HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320125_REGULARLetter from $1. R. Bass dated January 8, 193% vas read with reference to re-appoint zent as special policeman, ivbereupon it was moved Reimann that B.2. R. Eess be re-Sppointed special policeman for Village of Edina for year 1932 without pay and to serve and act under the Village Council and immediately under Police Comdttee of the Council, seconded Noore and carried. Trustee Reimnn moved.that bond of Village Treasurer be set at $10,000.00 in form of corporate "surety bond, seconded by Moore and carried. It was mowd Reimann that P, A. Redpath be re-appointed- Village Marshall for unsuing yesr at a salary of $135.00 per month and that R. E. Lfieske be re-hired policB' office for ensuing year 8 a salary of $135.00 per month, seconded Prescott and carried. Motion to adjourn the meeting, carried at 12:15 otclock*A. E. 1 .. Village Recorger' I. . - 3i:INUTES OF TPE REGULAR IdEETING OF TYE COUNCIL OF THE VILLAGE OF EDINA HELD JANUARY 25, 1932 IN GRANGE SALL AT 8 O'CLOCK P, N. - The roll on being called found those present to be President .. HcGuire, Trustee Billson, and Recrorder. Moore. Albert Graber,as Village Engineer, presented a second est imte on Lateral Sewer Diskricts No. 1 and No. 8 including extras for high ' vater alarm, extra re-inforcing steel €or wet ne11 on accowt'of excess water at lo%er levels, extra cerxent, three phase transformer - and other item. This estimte including all extras and a credit of $225.00 allowed on account of laying cast iron 3ischarge pipe - alongs ide, in place of under pub1 ic sidewalk,, along Bridge Street - from Arden to Bruce, in amount being $5420.00. It being sgreeable , to all parties that the sum of $250.00 be with held unt.il paving and other vork could be done in the spring. $250.00 to be upon corripletion of vork and acceptance by the Village Council. payment pending sale of smer warrants, motion seconded by Fillson andLcarried. .- Final payment of the On mot ion Moore the est bte be accepted and held for Albert Graber also present Council xith statement of his account for services as Village Engineer on Lateral Seser Districts Xo. 1 znd No. 2 shov~ins the balance due him of $483.25. Moore statenent, of Albert Graber be accepted and held penfibs sale of aewer warrants, seconded by Willson and carried. Upon examination of the time book it ims moved. Willson that checks be drawn in full for sno7;' shovelins work and usual advances be =de road crew and marshall, motion seconded by Moore and carried. A large delegation of residents, of Edina mere present and appeared before the Council in the matter of issuing a license and the. granting of a permit to build a movie theatre on France Avenue near Pest 50th Stseet. Mra A. A. Phillips presented one petition in protest signed by 165 residents of the Country Club District. Another petition in protest signed by-15 residents &rural Edina and another in protest signed by 19 residents living in the vicinity of Pest 50th Street and Halifax Avenue and stated to the Cauncil. it was his opinion as well as the many who had siped the several I On motion petitions thit a movie theatre vould serve no Zood purpose and would be detrimgntal to the best interests of the comrmnity. As President of the School Bawd of District #l?, Mr. Phillips stated it war3 the general experience of school authorities that movie theatres frequently offered a worse condition as "hang outsn. Miss Reed, School Trustee, stated that as a principal in one Of the Ninneapolis Grade Schools, that movies were objectionable when close to schools. Mr. J. Slinzerman presented a petition in protest with 87 sipers of residents of School District #17 living mostly in Morninzside. Mr. Slingerman reviewed the reasons why a license granted by the -Morninsside Villsge Council for a- move the6tre had been recently revoked, expressed the opinion that a movie thgatrs-would be detri- mental to the best interests of the School District. On behslf of the Morningside group of Parent Teachers Association,* Mr. Slinger- Mi. V.. H. Adams appeared in protest stating a mode was not needed and would he part iculmly object ionable to many residents of his neighborhood and that they could not be regulated. Mr, D,SWallance protested against a movk stating those at Lake Street were plenty dlose enouqh and that a movie at Kest 50th Street and France Avenue would be detrimental to his neighborhood and the comrmnity at large and thst he hctod moved to Edina to get his 3 \ t land also entered protest. . I WI .I . b children away from downtown influences. .. i .- ,Mr, Levelette stated he vas connected with move theatres ad saw Mr.t Sodergren spoke .in favor ofthe proposition and that in his Opkion 'a mov'e woUd enhance the nlue of his vacant property. .Mr. I&le spoke several times in favor of the proposition and assured po$sible. -of France Avenue near West 50th Street. Mr, Hellier spoke in protest and that in his opinion there was no necessity for ij, movie theatre as proposed at this time, Mr. Mzzstue stated he opposed a movie 8s being a bad influence, . Mr. Chance stated he did not knox whether he opposed the movie theatre or not, thought it amlgEit-bBI:advisaUe to consider the matter . 1 no objection to them. 1. the Council he would do all in hi.s power to operate.:the best theatre . Re also advised the proposed location WBB on the west side I - .of carfare one has to pay to ride all the way dowhtown. Mr. .Dale advised that the buildin3 they proposed to build would cost approximately #50,000.00 and the equipment $15,000.00. Mr*- Phillips stated his belief the movie proposit ion should be considered from the standpoint of our Ohildren and stated School Eosrds feared any form of amusement, gathering groups of children without regifiation as it resulted in frequent course of downfall. Recorder Moore read into the record results of meeting held on January 5th for purpose of determining view point of residents of Edina, stating MT. Derrick had appeared be€ore the committee of the Council and opposed the proposed movie theatre an grounds small outlyins theatre would not be able to offer the better films and that nearby theatres offered temptation to children. Rosers, Scount Master of Troop#ll$, had also opposed the proposed theatre as offering constant temptation to young people and that he"ha3 moved out of Minneapolis to get his boys away from dqntown influ'ences. Trustee Willson expressed his opiizion that there was too much attempt being rrade to regulate most everything and wondered if an zpplicat ion for a movie theatre was made to be located in the Civic Center arear across the street from the school, if it would be opposed so generally Sy the public. That Mr. I Recorcter Moore stated the question in his opinion was hrgely a political one involving the relations of the Village of Edira vith its neighbors and t3at a movie located in Edina as proposed mould be objectionable to both the Vil16.ge of Xorningside and the City' of Minreapolis, particularly the residents of the 13th vard. Attention %vas drawn fo the fact the Village of Edina 17as in a large way de pendent on the City of Minneapolis for its health by reason of city water being obtained from Ninr&apoli's and our sewage disposal entering 13inneapolis sewers. safety vas very largely deperrdent on the service Mineapolis' wag rmdering Edina, without chargef or such items as police radio ibxoadcast and the fact hfinneapolis police cars were co-operating with the Edina police car in ansivering calls in Edina. tection 17as extended to many residents of Edina by the City of Minneapolis. Recorder Moore expressed his belief lased on stateizents rrkade to him by certain officials of the City of Minneapolis, that to grant a movie license at thi8 time would upset the present ideal condi-tions and relations with the City of Ninneapolis all of ~hich mizht be considered far more important than a movie theatre. Also that our public I. Fire pro- It was mwed by Moore,that the request of Mr. Dale and others 'for license for a mo7d.e theatre be refused and application for permit to build a movie theatre be not allmed, motion seconded by Willson. The vote being taken found Uoore and NcGuire voting in favor of the motion and Trustee Willson as opposed. declared the mot ion carried. VhereuFon the President Application in form for buildin= permit by Stewart Collins to erect a private dnelling 34' x 24' on lot 34 block 9 Fairway Section C. C. D. . vs.9 011 moteion Villson be granted, seconded by Mdore and carried. Agplication having been mde and due posted notice ha'ving been given, Trustee Willson offered the foll0i;rin~ resolution and moved. 2 its adopt ion: "Be it ordained. by the Council of the Village of Edina that the Zonicg reydations applying to lots NO. 1 and NO. 2, block 3, Grandview Heights Addition, be and are hereby changed from opendi&f&Z, district' to that of community store diBtrict as defined in an ordimnce duly adopted by the Council of the Village of Edina on the 25th date of May 1931." Seconded by Ifooze. The vote being uFon the adoption of the resoluy tion mherein"2hose voting aye vere Rillson, NcGuire, and Moore, and those opposed none. adopted and so ordered. WheGeucon the resolution was It vzs moved Villson that Blackburn, Nickels, and Dowered to 'inite workman's conmensat ion inBurance declared duly . Smith be ern- Zor :%he Village bf Edins for a period of one Gar and beginning as of February 11, 1932, motion seconded by Moore and carried. .It was. moved Villson that the bill of the University of Minnesota FIospital in the amount of $5.85 for insulin for Ragel Elgea, 5621 York Avenue, be allwed and ordesed paid, seconded Moore and carried. No further business to come before the meeting; motion to adjourn carried at 10:l5 P. I,!. o'clock. V Village Recorder