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All members of. the Council wsre present .
Mr. S&T appeared before the Council os behalf of the Harriet State Bank being re-desigaEed as a Village depository for year 1932, stat- ing while they would much desire to continue serving the village, 9%
may not be possible to pay interest on deposits during the coming
year. At the suggestion of Recorder, the matter of interest was left opep in the hope it might be possible to pay sdme. Mr. mhr
was assured the services of his bank were satisfactory and that he
might ehect every consideration.
The road and village bills upon examination an5 being found correct were on motion Willson be allofled and ordered paid, seconded Reimann,
and carried. They are as follows:
H. Bailey . Harold Nelson
John Hoskins
E. Logren Ernest; Sachs Phillip Bailey
Ernest Hansen
Wm. IilcRell is
0 scar Pelander
D. Kelly
B. Sartpson
Geo. Yoskins Bert Jo%nson
T W. Harvey
E’. Robinson
Ray Jensen Rex Garvey Leslie Miller
P. Dshlgren L. Stolzniin
J. Tracy
S. J. Roberts
P. A. Redpath ’
R. E. Mieske
Dr. L. M. Campbell ’
J. E. Reimann
C. F. Prescott Geo. A. Willson Ben B. Moore
J. J. Duggan
C. F. McGuire
w, s. Joy
Snow Shoveling.
I1 ll
I1 11
11 ir
11 11
ft It
11 I1
11 11
I1 ll
I1 It
I? It
I1 I1
fI 11
I1 I1
n I1
I1 11
I1 11
11 11
Road Labor
Labor with Team
Ut il ity Man Street Commissioner Village Marshall Village Marshall
Health Officer
Village Trustee , Village Trustee Village Trustee. Village B’ecorderr
Village Treasurer
VillLge President
I1 n
7 .EO
72 .OO
125 .OO
$1 150’ .O 5
The miscellaneous bills upon examinat ion and being found correct were on motion Prescott be allowed and ordered paid, seconded XPPLson and carried. They are as follows:
Edina Garage Repair, Supplies Police Car 20.93
city of Mpls. Fire Dept. Service 22.49
A. Kelly Groceries for Poor 37.29
Ace Radio Service Repair Police Car Radio 1 .oo Borey’s Shell Sta. Greasing Police Car 2 ,oo
D. McCauley Milk for Poor 5.25
W. F. Garvey T’ractor & Road Supplies ‘, 12.30
Schneller*s Gen. St. Groc’eries for Boor 10.56
E.W. Harris Gas & Oil for Tractor
& Police Car. 59.63
H. V. Johnson Cul. Go. Road Culvert 20.70
G. E. Supply Corp. Police Car Radio Batteries 5.46 Philpott Bailey Co. Wa3; for Poor 47.15
Wendell s Lnc. . Stencil 2.72
Mpls. G. E. Go. December Street Lghtg. 435.25
Thorrrpson Lbr. Co. Lumber 9.24 Blackburn Nickels & $$i%h Premium on bonds 7.50
Edina Edk7. .I Paint, Tract or & Road Supplies 13.96
Janney, Semple Rill Co. Snov Fence Posts 33.99 Mi11 a- Davis Coo Pr int ing 10 000 Barrett Co. XC Tarvia 25.91
W. G. Christensen 1931 Plbg. Inspec. 40.00 FTiooddzle Grocery Gro. for Poor 10.39
* Ploocida3.e Grocery Gas for Tractor 3.60 DockenTs. Corn. Store Gro, for Poor 17.41
Ed. Neivberg Rent Tool Shed Pre.37.50
Minr,ehahii Grage #398 Rent Grange '?Tal1 68.00 Heniiep in Co. Review Prtg. & Published Not ices 32 .OQ
Gregg' s Pharmacy Suppl ii: s for Poor 1 - 50
Thorpe Bras. Uae Tract Office and Telephone 5.50
Young Fuel co. Coal for Poor 27 .LO Rollin Sand & Bdg. Blk. Go. Road Ssnd 7,lO
Harriet St. Ek. Ins. Agcy. Premium on Bord 5.00
1 i!
France Avenue Vest to west line lot 32 auditars sub. 172. Ji
e II Edina Grocery Gro , for Poor 19.05
$1 , 0 57 . 48
Total January Expenditures 1, 150 e05 1,057 -48
$2 , 207 . 53
Appl feat ion by Northwestern/Bell Telephone Company for permission to set tvo poles on Vest 56th Street between York and Zenith Avenues vas I
on motion Vlillson be granted, seconded Prescott and carried.
Recorder submitted blue print and report by Alexander and Bradley, village engineers, on proposed new lay out West 49th Street from-
motion Koore same be accepted and property omers assuxed at village
eqwrzsetupon condition deeds to all parcels of land necessary fora
40ft .Street be deeded village without coat, seconded Prervcott and
Moore reported on open meeting held on Januaw 5th 1932 in Grange
Rall regarding li~censing of proposed movhe theatre at France Avenue and Vest 50$h Street.
Application in form for building permit to erect private dvelling by
C. Eo Hansen on lot 24 block 12, Brown sectiQn C. C. D. 4608 l!€foOre- land Avenue vas on motion Prescott be granted, secorded Moore and
carried. '
It was moved Prescott that pay of Village Treasurer for 1932 be
set 8 $25.00 per month, seconded Willson and carried.
It vas moved Ffillson that pgy of Village Recorder for year 1932 be set 8 $75.00 per month, seconded Prescott and carried.
Trustee Prescott moved $hat the Hennepin County Review be re-desig- nated the official newspaper of Village of Edina for year 1932, seconded Reimann and carried.
Trustee Prescott liroved that George W. Strong be re-appointed Village Attorney on fee basis for year 1938, seconrled Moore and carried,
Recorder Moore moved that Dr, Leowell hl. Campbell be reappointed
Village Health Officer for year 1932 at a salary Of $25.00 per
month, seconded Faillson and carried.
Trustee Prescott moved that Alexander and Bradley be re-sppointed Village Engineers on fee basis for year 1932, seconded Moore and
czrr ied. .
After cons iderable discuss ion by the Counc fi on. the ratter Of wages to tie paid village road crew, it was moved Prescott that
tbe fo11oitin.g vase scale be adgpted by the Council of the Village
of Edina for ensuring year and beginning February 1, 1932 for Street Commissioner 8 $100.00 per month and utility man 8 #lOO.OO
per month.8eginning January 11, 1932, tractor o erator 0 $.50 per hour, man and team g.80 per hour, road labor @ P -40 per hour, motion seconded Re iman and carr ied u ranimously .
It was moved Prescott that W. S. Joy be re-appointed Street Cormis- aioner, S. J, Roberts utility man, and P, D&hlgren tractor operator for ensuing year, seconded Moore and carried.
Trustee Reimann offered the following resolutions and moved its adopt iem:
"Resolved that the Harriet State Bank of Minceapolis be
I 2nd is hereby selected and designated as a depository Of General Funds of the Village of Edina, Far~~hej-p~rioa-BBgin-
ing as of this date and ending December 31, 1932, on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village or the furnishing of legal collateral in an arnount sufficient
to 105 in excess of the maximum sum deposited, said bond or
said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and
f ilea in the office of the Village Recorder or in the event of collateral being furnished in lien of a surety kond in a
place of safe keeping sat isfactory tbp. the Village Council and thereupon the Treasurer shall deposit all or any -7 part of the Village moneys in such bank." X, '.-.. . 7' _-- -
Motion seconded by Moore and carried.
Trustee Reimann offered the following resolution and moved its adapt ion:
!Resolved that the Midland National EBnk and Trust Company of Minnespolis be and is hereby selected and designated as a depository of funds for leateral sewer district No.1
and No. 2 of the Village of Edina for the period of this date and ending December 51st, 1932 on the execution by such ba-nk of a sufficient bond to. the Villqge Or the fur- nisbing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to 10% in excess of the maximum sum deposited, sgid bond or said collateral to be approved.tby the Village Council and filed in the off ice of the Village Recorder or in the event of collateral being-fiurnished in lien of a surety bond in a
place of safe keeping satisfactor.y to the Village Council and thereupon the Treasurer shEtll deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in such bank."
Mot ion secoaded by K:il.3s,oni.and- carrked.
Trustee Reimann offeced the following resolution and moved its
addpt ion
flHesolved that the First National Bank of Minneapolis be
and is hereby selected and designated a& a depository of funds for Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Curb-and Gutter in Fairway Section C, C. D. of the Village of Edina. for the
period as ofthis date and ending Decembr 31st, 1932 on the
execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village
' or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to 10% in excess of the maximum sutn deposited, said bond Ox
said collates21 to be approved by the Village Council and filed
in the office of the Village Recorder or in tho event of
collateral being furnished in lien of a surety bond- in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council and thereupon the Treasurer shall deposit all or ary part of the Village moneys in such bank."
itlotion seconded by Prescott and carried,
It was moved Rillaon that bill of Bdina garage be allowed and
ordered paid inc amount $20.93 to include all charges for month of December 1931, seconded Reimann and carried.
Letter from $1. R. Bass dated January 8, 193% vas read with reference to re-appoint zent as special policeman, ivbereupon
it was moved Reimann that B.2. R. Eess be re-Sppointed special policeman for Village of Edina for year 1932 without pay and to serve and act under the Village Council and immediately under Police Comdttee of the Council, seconded Noore and carried.
Trustee Reimnn moved.that bond of Village Treasurer be set at
$10,000.00 in form of corporate "surety bond, seconded by Moore and carried.
It was mowd Reimann that P, A. Redpath be re-appointed- Village
Marshall for unsuing yesr at a salary of $135.00 per month and
that R. E. Lfieske be re-hired policB' office for ensuing year 8
a salary of $135.00 per month, seconded Prescott and carried.
Motion to adjourn the meeting, carried at 12:15 otclock*A. E. 1
.. Village Recorger' I. . -
The roll on being called found those present to be President .. HcGuire, Trustee Billson, and Recrorder. Moore.
Albert Graber,as Village Engineer, presented a second est imte on
Lateral Sewer Diskricts No. 1 and No. 8 including extras for high ' vater alarm, extra re-inforcing steel €or wet ne11 on accowt'of
excess water at lo%er levels, extra cerxent, three phase transformer - and other item. This estimte including all extras and a credit of $225.00 allowed on account of laying cast iron 3ischarge pipe -
alongs ide, in place of under pub1 ic sidewalk,, along Bridge Street - from Arden to Bruce, in amount being $5420.00. It being sgreeable , to all parties that the sum of $250.00 be with held unt.il paving and other vork could be done in the spring.
$250.00 to be upon corripletion of vork and acceptance by the Village Council. payment pending sale of smer warrants, motion seconded by Fillson andLcarried. .-
Final payment of the
On mot ion Moore the est bte be accepted and held for
Albert Graber also present Council xith statement of his account for services as Village Engineer on Lateral Seser Districts Xo. 1 znd No. 2 shov~ins the balance due him of $483.25.
Moore statenent, of Albert Graber be accepted and held penfibs sale of aewer warrants, seconded by Willson and carried.
Upon examination of the time book it ims moved. Willson that checks
be drawn in full for sno7;' shovelins work and usual advances be
=de road crew and marshall, motion seconded by Moore and carried.
A large delegation of residents, of Edina mere present and appeared before the Council in the matter of issuing a license and the. granting of a permit to build a movie theatre on France Avenue
near Pest 50th Stseet. Mra A. A. Phillips presented one petition in protest signed by 165 residents of the Country Club District. Another petition in protest signed by-15 residents &rural Edina and another in protest signed by 19 residents living in the vicinity of Pest 50th Street and Halifax Avenue and stated to the Cauncil. it was his opinion as well as the many who had siped the several
I On motion
petitions thit a movie theatre vould serve no Zood purpose and