HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320411_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Council
of the Village of =inn, held on Ap~siX 11, 1932, in Grange Hall at 8 PNe
!h.e meeting ms called to order by President EcGuire and all members of the Council were present.
9Jr Shilssn, 6209 Trance Avenue, appeared before the Council and quoted a price of SO# per cubic yard on Toad gravel, delivered
anyiffiere in the VIXlage, tf’nich info-mation vas placed on Pileo
Xr Dinnien, requested that Kist 55th Street, betmen Drew and France Avenues be graded with some graveling if possible which .
on motion Prescott be refered to Road & Bridge Cormittee, seconded
by Etloore, and carried.
E1Linutes of the meeting of the Council held on &larch 28, 1932, irere read and on motion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded by Ti1Pson and carried.
Iiir Maas representing the Glacier Sand & Gravel Company, apprzred before the Council nith a request he be permitted to install
veighing acales either on the West or Nor.th Bide of Companyls office building at 72nd. Street and France Avenueo After con- siderable discussion Council advised l!tr &lams these vas no% enough rooa to the Tbst of the office ?milding to instalT the acales without encroachjiQg pon the public street and suggested a location North of the o k fice building with a drivemy leading from the Eqt to eliminate backing onto mance Avenue nith loaded trucx rihich mould be a c’onsiderable traffic hazard, This being satisfactory to IJr Adasns , application tvas thereupon made for a
building permit to install 20 ton weighing scales with 10 .x .20 ftO pl<tforn to the TJQrth of office building the rrhole located on
the- Cornpawls present plant at 72114. Street and 33xmce Avenue, the North-vest portion of Section 32. The motion was made* by Villson to brant the pemft, seconded by I?<esco.tt and carried.
The’matter of issuing a building permit to Nrs Le De Rutledge, re- ferred to Tsustee Prescott at the Earth 28th. meeting, again cam before the Council. Era Rutledge being represented by her son
h$r and Attorney and the Thielen Avenue residents by
btr C .H .Ari1old* After discussion it vas mutually agreed by all present ,mho signed applicatiion for building pewmiit as m evidence of agreement and consent, that the 10 x 12 x afto ‘buS.ICtL~ Be
built on lot 4 to the South of present buildiix on lot 5, ~5iich new building shall have gmrage doors and line up on the %st
side witb the present building now occupbd as residence by Urs
Eutledge, shall not be used as a residence or living quarters and
shall contain ah:outhouso so tha.1; -&is one used at present EacbAedl on rear end of lot 5 will be removedo agreement being ~@%sPa~toxy to all present, it vas moved Prescott
the apglica$ion be granted, seconded Noore and carriede
The arrangement and
Dr Lowell 19. Cmpbrll, Villee Health Officer, appeared and re- ported to the Council mith reference to %Be mfB survey he had made in Edina, stating that certain partdes.-krad cleaned up theis premise8 tfnich vere nom satisfactory.
on the Lamas property, dumping at France Avenue arid !Vest 54tb
Street as well as the Elgin Creamery property at Fr,ance Avenue and T’st 50th Street. It was agreedIthat Dr Cantpbsll glve notice to have the above premises cleaned up and that the Council would stand behind him.
Ur V*B,Ducke.P;t, Highvmy Engineer for Hennepin County, again ap- peared before the Council with complete plana and specifications
of the Tzst Belt Line Highrrqy in Edina, a general vieri= haerg
been inade by- many ififx?rested parties on April I, 19320 Mtsr careful examination of all suggested grades and fxtthtx s”bdy and
discussion of details wherein the Recorder stated he had been
advised by Village Attornqy Strong, that a legal and ‘oindfng ease- inent covering some 30 to 40 feet of the present Golf course ex-
tending along the present Villson Road could be entered into by
Dr Campbell alea reported
4he hlerested parties pernitti-* continued 11863 oi the prop-
erty for golf puxgoses, Wherein the ma%ter was called for vo-be.
%iereupdn Tt was moved Prescott, seconded by Moore and carried
' 27y an affirmative vote of alb members of the Csmcil: that
WE€ERW, the Board of County Conmissioners of Hennepin County, Minnesota, is about to designate the location? of the West Bel% Line Highway in the ViPlage of mina as shown upon the plan vfhich is presented herewith and made a part hereof, and
'iVHIiEUS, said Bard of' County Commissioners is desirous of co'lzstructing and impmving said \Pest Belt Line Highway through said Village and has prepaired plans for said coxstruetion and iriprovement, a'copy of wMoh said plana are presented herewit'fi
an'd made a part of this resolution; and t
mHmW, the construction and improvement of said Highway 're- quires a change in the grade bf the streets of said Village
aXmg and upon wh$oli said Highway passes, said change of grade "
be9.ng designated and shorn oil said plans and
\WmEGs, lt is to the best interests ~f gaid Villege that'said h2ghmay be constructed and improved khrough said Vi91ags in nc'cordance withsaid plans and the standard Ninnesota -Highway
Spbcifications and upon the grade designated therein;
NOW, THERJBQRE, BE IT RE3OLVBD, that said plam qnd specific- at'i~i~ for the construction and improvement of said higkkst;y
pr'sved; and
BE IT PURTEB3 RBOLVD, that said Village of mina,, hereby
cdnfients to the change in the grade of the streets along which
a&id highmy passes, as designated and shorn fa said plants.
tlirough the Village of JBFna, be and the rare hereby ap- ."
Village 0% mins
The Road and Village 93811s upon 'being found correct were on motion Villsona, be allowed and prdered pai.6, seconded by Prescottand carried, they am as fallows
Salary President April .
0 Treasurer It
li Recorder ts
It Truetee 11
ft Beabth Officer Agrlbf
tI II n
11 It I!
Street Commissioner
UtLlity man Tractor operator
Road labor with team
Road labor
n 11
It n
Ii It
It W
" I
$35 e 00
3x0 20
4 980
1 continued on page #3.81.
L, Schnecky
, EoA.RedpaQh
Road labor Village Xarsha1,l I n 11
$6 40
The rniscellaneow bills upon being found correct were on motion Reimann be allamd and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried,
Mim Garage Repairs & service police car 3 rionths " &i8*72
Edim Feed QQa Trucking 8.45
D eFol"llcGuire Refuna on rent advanced 15000 Blackburn,Nickels ,Smith .Insurance premiwa 28,812 mina Grocery Groceries Tor poor 95016
3. B.%m is Gas & Oil for tractors and
Police car * 63052 Rollin Sand 2dg El Cs Road gravel delivered 76.50 Rennepin County Review Published notice 9 e00 Ifiimeapolis Blueprint Co Blueprfnts e 78
DeJeEcCauley &Ii& for poor 9630
Young Fuel Co Coal for poor 26-60
' They are as follows
Philpott-Bailey Co Coal for poor 26.30 Xinnea?o&is G .E.Co Xarch Street lighting 434089
Carl Olson Groceries for poor 5.71 Wle Signs RR %toprt signa 32000
Gsregg' s pharmacy Sic2 supplies for poor '1.70
Wqoddalr Grocery Groceries for poor 39 *oo C .A,l;indquis t Blacksmi thing 29 55
Ciw of Xinneapolis Police car radio batteries 4.75
City of dinneapolis Fire Dept service Be99 Park Transfer Co Wuck & snw,%plorrirg 61 o 50
VJe S o SOX Refund on time booka L.20
To ta3 7
Total April expenditure 81 ,921a20.
The Recorder reported that he had been informed by the Supto of 3enncpia County Poor Farm, that '12nomas HcDonogh, who had been an hate there for some tfine at the expense of the Vilh-go of
me body to be turned over to County 3:10rgue for burial. (=fort ms made to reach any possible relative bupt none vere knom and none vere found)
Dubuque Fire insurance polioy # 2'133119 covering to0l house, contents, snowfencing etc, reneving a like policy expiring on
April 14th. wa3 examined and found to be 'correcto .Om mo%%sn
ADplicaLion by Zinneapolis General Electric Conpaw, to Eie'c; two ~oles in alley between Zeneth and York and between 54 and 55th ?tree-ts, 1788 on motion Rillson be granted, seconded Preacott lir
Chairman Tillson reported further Par the Commit%ee appointed
€0 study and report the proposition of dividing the Villeb
into several election precfnts and submitted plats with the rim%er of residents, houses etco in any one of the precfnts
as suggested* After considerable study and discussion by %he
council Chatman Willson 'offered the following resolution &d
GoTed its adoption, duly seconded "Dy Trustee Prsscottg and-car- ried by an affimatfve vote of the CouncII; that
$HERE4S, %be Village of $fna, has heretofore been contalnFd in one election precint 'for votiw purposeso
(Continued page #182.)
Blfna, had died about 4 Rn on April '9, 1932*
Reimann, be accepted seconded by Prescott and carriede ..
and carried, ..
AU'D~VMBUAS, there is undue delay to voters in voting and in the counting and reporting of official returns as the result of the one preclnt lieii-ig excessively overloaded according to the
elec tfon laws of Xiiinesota.
NOB, THJiRBFQRE BE IT TIXSOLVBD, by the Council of the Villege of Edim, Hennepin County, Nfnneso'ca, that said Village of Uina
be andJis herem divided into tr-83 (2) election precints as fo 11 OB8 * .x
WT PRZINT, all. that portdon of the Village ai mina, Sing &!st of the mid-section line starting at'the center
of Wooddale Avenue and North Village Limits, thence eeraight
South to South Village limits, AXh 62 the Fairtray Section, Country Club District and all that portion Lying<&lst of Wooddale Avenue is located in said &st Precirt wi%h vo%ing
place in. Grange HaPX at heretofore.
WEST PRSIMT, all. that portion of the Village of Zdinra,
lying Vest QT the said mid-section line startins at the center of Wooddale Avenue and North Village limits, thence
straight South to South Village limits. &I of the. Brown Section, Country Club District, and all that portion lying %st of 17ooddale Avenue is located in sizd Wiest Precint
mith vot1n.g place located at Thorpe &?os, Tract Office Edg,
4410 '!test 49tBe Street,
B3 IT FURTHER RBOLVD, that said diviaion of the Village of
Xdina for election purposes whereby ahid vifl-e is divided into two (2) election precints, shall be effective begfnnirig with
Primary Election to be held in June 1932.
Eo further business to come before this meeting, motion to .
- adjourn carried at 12*15
c . Village Recorder, 1