HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320223_REGULARThe meeting on being called to Order by the President found those present being EcGuire, Villson and IJooro, absent 3ehaai1 arid
Pr 88C 8t.f; 0
%e Road bills upon examination and found correct were on mo%San
Willson, be sillowedl and ord-eredl paid, seconded Xoorc and carried!p
Binutes of the meeting held on February 8th were read and' on motion X513.aon be approved &B read, aeconded BGuire and ca2ried.
Xinutes of the mee$ing held on February 10th. were read andl on
motion \Tillson be approved aEi read, seconded NcGufre and carriecl.
Trustee I7illrson offered the following resolution and moved it.4;~
&dspLiQn, seconded' by Pilobre*
mereas, the Councfl of the Village of on 3uXy 27, 193f, dug paaalod an ordlance regulating the speed of street cam over Highizqs and Street croesinga in
the Village of %Una, and providing a peltalw for viola t is12 th ere0 f
Therefore be St ordaYned, by %he Councfl of the Vflla3e of Edina, %ha% tho Erne be and is hereby repealed,
De vote being upon the adoption af the resolutfon s&ereSn
these weye tWcee ayes and no nays and so declared adapted.
Recorder Efoore offered the foilowing reaolutfon and moved ita adogtiom,
!?he Council of the VfZlage of Zlina, do ordain a8 folLontj
!Ezereforo agreement having been bekeen said Vibbage sf ;Edfna and said BlimeapoXia, SQ, PauZ and SuburBaa
Railway. COE~P~W~ vith the approval 05 The Railway and
Warehouse Commission, to dealst in the bloraing of sa%& loud, penetrating and shrieking vhistlss in consider- ation sf Browndale Avenue in the Village of Edin"Ee,
being designated a nStop8' crossing 8nd the installa%ion of @Stopfg signs on the approach to said Browndale Ave cross fng
Therefore be it ordained by tfie Council of the VLllage
of Nina, that Safd. resolu'tion be and frs hereby re@-
The vote being upon the adoption OS the resolution, trinerein
there mere three ayes and no nays and BQ declared adoptedl - ,
Recorder Noore, offered the' foPlowing resolution and moved
iZ;s adoption, \ 3-72
Be it ordained by the Council of the Village of Xd-ina, that the Browndale Avenue crossing in the Village of
Mima with the Hinneapolis, St Paul and Suburban Rail- vw Cornpaw, between Sunnysi.de &venue and VJcst 44th Street, be and is herebgr designated and declared a cistop'' crossing.
The resolution ms eeconded by Trustee Vill'son and the vote
being taken fuund. thoee in favor being Willson,. McGui-re and
Moarc and those opposed none, whereupon bL was duly declared &Qp%@$b and BO ordered.
Recorder Moore, offered the following resolu.t;isn and mov&
i%s adoption,
Be ft ordained by the Council of the Village of &dim
that regulation Wtopn signs be placed on right approach
$0 each aide of the Browndale Avenue crossing vdth the l&imeapofia, St Paub and Suburban Railway Company, in the Village of mina.
!&e resolution tvas seconded by Trustee Villaon and the vote on being taken found those in favor i$efng %tillson, XcGSxire and IJotslce and those opposed. mne, whereupon it m~ duly
declared duly htdopted and SO ordered. Recsrdm to arrange
for purchase and ins tallation.
After careful emination and atailit of the second estimate
by Albert Graber, Vialage Engineer, in the matter of final payment an Lateral Sewer Contract in Lateral Sewer Districts
No. 1 and. Noo 2, it was moved Wil3.~on that warrant in mount
$4428.00 be dram in favor of the Plhelps-Drake Company, per contract leaving a balance due the PheIper-Drake Company, of $250.00 to be paid upon completion of ala work the nat- ure of which cannot be compLeted until warm westlier perraits,
The motion wae seconded by Piroore and @wried unaminously,
It BES moved Noore, that the sum of $25OeO0 be paid to TOGe
3vensezi out of Lateral Sewer Districts No. 1 and No* 2,funda in final pqyment for financial and proper proceedure service,
including that of' attorney's opinion in connection with Con-
etructioa and spreading of aasessrflents and sale of sewer
warrants in Lateral Sewer Districts NO. 3. and Moo 2, motion seconded by Villson and carried unaunirnoznsly,
It was ~novedl IViZlscbn that the sum of $4SO0O0 be ma&? in final
pmenl to Albert Graber, Village Engineer, for engineering servfbses in prepairing plans apecifica%iaen and estimates
a$ 1vel1 as inspection of all work do'ne in connection with construction of sanitaxy sewers in Lateral Sewer Districts
carried unaminously . Roe I and Roo 2, in the ViPlwS of Edina, seconded BliOors and
Trustee Vilbson moved that- the sm of @2,50Oe00 of ~enerd,
Funds of the Village of Edina, now on deposit with Xidland
Rational bank and Trust Company of Xinneapolfs, be trans- fered to Genera Rand on deposit with the Harriet State BGnk
of MinneapoLis, motion seconded by moore and carried unaainolnsly Treasurer to be gi.ven a warrant duly signed by Pre3iden.l; and Recorder .
It mas moved Moore, that the Harriet State Bank of Wmeapolis
having offered $4,50OoOQ of Lateral Sewer Dkstricta no. 3. and
No. 2, Sewer 'FYtiZrrantB, as collatera3. to seczxm moneys of the
Village of Eiim,es& deposit@, with said Harriet State Bank, and having deposited said warrants with the Ir'irst Xatioml
Baa of N'inneapofis as trustee, that the same be accepted in lieu of surety 'bends, motion seconded by Ifillson and carried unanhousfy
Trustee Villson moved %hat the Hafriat State Bank hav%ng de7posftsd nith the First Sa.i;ioyaal Bank of XimeapoXia aa %rw$@e,
$4,580et)Q of &$erab Sever Distric%s sae 1 ad lb. 2, Sth’ez-.
TiYragtis, ViUags of Edina,, as coXlatera1 to ~~~ure mneys of
aa%t%”Village OS Edina, on deposit 172th said Harrie$ State brt%, - in lfeu of the P~fSot~fng bonda heretofore pledged to secure 1bke
, fmds of Itaid vi~age, name*-
Ny C & StL 44-t~ due 9@/?8 fn amoun~uooo~..o.~2,08Q.00
111. Gene.. Rsp Series C 4-&8s due a2//a/63*.oooo83*000000
that the stme be hereby released by $%id VLllage of SdBptei an& the
First National Bard%, requested to return sme to the Harriet State Bank, motion seconded by &ore and carrfed unanSmousw
Recorder read a recent report of the State Board 02 Health, rdth reference %o san9tary survey of miU supply in the Village of
Edintt, and moved it be refered to Dr Campbell, Village Health Offher for his further bnves-bigatlon and report socosded by
Trustee Villaon ad carriede
Xo further business to come before-the CounciP, moWon to ad- journ Cmried at 11 PXs
Village Recordero