HomeMy WebLinkAbout19311214_REGULARIXnutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the
\ Village of 9fina,-held on Dee&~ber 14, 1951, in Grange
Hall at 8 PX8
The meeting vas called to order by President EcGv.fre, the roll
'was czllcd and those present were BlcGuire , Wilieon Peiqmnvl and
.!'lo ore *
The Recorder announced the results of the Village X1ec.i;ion held
on December 8th. The duJsr elebted cand-ida'ces for the various
'offices being as follovq ,.
PredideM of Council, ;D.PeIGcGuire, for term of one yeaxe
Village Tru-stee: George AID Villssn, for term of three years 'ViZZage Troaswer
Village Assessor I Justice of the Peace, ETeember Ed Park Corns,
John J+ Duggan, for term of tyo yearsl
&ex. Crsighton, for term of two years, V. He Gilkey, for tern of Lvm years
Don S, Knapp, for term 0% t+ree years.
The miscellaneous %ills Refmann, be allowed and
They are as Tollotvs Electric JJagneto Co
A, Pdebber General Tractor PC Zq Co
H .AeWogers C ca
ITilles-Davis Co Eorey* 3 Shell Station League IiIinn* llunicplts
Thos Fyan Lo~m Corporation
Hennepin County &ina Hardware
Thorpe Bros Thompson Lumber Co Farnlmm Printing eC S,Co Country C Zub G3,rage
PhiIlp,ot-%iley CQ Hennepin County Review General Tractor tL- Zq Co
General Tractor & B& co Dockens Corn. Store Xdina Grocery ?'Yooddale Grocery Carrgs Peed Stera
T.oXlin Band Bdg BZk Co
Greg& B Pharmacy
Xd7ina Garage , Inc e
Karsh 8: TdcLeiinan General Tractor & Co
E$, nne ap ox is G e 3, C ornpany
Justus Lumber Company Young Fuel Co Dockens Comfl Store Rennepin County Revi-ea General TTac%sr & iQ Co
.lie Y,h'arriEt
F- Garvey .
IT-T Bell. TE?X~~~.OII~ CO
C oA.LindQUiBt
Ro Helm Johnson
City of fIinnsapolis
on being found correct, tvere on motion
or&tered paid, seconded Willson and carried
Peainding tractor magneto $10 e 32
Shop to-01s l0QpOO
Trac toy- parts le53
B1u.e prints 2084
Neetion ik Office suppliea 8e45 Kotor oil 2000 1331 edition Hinnessta year book 5,OO
30 loads road gravel 7050
Vehr' tractor parts 3'7.03 Poor Pam service 1368 50
Paint eC Eiechanical supplies 22.60
LWl'be% 6e54 Printing Police reports EC tags 60.00 Av.to part8 B battexy service 5.15
Vim, tractor h road supplies 23080
Coal for poor 22095
Published notice , 6.60 Hyvin Trt.&ctor oil 45.30' Tractor generator Pc parts 77,45
Rent tract office 8c tel calls StP 5*50
Groceries for poor 15.29 30 78
Groceries for poor I 11053
Lumber for panel sndw fences 3.60
Road gravel delivered 132089
, Groceries for poor
Supplies for poor 1.45
Narshallfs tslephone to 12/19/31 Service Pc 'repairs Police car
Oc-tobsr and November . 49979 lnsuranc e on trac tors 13*93
DA Lu3ricant 3-8 0 00
Blac ksrni thing 6.25 Woveinbe r Street I'ight i ng 433 e 54
Coal for poor 11685
Coal for poor 9.80 Groceries for poor 5.08
8 *95
Publishing Financia,J. Statemelit 117*63
1000 feet snow fence $6.00
Gas, Oil & alcohol for .i;ra.ctors
E Police car 84.46 Stenographic services ,' ,? 4.; 5e 20 Fire ~ept. service (2edif FJ) 17049
Tp tal 8 1,590*37
Continued page 155. 1
The Village and Foad bills upon being ',7illsctn, be alboved and ordered paid,
They are as follows
Pound corfect 17ere on motion
seconded Reirnann and carried
George 3. Strong, &the1 R, KcCseady Services Village Attorney 1831 $600eO0
6t 40
Clerk Village section Clerk Village Alection
Judge Village Election G*40 Judge Village Blection 6 .co
December salaq- President 35000
Judge Village Zleclion 6.40 Booths & Spl.Officer Vila electiorL 7.00
December 'salary Treasurer 25 * 00 De c embe r s alary Re c or der 75000 Deccrdbe~ salary Trustee 25 00
December sslmy Trustee 25.00
Dvacernber $alary Trustee 25.00
DecemBer salary Eezlth Officer 25.00
EQV-~C pay Village XarshaL1 135~00 3ov-Dec pay Tfillage Earshall 135 e 00
Road Jzbor 102.15
Road labar 95040
Road labor nith team 190 * 80
NoT-D~c pq~ Utility man 12-L 00 Xov-Dec pqy Street Corn 125aoo
Park laboos ' 9.45
Total T,79E0 80
Total December expenditure $3 ,38ZS17
Recorder Euggested that Council's rule requiring that 811 purchase oyders be signed 'by a mem%er of the Council be adhered %o witbout
deviation and it 17as thereupon mowd I@ Reirnann, that hereafter no purchases be a11omd unless irade by an authorized officiey of the
Vkllage on a properly signed purchase order to be supplied %y the
Reco-rder, seconded by IYilfson and carried,
-4 eomiunfcztion xm,s read from Genesal Inspeckion Bureau, signed
by RIB.Daniel, in the matter of ne~r ylates for Fire Instxrance in the district %omding on France Avenue, under date of Dscember 4th vhich 17as refered to Trustee Reimann,
2% =s moved F.eima;m that the sun of $49*78 be allowed and paid the
B%na Garage, Inca, for p&ment of Octolser and Bovemker accounts as per itemized debits and credits, szscianed',by VLllson and carried
Treasurer Duggan presented letter dated December 10, 1931 signed
by. Exr To Oas, Vice President, Kidland %Tationzl Bank 8: Trust GoI
toga"Jner with receipt of Federal Reserve Bank o'f KinneapolLs, covsr ing the $5,000.00 United States 3-3!8$ Treasury Bonds of 1943-47
held by Federal Reserve Bank and. viixich the Xidland 'bar& had pledged
tcf secure funds o€ the Village of &ha txhich may be deposited
n2S;h the Iiidland Ear&. If; t7as thereupon moved by Rejynann that %lie above collateral deposited lrJr Xidland Dational Eank 6 Trust Cos,
vi?h FeiZeral %serve Bank of Uiiineapolis, pes receipt dated Dsc-
emker 1, 1931, being United States 3-3/8$ Treasumj Bonds of 1943-
47", &03, one certificate for $5,000000, be agproved and accepted for and on behalf of the Villsfe of Pdina, seconded Koore ar,d car-
ried (Receipt filed with Treasurer Duggan's bond)
AD>liccction in €om for building permit to build a private dwelling
bly' A. Duoos, at 4616 Casco Avenue, ims on motion Reimam, be graated
see onded by :'fillson and carried.
Application in fom by X.L.Gunderson, to build an addition to the Csuntqr Clu'a Golf House, mas on motion Reimann be granted $* seconded
bx %lIson rad carriedo
Trustee Eebann offered American Auto Fire Ins Company polices. Eo.
5102129, coverins fire, theft and tornado insurance on Caterpiller
ad ?7ehroTordson, moved its acceptance and 'chat the sulliz of $13.93
be alloxred in payment of premiums seconded Uoore. and ca,rried.
A letter was read from Ur H*Do&ugger, asking permissjon to remove
a parkway tree &st of the corner of Brorrndale Ave and Vest 44th St,
which in.terfered vith other trees at same location and it was moved Rebznn that Plr Eru~ger be granted gemission to remove elm tree
as refered to in his letter and subject to the tree being
removed in its entirety including stump and without ariy cost
or liability to the Village of Xdina, seconded 'by Tillson and
carried e
Ilinu@es of the regular meeting held on Bovember 23, 1931, were read and on mtion Yillson, be approved as read, seconded Reimann
and carried.
Xinutees of the special meeting held on December 7, 1931, 57ere rea
read and on rn0ki.m !'iliLLson, be approved as read, seconded Beimann and carried.
No further business to come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at 11.55 €)Ne
I Village Recordero