HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320210_REGULARcounty Village of Edina The Treasurer of the Vfllsge of JBiria, Hennepln County ISinn- esota, mill pay to the bearer hereof from Sever District Number I and of oaid*ViPl&e the sm of DOllstsPEl (8 lavfu3 money of the UfiifiLcd States of &erica on %he .Sei,=%? of Sankz, 19 tsgathes with interest thereon at the rate ~f ( - ) percent per annum, pqyable zLnnuaUy on the first dqq of January of each ye&r in accor8ance nith and upon presentation and surrender of' the attached in%eres% Capon8 as %hey severally become due8bo%h prhclpal and in.teres& being pay- able at Efid$and Xational Bank and Trust Compaqy, Einneapolfs, &E mes Q %a* Thie warrant bs one of a series of rzarranta issued. by said Village pursuanP, to ;atad in full con.fomi%y with the csmsti2;uf;icrn and lam of %he State of Ninnesota thereunto enabling incfu6%rie; Chapter 35, Wtm of Efinne~ata far 1915 and acta amendatory therail ana supplemental thereto far the purpose of defraying expense ifactlrred and $0 3s incurred in the laiying of sewers in said B%s& rict a8 deeeribsd and specified in a certab resaZut%on duay' 19-& and in the anticipation of the collec4;L~n of special assessaents heretofore duly levied agaZnst the benefited proper* in safd Dfstrict for canstruction 09 EWIFS~S and its payable out of 8 fund designated as Iknd of Sewer District Number required to be paidb I adopted by %he Village Councfl of said VSllage on the day 02 into vzhfch fund sll *proceeds of said asseasfients are It ia hereby certified and recited that all ast8, conditions I- 170 and things required by the constitution and lam of the State of 19innesota, to have been done to have happened, Bnd to have been performed precedent to and in the issuance of this wamant have been done, have happened and have been perfomed in regabtar and due f om, tine and manner as required by faw and that this Warrant, fogather with a11 other indebtedness of said Village outi3tandin.g on the date 'named herein and on the date of the actual issuance and de% Pwry hereof, does not exceed any statutory or constitutional limit- ation of indebtedness. In wflnesa tvher6of the Vlll~ige of %ha, Hennepin Coutnty, bfinnesota, Ssy its Village Couneil, has caused this warrant to Be signed by the President of the Village Corjlncfl and countersigned by the Village Recorbx. and sealed with the seal of said Village, knd the heerest cuupona hereto attached to be execu$ed and autliem- tioated by the fiwcsimi3.e signaturea of said officers, and has caused this Tarrant to be dated as sf Janmv 1, 1932. I Countersigned ' Prssddent of Village Councilo Vi Xl~ge Re c o r der ( om of Coupon 1 NO On Tzc first day of January, 19 , 8 the Village OF iiklina, Hennepfn County, Uinnesota, wPll pay to bearer at Midland lTatiozral Ban% and %mL Corn any of J3:iimeapol.%s, Nimiesota the sum of Dollars (9 being the install- mcnt of interest then due on its Sewer District Number Varrant, dated January 1, 193% B .* NO The motion for the adoption of the foregoing resolution was duly seconded by Trustee T!lillsen, and upon vote being taken thereon the following council members voted in favor thereof: Preacott, Villaon, IdcGUire and Xoere a and no member sf the Counshl voted against the sane and adopted. whereupon said resoluti0n wa8 declared duly passed Village Recorder.