HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320425_REGULAREJiinutea of tho regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edins, held on Apri3 25, 1932, in Grange Hall at 8 PMo The meeting ms called to order by President XcGuire and all members of the Council found preecnt except Trustee @imanne Xinutea of the regular meeting of &e Cowaclb held 6n Apri% llLho, 1932, viere read and on motion Prescott, be approved aa read., seconded by \illson and carried, Efrs ReX.Falk, 1510 &st 23rd Street, Hinneapolis presented an' application for building permit for a bungalow garage, to be used for temporary living quarterk, on lot €5, block 8, Rhrriett Xanor, Second Division, Btreet address 5940 Xerxes Avenue So, After discussion the application was returned Nrs Talk, with the sugsges%ion she have-all the other property otmert in the sme block also sign the application ~LLtXher; after vhich Coun251. agree to isoue the necessary permito Xfn Hell, of 49th Stre&, appeared before tho Coumil vith a request he be-pemitted to build a house on the rear end of his preBent lot, there being no axley or means of access or approach except from the front of the lot. After discussion such ar, arrangement was found to be contrary and in violation to the Zoning Ordiance and €fr K~11 SO informede I& Henry Hnaeen, appeared before the Council with a request that some work be done *on %he Hansen Road, iYfiiCh VBB vesy bad in spots e for attentiona - *> The matter was refered to the Road & Bridge Committee 1 Trmtee Olillson offered invoice of the Cofffeld Tire Protector Co for two Anti-puncture protectors for Police car, ordered at a late meeting of the Council, the invoice in amoun'c being for $7.00, rjhich Trustee Villson moved,' be paid, seconded by Prescott and carried. Application in fora for buildirg permit by C.O,Carlson,- to build a $5,000. private dwelling on Lot 2, Block 5, Uendelsahom Ad-dition vas on motion Prescott , be graqted, seconded TJillson and carried, Recorder suggested the advis&ility of notice in the Henncgfn County Review as well as Posted notices, of recent action of the Couricil in dividing the Village into two ELection Erecincts, so that the whole population might* know ,and there be as little con- fusion in voting as possible. Vhereupon it ria8 moved Prelscatt that "the matter of giving due notice of the' dividing of Village into two election precints, be put in the hands of the Recorder for such attention as he deemed best, seconded by Willson and cam ied e It '(72s moved Eioore, that check in amount !325OW00, having been re- ceive& from Thorpe Brothers, in paiyment for the annual charge by the City' of Kinnezpolia for right to discharge sanitary sewage into the LIinneapolis sever system, that the check be deposited to the credit of the Village General. lhnd and that a Village check in favor of the City of Xinneapolis pay the invoice, seconded IYillson and carried, Recorder reported that through the effor.t;'s of County Conrmissioner Morse, it looked 8s if Prance Avenue 170Uld be pu% in good shape this summer, a complete progran having been made up nherein the property o~mers , the several municipalities, Street Car Company, Northern Statea Powr and Hennepin County would engage in e. pro- grm for improvement and oiling ffm Test 44th S.f;%et to Test 50 the Streetb Thereupon it ma moved !%llson, wcanded by Prescet that the Recorder bo authorized and empowered to act for and in behalf of the Village of Edina, in the proposed improvement of Yrance Avenue, which carriedo for like amount be dmxm to . I The matter of a proposed Bill Board Ordiance was discussed at length by the Council after t$hich,it was moved Willson and oecorzded by Prescott, that the Recorder take up with the Leagde of Nimesota Nunicipalitise the matter of EL suitable BUl Board Ordiance for the Village of Blina and to be reported to the Council at a later date, motion carried, The matter of the grading and filling the South half of West 54th Street, in the Village of Edina, Prom Brance Avenue kat to Abbott Avenues, was discussed by the +Council on the Etuggea-tion of tho Recorder, after which it was moved Willson, that the Recorder be authorized and empowered to act for and in behalf of the Village of Mina and ts make such arrangeurente as would berst eerm the interests of the Village possible to m&o,and to report -back. to the Council hater and as the work might progress, seconded Pyescott, and carried . After emmination of the time book it ma8 moved Prescott, that advances be made the Road crew and Narshalls as indicated by the Eecorder in the time book, covering period from last Council meeting to present, seconded by 'kvii'LlsQn and carried. No further business to come bePore the meeting, motion to adjourn c I , carried at 11.30 PN U Village Recorder. .. Receiptis by the PBcorder and turned over Lo Village Treasurer at Nay 9th., 1932, meeting were as follows .* ' V*H .Gilkey Justice of Peace Family \Elfare Assn Board @rs liartine (April) "State Treasurer Cigarette lisence - Yo 3. JOY Garrage renodeling permit 'C. 0. Carbon Bdg. pernit 'L. Hanson 11 tl 'IT. R, 38lk Thorpe Bro8, $1 01 City of Ninneapolia charge for sanitary semage discharge from CCD 'Nainaafncc fund $$24*00 ' 15.00 71 so 1.00 l *oo 1.00 1: *Cjq t 250 e 00 $364.10 --