HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320508_REGULARNinutes of the regular meetiw of the Council of the VSllm&e of liklina, held on Uay 8 1932, in Grange Hzll at 8 PN. "he meeting vas called to order by Besident ITcGuire and all inem- bers of the Council were present* Dr Buxmandt and Cliff mhiting appeared before %;he Counoil with the request that Test 62nd Street Vest of the 17illson Bond to the Mine Eile Creek, be improved. This being a County Road it was agreed that the Village nould be nflling to grade the road And the Ret- order be appointed a Committee to wait on the Board of County Com- missioners to have the County do the graveling if possibleo "e I&r E. A. &rch, applied for a building permit to erect a garage to be used for a temporary dvelling on lot 19 Block 1, being the N-P corner of ',?est 54th Street and Halifax Avenue. After discus- sion, application vas returned to Nr mrch for purpoae of haviq the other lot o~mers in South end of a8ae block, j oint in vith Er IJarch and consent to, the erec%ion of garage building for tem- porary liying quarterso The miscellaneous bills, upon examination and being Pound correct, Tere on motion 'fieimam, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried. DahlbeTg &os Mina Garage , Inco Rollin Sand Bdg Blk Ca General Wactor B Co . Standard Clothing Co D. J .XcCauley Sa1 Tire Company limeapolis G4 Po Co Hennepin County Review mina Hardware V.S.Betofn EC Son Breyh Shell Station Tooddale Grocery moddale Grocery Roy P, Hursery &:7.Harris , He T?. Tisdlstle Tehr-Ford part 830 20 Service police car (Narch) 3-50 62 Tractor parts 1.42 Itilk for poor 3.00 Tires .& tubes for police car 37 40 Publitjhed notice 4080 Road eC Police supplies 4. 60 Hauling crushed rock 2000 liar shall 8 caps 40 58 April Street lighting 447 0 28 Legal blaYlks for Health Officer 1.29 Premiwn Assessor's bond (2 yeam) 10800 Gas for tractor 8,62 Gas &'Oil for police car Greasing service police car $089 Groceries for poor 17 e 54 18 Parkway trees and planting 1380 60 and t r ac tors 82040 - Groceries for poor 430 71 Poad gravel 20 loads 0 2% 4.00 15 load# road gravel 30 00 KP & XC Tarvia * 93036 Fire Dept- Service 3725 -mller 25082 74 yards peat and hauling for trees in.GCD ' 90000 Supplies for sick * " 085 Coal for poor Ilo 65 Premium bond LR.13ass * 3.80 The-Vfllage and Road bills upon examination and being found correct, wa3 on motion Prerscott, 'be allowed and ordered paid, seconded, Villson and carried. !key are as follOt78 P .A .Redpath R.EeEieske Chas Lamon Po Dahlgren Lo Stolanan Je Tracy SoJ*RoberLs 8. S *JOY Bonand XcCready Gordon Stevenson Ser t Johnson Village Earshall Village Carshall Road labor Tract0 r operator Road labor Labor with team Utility man Street Comiasioner Road labor Road labor Xoad labor 135.00 135000 28.50 85.00 69 0 20 131* 20 loo@ 00 100000 1.60 1.60 . 6.40 continued on gage 1860 J0h1 Lurid Road labor L SChmCW Road labw. John 01son, Road labor 4, 3. Hrsmdka Road labor /*' John Hoskins Road labar City of Xinneapolls Sewage charge {reimbursed) Coffield Tire Proto CQ *Tire protectors golice car J .E . Snavely Park labor I& &.13* Campbell Health offbeer {&fqy) c *P.PrescoL% True tee VI J e XLReirnann Trustee It G~Q. -4, 7@illsan Trustee It Een Bo Moore Recorder I It J . 5 .Duggan Tr eat3 ure 1' It D.FeUcGuire President n I b $6 o 40 29 20 6*40 16.00 1860 250 e 00 7.00 33 0 25 25.00 25oOO 25.00 25.96 75.00 25.00 35.00 Application in form for permit to remodel a barn info it garage vas received from To So Joy, on Tract #?6, vrlnereupon it was rdovedl permit be granted, b,y-Reirfla,nn and seconded by Th'ilS-sow, and Carriedr Application in form for-a building permit by L. Hanaom, to erect a private dwelling a% 46QY Bexef Avenue, which on motion 'by Refmann, be granted, seconded by Noore and carried. Application in foxm for building permit by NJi.I?alk, which erne up at a fsrrner meeting, vw presented the Cou.ric91, in which other lot o'cmerw in the sme block 8 of Harriet Idanor Second Addi%isn joined and consented to, whereupon it wa,~ moved Villson, $ha% application 'be granted, seconded PrescotL and carried. &i estimate by the Road crew having been prepaired at the requea-b of the Council giving the mounts and places needing gravel on the principal Village Streeta, ims presented and discussed lqy the Council Thereupon it was agreed that the Council as a, Corn mitteo of %he Thole ~n Roads and Bridges, meet at the home of Recorder Moore, at 2 PM on Sunday my 15th. to inspect and allocate roads and amounLe of gravelo . NE Pollack of' Xellogg Avenue, reques'ced a tree line SQ that he might set out %Tees in his Parkwag, v~hfch was turned over to the Recorder to handlee Continuation certificate of bond in behalf of EIIe,Ro %SEI - aa special policeman for 1932, issued by Central Surew #9163, was presented and on motion Reimam, be accepted and agproved, see- onded Willson and carried. The matter of appointment of Judges and Clerks for the June Primary next came before the Council and it was decided to appoint Nrs. E.E+Rlison and Geraldine Oxbors as Clerks and J.JhReiraann, Pa- Dahlgren and Victor Irgens as Judges-for the &st Precinc.l;, For the West Precinct Leo Kennedy, D.F-IbGuire and Ben Bo Noore were appointed as Judges and %&ts SJ*UcCready and Nrs &ily Sachs a8 Clerks. All the names "nkltted being acceptable and agree- able to 83.1 the members of the Council the matter was considered unanimous and a motion not necessary. Inyitagkon froin the League of Uimnesota &anicipaliLies to attend the nine.t;een.t;h annual convention to be held at Red Wing 011 June 8, 9 and Loth. was read requesting the attendance of delegates from Mina , whereupon ft was moved Prescott that tho Invitation be accepted and such members of the Counc5.l and the Villsge &@as- urer, who could arrange LO attend, be elected as delagstes from Miuatt, motion seconded by Xeimnn and carried, . I 87 ' The resignation Board with term mhich Ur Strow or" George BO Strong, as member of the Park expiring as of December 31, 1932, vas read in stated he mould be out of the Ci$y for some time in the future and as there was a strong probsbili3y &bt&&eSark sard t7ould become quite active in Park matters, there arose the question of iincorilpatibiliQ mhen serving as Village Attpmney and also as member of the Park bard in the futureo laereupor, it. was moved Lfoore, the resignation of Xr Strong as nember 03 %he Emrd--of ParY ComXsBloners of'the Village of &fna, be accepted mith regrets and vith thaiio to Xr Strong €or his in- vaauable services to t'ae community, seconded Prescott and carried, The report of the Public &amines on the Fairnay Assessments for Sawtary seimr, Strom sever and Curb & Gutter, 27529 given ..the CounciZ by the Recordera As the hour was late and the rgsr-t lenghty it was agreed the report be browht up at the ne& reg- ular meeting of the Council, Tdimrtes 0.f *be regular meeting of Vne Council held on April- 25, 1932, were read and on motion Reimann be approved as read, 8ec- onded Prescott and carpied, ... I I. Mo further business to come before this meeting, motion to ad- journ carried at 12*20 ANo .. a