
Philpot t-13st iley CO .
Thomas Ryan
Vm, Iacek
October Street Lgt. 434,37 Grader repairs 41.28 Police car radio serv. 7,823 State #1689 17ehr- 175,OO Fordson grader Police & Road supplies 4-40 Bond renevral premium 2.50
Off ice supplies 1 .oo Groceries for poor 20.28 Sidewalk construct ion 75,49 Lumber 1.42 kgineering Serv. to 96.00 date Published notices 41,40 PuU ished notices 8,70
Goa2 for poor 5 ,635 Barshall telephone 4,as
Gas for tractor & 6?,7'9 police car
Road gravel 7,s Road gravel 7.50
Total $ 1772.87
Bill and cominunioation of Lyls SQns, Inc. xere read for refinish-
ing street signs in Country Club district. The Council ~i2s of the opinion the charge was most reasonable but inasmch as the ix{ork, was done without any authorization; it mas moved Villson that the bill
be not allowed and returned. Seconded Prescott and carried.
Recorder' Moore suggested to the Council the advisability of reneiyfng the arrangment made for snov plowing last season, where upon it t7as moved Reimann that the Recorder be empomered to enter into a contract for mom plowing similiar to one with Park Transfer Conipany last season. Seconded Prescott and carried.
Applicat'ion in form for building permit to erect private garage at 4901 Arden Avenue by H. 5, Wittke vas on motion Reimann be granted. Seconded Villson and carried,
Application in form for building permit to build a 54' x 31' x 10' addition to garage building at 4936 - 4940 France Avenue by Edina qarage was on motion Reimann be granted. Seconded Willson and carried,
Ninutes 'of the meeting held on Octobr 12th mere read and on motion ReiFann 'be approved as read, Seconded Presoott and carried.
The Police Committee reported it had been successful in making azrangemnts vith Thorpe Brothers for Village Marahalls to have use of tract office at all hours of the day for such police uses as may be necesssry at e coat of $5.00 per month. rno~~ed Hoore that the arrangemnt be concurred in by the Council
End Record02 be instructed to mke out' a Village warrsnt each month'" for the sum of $5,00 payat2.e to Thorpe Brothera as rent for the preceeding month until changed by action of the Council. Seconded Prescott and carried,
The matter of purchccse og blacksmith, machinest, and other toole from A. Webber for Village use m~is discussed at length by the Council, where upon it vas moved Reimann that the proposition of
Mr. Vebber to sell all the tools as per list submitted for the sum of $100.00 be accepted.
&%ere upon it i7as
Seconded Eloore and carried.
Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of tbe Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Hinresota, 17as duly held at Grange Hall in the Village of Edira, Hennepin County, Xinriesot;a, on the 9th day of Novembey, 1931, at
8 otclock P. Bf,
The following members were present: McGuire, Zoore, Wfllson, Reimann, and Prescott, and the following wer absent: None,
The President of the Village Council announced that the meeting was opened for the considerat ion of objections to the assessments hereto- fore filed with the Village Clerk in Lateral Sewer Districts Nos.
1 and 2 of said Village.
The Clerk reported thzt objections had been filed affecting the following described lots, pieces of parcels of land, to-wit: None
The following persons were then hgard to present objections to said assessments as, f ollows: None appeared,
Afte.r consideration of all of said objections, Trustee Reimann introduced the f ollovving resolution and moved its adoption:
BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County, Uinnesota, as follows:
That the' engineer heretofore duly selected by this Council for such purpose has czlculated the proper amounts to be especially assessed for the constructi-on of sewers in Lateral Sewer Districts
Nos. 1 and 2 in said Village against every assessable lot, piece or parcel of land within saic? districts in accordance with the provisions of law, and has prepared and filed with the Village
Clerk tabulated statements in duplicate for each district showing the proper description of each and every lot, piece or parcel of
land to be specially assessed and the amount he has calculated against the same.
Council would meet in regular session at this time and place to
pass on the proposed assessments,
3. Said proposed assessments have at a11 times since their filing been open to inspect ion and copying by all persons interested, and an opportunity has been given to all interested peraons to present their objections, if any, to such proposed assessments, or to any itera thereof, and no objections have been filed,
parcels of land enumerated in said proposed asseasrrlents was and is
specially benefited by the construction Of sai& sewers in Lateral Sewer Districts Nos. 1 md 2 in the amount in said proposed assess- ments set opposite the description of each such lot, piece or
parcel of lend respectively, and that said mount so set Out is
hereby levied against each of the respective lots, pieces or par-
cels of land therein described.
2. Notice has been duly published as required by law that this
4. That this Council finds that each of the lots, pieces or
5 . . That the asseesments speoif ied in $the proposed assessments are changed and altered as follows: None.
6. That such proposed assessments as herein changed and
' altered are affirmed, adopted and confirmed, and the sums fixed and named in said proposed assessments -are affirmed, adopted and
confirmed with the changes and alterat€ons hereinabove made as
the proper special assessments for each of said lots, pieces or parcels of land respectively .
7. That said assessments so affirmed, adopted and confirmed
sFall be certified to by the Village Clerk and f ilsd in his office and shall therev-pon be and constitute the special assessment for: the construction of sewera in Lateral Sever Districts Nos. 1 and 2. %
* 8s That the amounts assessed against each lo$, piece or par-
cel of land ahall bear interest from the date hereof until the same have been paid at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum.
:. .
9. That such assessments shall be payable in ten equal annual installments payable on the 1st day of January in each year, beginning in the year 1932 and continuing until all of said installments shall
have been paid.
That the Village Clerk is hereby directed to make up and file each year in the office of the County Auditor of Hemepin County a certified statement of the amount of all or" such unpaid assessments and the amount which will be due thereon on the let
day of &nuary the following year.
ADOPTED by the Village Council November 9, 1931.
h I
&.KWJ& ut President of Village Council
The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee Prescott, and upon vote being taken thereon the following voted in favor thereof: Reirrann, Hoore, Prescott, Vilfson 2nd IfaGuirs, and the following voted against the same:
- None. F7hereupon said reaalution was declared duly passed and adopted, and the President of the Village Council being present affixed his signature thereto in approval thereof.
I, BEN B. HOORE, being the duly elected, qualified and
acting Village Recorder of the Village of Edina, Hemepin County,
bfinnesota, do hereby certify that the attached and foregoing is
a full, true and correct copy of the minutes of a mqting of the
Village Council held November 9, 1931, insofar as the same relates
to Lateral Sewer Districts Nos. 1 and 2 in said Village.
Witness my hand and the seal of said Village this tenth
day of November, 1331.
I, BEE B. XOORE, being the duly elected, qualified and
Village of Edina, Hemepin County, acting Village Recorder of the
Ninnesota, do hereby certify thzt the tabulated etatemnts of
asseesments for Lateral Sewer Districts NOS. 1 and 2 hereto
attached are true and correct copies of the origingls thereof
as calculated by the Village Engineer and filed with me on the
26th day of October, 1931, as and for the Proposed Assessments
for said Lateral Sewer Districts; that during all of the time
between the filing of such proposed assess-mnts and the next
regular meeting of the Village Coimcil held November 9, 1931, said
proposed assessments were open to inspection and copying by all
persons interested.
I further certify that no written statement of grievance
or objection to either of such proposed asaeesments or to any
item therein was filed with me on or before said 9th day of Nouember,
1931, except as follows:
I further certify that said Proposed Assessments were
certified by me in the form aff irred thereto on the date shown
on such certificate and were filed fn my office on said date.
WITNESS my hand and official seal this 10th day of
November, 1931.
I, EBN B. MOORX, being the duly elected, qualified and
acting Village Recorder of the Village of Ediqa, Henriepin Couhty,
Minnesota, do hereby certify that the assessment list for Lateral
Sewer District No. 1 hereto affixdd is a true and correct copy of
the proposed assessri-ent for said District presented to the Village
Council at a regular m-eeting thereof held on the 9th day of
Novemker, 1931, and thereupon by resolution duly affimed and
adopted as the special ass’essment for the sever improvement constructed
in said District and pursuant to said resolution said special assess-
ment ma8 on said 9th day of November, 1931, fileci in my office.
VITNESS my hand and official seal this 9th day of November,
1931 .
I, BEN 8. MOORE, being the duLy elected, qualified and
acting Village Recorder of the Village of Edina, Hennepin County,
Minnesota, do hereby certify that the assessment list for Lateral
Sever District No. 2 hereto affixed is a true and correct copy of
the proposed assessznt for said District presented to the Village
Council at a regular meeting thereof held on the 9th day of
Movember, 1931, and thereupon by resolution duly affirmed and
adopted as the special assessment for the sewer imrovement con-
structed in said District and pursuant to said reaolution said
special aasesment was on said 9th day of November, 1931, filed
in my office.
VITNESS my hand and official seal this 9th day of November,
(SEAL) I No further business to core before the meeting, motion to adjourn, carried at 31:35 P. Ed.