HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320314_REGULARD1Cfnu.f;es of theregular meeting of the Coumncil of the Village of mine, held on Narch X4, 1932, ,.
held in Half at 8 PMo
The meeting wa8 called to order by President IBcGuire and all rnenbsm of the Csuncil were present,
Ninutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on 3'ebruax.y
23, 1932, were read and on motion Preecott be approved as read,
seconded by Willaon and carried.
The Dii;bscellaneaucs bill$ upon being found correct, tvere on mo.&i.on
Brescott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by VTillson and
carried.. They are as follstm
E.W*Harr is Gas & Oil for tractors &
, Police car 108.89
Biina Grocery Groceries for poor $399 3.9
WUQk Bc sno.t.pplov~i~ 6% 25
Sand for icey streets Ye10
Sand for Eeey streets 6080
Pulling tra.ctsr on highway m.oa Greasing Police cw 2.80 Aasessmen'c Card8 .IN) 68075
Use Tract office Few) 5.00
Police TeXephone listing(1932) 2.70
Groceries for poor
Gas for tractor . 4.08 Groceries for poor .13* 28 Yisa Qept Service 14.?6
Fire Dspt Service - 35.98
Supplies for poor 8: sick - -085 Groceries for poor a 2.28 Coal for poor 37.90 coax for p0Or 190 60
ShSPt?lS . 5.95 P*$O
29 25 &'be WotiOe XC Tarvia Office supplies 3.70 B1uepr in t %I 1.84 Rewiring Police car radio 12.30
Hauling snow fence eC posts 69 00 Refund on P~%iee car license
#B3.13358-1932 12975
Februwy Street Ligh%irg 43% 37 Premium Fire theft &: TOP, inso on PoPice car G*98
GTOC&Sit3S for PQQr 12sB3
Letterisg 7 &1Lekin Bomds 4eOO
Blacksmithing & sharpening tractor groussfra 20.85
Rrernitm on Fire Dept Service to c;sw ~innea k5* 06
Premiun on Spl, Officer bonrjla 6680
TO tal XtZiSOlo $1,099086
Treatment P6or 8s sick ]PBlsea)
The Road and Village bills upon being found correct, mere on motion Refmann be allowed and ordered paid, segacanded by PresCstt
and carrlsdl. They are 68 follow
Sam %Cready Snowshoveling $16040
Roland EcCreredy 0 14.88
4 George Hdskfns I1 14080
John Hsskine I8 13; 20
Bert Johnson 11 3.6040
John EIcNelSis If 15060
Harold XcNellis 0 16040
Frkrn MCNellis it 13.20
*E* Robinson II 9t3* 60
Continued on page P75*
Snomhovel ing $10080
s 12BQO . 15 0 68
fl 130 20
II 13.20
It 6000
n I1 66
(I 16040
tt 20040
n 8 080
It 30 20
II 30 20
I1 , 1060 ri 130 2u
tt 18 o 40
tl ,22880
I1 16e40
tt 160 40
It + .. 3.20
$8 2080
II * 2080
W ' 5*60
11 3.6*46
Labor with team 430 20
Road labor 28340 Tractor operator 56000 Utility ?ihn %aJo.oo Street Commissfoner ao0.00
Village Earshwll P35eOO
Village krshall 135*00
Village Preaident Idarch 35.00
It Treasuror '# 25000
n +corder It 75e00
It Trw%eeo It 25900
II Truetiee I1 25800
25seo 11 QUStCe!
It Hea19;h Officer Idarch 25 0 00
Total Road & Village :;1,~13040
J Total Xarch expenditure $2,313,26
Papositary certificate8 istsued by First National Ear& of X%ran=-
+zpoZEs, ai3 Trustee, to secure funds of the Village of ~3d%na, on deposit tri-bh the Harriet State Bank, of ?$inneapolis , in
erasunt Village of Elin8 Sevei \!tarrants $4 , 500.OO
State of E~ssQwA., Series &due
9 11 /44 05,OOOoOO vere placed in Vgllage Vault for safe keeping after expmimiion
by the aeversl mmrbertj of the Councilo
herican Surety Company's surety bond #51578l-D in behalf of \yoJe&cboro as Speciaz Police Officer, vas received and on motion Reiaann, be accepted, seconded by Noore and carried,
&errcan Surety Compaqftrs surety bond #SlS702-D in behalf of
EdI Port as Special Police Officer, ves received Cnd on matian Reimnn, be accepted, seconded br Xoore and carried,
Pe%i%fon received Prom Village of Hopkins, through its TlilXage
Attorney, requesting! joint and co-Operative action by %he tns
Villages in a JognQ petition to the Railroad and Varehouoe Con- migsion m&&.ng 4th Avenue in EdEna a 3treet car stop, vas read, Qn,,.aotion Preiscstt , the Teqn&~t. be concured in and that Besident
and Recorder, be empotmred to sign me for and in behalf of the
Cowcfl, seconded by Reirnaan and carriedo
Pi&, Theft ana Tornado policy #693l issured by Home Ineuranco Cs oeypering P01ics car, vas received from Tvin City Insmmica Coo,
T.r?nich on motion Rehann, be ac-cepted, seconded Xoore and carried,
ApplicaQion in fom for Euilding permit by L. Sasone, to build a glasaed in porch size 35 feet x 8 feet to house located on Lo% 4 SeoLion 33, wm on notion Villaon, be grzflted, swoiided by Noore and carried.
Application by J.R,Barey, to attach an 89%. x 12Pte shed to pre- gent I?illiplg Station building a% S-V comes? of Vest 50th Strest. and Halifax Ave., received,
be granted nithout payrnant of fee on condition sane be joined. Bma South side of present building in a nest and appropiate wq, sec'ond.& by Prescott and carrieda
On motion Iry Villson application
No further business to cone before .the Council, motion to adjourn aarried at 10.50 PN