HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320208_REGULARNinutes of the regular nnee%irqg of the Council of the VilXme of Win&, held on lieb~uary 8, 1932, in Grange Hall, at 8 me _r Tke meeting wa8 called to order by Trustee Preseott and all mem- bers of' the Council were found to be present except Ptesb NcGufrs. Blfrnutes of the meting held on January 21, 1932 were read and on motion Rehann, be approved 88 read, aecsnded by Willson and c arr i sd. Beinutes of tkie meeting held an January 25, 1938, were read and an m~'tion Reimam, be approved as read, seconded fsy Tillson and At- this point President NcGuire arrived and assumed the chair- manshfp of the meeting. The matter of Council's action Sn re-zoning Lots 3, and 2 in Block 3, Grandview Heights Add& tfon at Januazy 25th. meeting; vias discussed by the CounciZ the questfon arfah,g abf 8 sufficient4 number of Cknancil members were present at said meeting to pro- perly change the Z~ni.~g Ordfance aB stated in said Ordln8meb - whereupon Trustee Willson re-offered the following resolution and moved, ft8 adiption- -. -. CaPriedo 4'Be it ordained by the Council of the VAllage of mina, * that the Zoning regulations applying on Lo%a Noo l and Noo 2 " in Block 3, Grandview Heights Addition, be and the GEUM? arey * hereby changed from"0pen Development (I distric ti to ltComm~nil&y 'Store" &strict, as defined $e an ordiance duu adopted s3y '%&e Ceunail of the Village of Edina, on N~T 25, 193XSR seconded by Brescott and thoae voting in favor sf %e adoption of' the S~SS~U.~;~OXI were Willson, Rebann, Psescstt, HaGuire and Noore and those opposed. hone ,whereupon said resolution mas de-. cPared duly adopted and so ordered, !thk rnismCLaneons bibla upon being Pound correa&, were on motion Prescett, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Willsen and- ** carried, TkreY EIXe &8 fQIlotV8 I Urad vers ity o f IVIi me e ata Insulin %ma girl - $5.26 BIinnea+pol$E: G .E.Ccampam Jan. Street L2ghtin.g 437-.50 , Jean VIightnZan St mogsaphic eervice 3.20 Park Transfer Csmpaay Trucxks for snowplotdry lQ5eQ0 . Unf%ed Motor Service Repair Police car * 6.28 Coal for poor 51-• 05 Coal for poor 9 i 80 Blackburn, Xbelcels & Smi.t;b Premium CWP, ins, 369 21 Thorpe. Erss Use of Tract office Jan. B*QO , Milles-Davis Company Office supplies Xo9Q ' Phil-pott-Bailey co Yoang Fuel company Pub. Notice 45 Purchase orderal9.lb C-iEiller & Son t &>Its & nipple 2.39 Hennepsbn County Revsew Alexander & B~adley &gfbnet?rdP!' Ijer.tPicss v 49th. 10.00 DoCken'S CC~XIZII~ Store Groceries TOT poor 4.94 me Leader Otshoes fer poor 3.01 H.A.Rogers Co. r* mot3 Eyan Road gravel 9.75 Wooddale G~QWW Gaa for snaw plow 4.20 c Christensen ' Lettering "No Dmping%igns 5.25 W- F. Garvey Road to918 30 00 f3chnelles~s Gen Store Grocer%es fer poor 9.62 &ina Hardware Snow shovels & hardware 15.76 Gr egg s Pharmcy Siek supplies 1.70 Blueprints - Security Nat1. Bar& Treaaurerfs bon& premfm 50 e OQ Ilboddsle Grocery Groceries far poor 130 26 Gena TIXW%~~P k Eqe Coo Repair parts tsaetar and snow plow 70 00 3. We Harris- Gas fOT tractQrS-SnOVZ ~EOW 69.66 D*J,&C~US~~ RXfk f~r poor( &.lfy Jan) 4.90 4 Blackburn ,>Tick elak&n%%h Prmim on bond 5.00 Ediria Grocery Groceriss for poor 860 28 Total$ 1385064 I, The Read and Village bilfs up~n being found correct, were an \ motfsn Reimnn, be allamd and orderid paid, seconded by \7illaeala and carrieda They are as fOllOW6 ' Snow shoveling ia 11 I1 tl n tl ta tl n !I II n f @I n n rr If It I? n ft 1) n n 11 tt n N 1s tt I1 0 It 11 g n n ti It 19 n n tl n 1CracCor'Opesator . Roa$.l~~bor . Labor witb team . Street Cormnfssioner Village E.Iasshal.1 , Village Narshall Village Health Officer Village Tnus tee Village wus tee Village Trustee VilZage Recorder Village Treasurer Vd11age Fresident U$i%f%y m853 * To tal $22*40 17.60 16000 X8*40 27 b 20 18*40 14.80 . 16e.00 20.00 22. a0 12.80 11.20 12.40 9.60 1 .eo 32.80 fie40 4.80 4e EO 34 20 de86 $0 20 8.00 X* 60 4.80 4.90 0 €30 4000 4080 le60 Cgl*OQ so*4a 54.. 80 l2l.s 20 12% e 20 %35000" t 135000 25.00 25.00 25eOO 25.00 75.00 - 25.00 35.00 4080 - 8 $,238.80 &i1oyes Compensation Policy jfE4Q9l.94 issued by Columbia the Comcfb, on motion Reimsnn be approved and accepted, sec- onded %y- Nosre and carried. Various recorde and statmerats were presented the CoumfP in the matter of the Sanitary Sewer, Stwm Sewer, Curb ana Gutter assessments in the Fairway Sectfon, Country Club D%s.t;rf~%~ This matter having beexi previously before the Counc11 fop settlement and detemfnntion of mswn%s which m@y have not been fully paid, and not satbsfactorlly settled, it VIEW thereupon moved EJreocatL that the %bale matter be refered by the Council through the Casualty Company to %he Village of &%ha, WE? presented to ReCeTder, to tihe leu'b%fc JkmSner, SWOnded ViP%BOpP and, CFCrhdo - The motion for tho adspLisn of the for3 Counc12 members voted in favor thereof; Presco.t;t, Willsm, Reimam N5sre and NetGuirs, and no member of the Co&cil vofed against the sames whereupon said reeolution W~B declared duly passed and It was moved Presco.t;t that thin regular meeting adjourn until 7.36 3?31Q February 10, 1932, seconded by Moore and carriede r~so.$u%% 0x1 havfryy; been du3y seconded an& $he vo$e befng t2Ierebn 0 the foflaafn - adoptea. - Receipts Fe'bruagt 8, 3.932. I