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Xinutes of the regular meeting of the Councfl
of the V%ll~e ?of 3dh%, held on Nay 23, 1932e
in @rage Hall at 8 PM.
e !The ne8ting OM being called. to order by Recorder Moore and the rslf called +found all members of the Cougcil present except
- President I~CGU~~Q~ %!hereupon it was decided tihat Trustee Prescott being the'oldest member of %he Council %ha% be act as President Pro Teao
ha;lnty &ricuftz;lral agent Xr HeAXlrkpatrick, was present ant1 ajqeared before the Council requesting awislc?,nce in stamping
out various patches of Leafy Spurge in Mirza, After going into mny details VI Kirkpartick was advised the Council wogld back the most efficient plan whish could be worked out and assured
him %tie fullest eo-operation by the Council, to rid %he Village of a most dangerous wee&.
After e,samination o? the Street Cormissiomr'e .tine book, at WB,E riot~ed \Ti.llson that advances be made the road crew and yciarshaLLs as indicated by the Seeorder, seconded Feimam and c&zrdedo
2he bond issured by Narsh & Wbnnan in behalf of Josegh Rush,
ws special. policeman, wherein it was agreed By all 'parties to the arrangement he was to act as such on premises of the Country Club onlxr was presented to the Council whereupon ft being found in proper form it was moved Feltmann be approved and accepted, sec-
ond-ed Willson and carriedo
The matter of Right of V'y of the Hansen Eoad fron #5 Highway- South to Grove Avenue tms presented the Council by the Recorder
%Therein he advised he had looked up the deeds on record at the County Recorder's office showing- transfer of the &st 30 feet %y Peter Laraen, Vidoower, of Lots 6, 7, 8 & 9, comprising 1,44 acre$
on JUS 14, 1923, considera%ism to said Larsen 3y Village of &Una
$94eOOo The said 30 fee6 extending from Old Bien Prairie Road South a djstance si 2084*8 feet to Grove Avenue. This land. ac-
quired POT road purposes being the West half of said HansenT&ad roaciwqy snd aZ; the present time is ~QL traveled. me traveled part of tke said road T'o2,.-lthe last 25 or 30 years being We &st
half for vhickn no deed-8 are on record. The matter waa disposed
of for the time being-by €+corder agreeing to get necessary deeds drawn up cogering the &tst half of said road which he would give
to Trustee' xI~i11~op3 Who would obtain signatures of conveymce from prewnt 0-mers for roarway extending from pretsent #5 Highmy
South to Groye Avenbxe.
Record-er presented a request made by W HeBo2auly and o'dhers for
.remom% of telephone and electric light poles, now located in the
-middle of alley between Xnddanola and Jnunita Avenues South sl"
'#est 50th Streetb rendering traffic in said alley imgsasi'ls3.s.
The matter sws refered. ta Recorder to obtain removal of the poles.
=A request from Eisa .h$f%y Docken wag giwn the Council through
*the Becorder for some sort of a dead end street lvadicatiern at
*the corner of fRlsst 44th Street and Brookside Avenueo %t was- .agreeable to the Council that tihe road'crew erect a black and -white stripped signboard at North-west; corner of said stree%s.
?line of Brookside Avenuee
* App12cation in fonn for bufldim pernit by EeAeIikWCh, to build
sa garage building with garage doors to be used for temporary - living quartera on rear end of Lot 19, Block 5, South Harriet
-P&e Second Addition, .said application be accemplied by letter .from Thorpe Bros, stating $hey had no objections to said build-
s ing being erected, whereupon it %vas moved Willsern the application
-be approved and permit be garanted, seconded Reiinann and carriedo
.Ninu.t;es of %he regular meeting of .the CounciL held on Fay 8,
indicating awt Test 44th Street &id not extendame% of the Viest
1932. were read and on motion Reimann be approtred &EO read., seoond-
ed bs; Wil3.son amd carried*
Xotion %o adjourn carried 1%. 30 PN
lfinutes of the meetins of the Cowlei1 OT the Village
0% B'Iir+, held on Staylo .13# 1932, in Grange Hall at 8 TE9,
Is?e meeting vas called to order by President UcGuire and roll. call found all members of the Coimcil present except Trustee Refmann,
Er A,P.CaTlson, XO Vebber and ?Jr Reese, appeared before the Coun-
cil with request that Brookd.de Avenue be oiled from I-Iighvag #!j
to North Vill8@ lhitao Tho delegation was advised it would not be possible to have this mork done at general village expense
and that it would pot be possLbLe to asses^ and complete 9n reg-
Uxr f om this swmer.
The Road and Village bills upon being found correct, vere on motion
?YilLson be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Prewott and carried
!Phey- are as Pollem
John Lynd Road labor 24,oo
Lo Schneclv Road labor 15.20
Rex Gzmey Road labor 12000
;Etmer m8,lker ' Road labor 6.40
John Eo LUnd Road labor , 9060
91*Wa$f Road labor 22.48
P- Dshlgren Tractor operator 1140 50
J* Tracy Road la%m nfth tea 172e80
L* sto1p;lm Road labor ' 84eS0
S e J .Roberts Utility man IOQo00
VeS.Joy Street Gomissioner lOOoQO
Chas Brson Road labor 2.4 * PQ
D*P*?TCGU~P~ , Prerjident June 38000
J = J oDuggan Tseaslu-er It 25000
Een 3, IJoore Recorder It )r .75000
G~o* Ae 'tTi11~~0n. Trustee k 0 25600 c 0FoPrescott Trimtee 11 25008 J.E&hann Trustee II 25 0 00
Dr L.fif.Gmpbc11 Health Officer June 25.80
Jw Em SZIZLW~ Park labor $1150 20
P eA*Redpath Village Uassliall 135000
R .E.Nieake Villzge Emshall 135000
qrt Johnson Road labor 140 48
Total RW $ 1,330.70
The Eisacellaneous bills upon being found correct, were on motion
Preacott, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by ??ill~on and
carriedo They are as followao
Poor Farm service $412.50
Adj Police car headlights e 75
Road supplies , 20 55
Checking assesmen% records 19 55
Vood E: Coal for poor 10080 Grader repairs CS: pa~ta 15.23
Road PC tractor suppliec 985%
Hard~~ae e: pain-bing 7 e95
Lrambcr 3*42
ELect i on e quipnent 8*60
By Street li@tine; 4330 37
80 SELC~~ lbL-i.P;e asplia;ll 3.6600
2-2 stall election booths 52-85 I Addit Tairsizq spl asse88mtos 5ti025
Earth-April use !bac.t, office EOoZ.O
Cabinets for asm?sso%ta cards 10oOO
Six ballot boxea 15.00
Sharp.lam morrep & seed 3058
Blacksmi thing . 20 80
Comp. water faucets 58 50
Gas for trac&or 10090 Groceries for poor 1ee73 Refund seeordillll; fee advane-
cd (Reidhead) 075
Cmtinued oa page 1900
\ u
~nsubin treatment (poor)
Plowers for parks Groceries for poor Grocerid8 far poor Office supplfea
Ligh.O;s for ‘elec%iora booth^^
Gas & Oil for tractors andl police car ’ mpensers Re& VEng convention
Ecpevlrje~ Eed Vi@ convention Bqenses Eed wing c”onven%foua
Expenses Red Wing convention
1 $21e86.
22 e 36
130 22
20 77
12.3 20
128 20
t To‘taZ Kisc3.
r- I
Total June expenditure $2,626.24
It was nioved Wescott, seconded QT Willson, that e,yerises of the &kina delegate8 to Red ?Iring convention, League of Uinnessta Nunaic- 9palitS,es a8 rendered, be allowed carried.
It was moved Preseo=tL, that application of Ben By ~~ROQFB, to instaL3.
an antique hitching post in Parkway Yn front of lot 3 block 9, Ijro~m Section, be granted, sjeconded by XeGui-se and carried.
It was moved Prescstt that application of Northwestern Bel% Teb-
ephone Compaqy LO lijatal1. ground rods %o inprove 'telephone $emice new IIirror Lake and Interlackert Road, he granted, secon8ed. &)ore
and cimrfed;
Minuteta 0% the May 9%h, meeting of %he Council., were readd and on metion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded UcGufre and carried,
$To further business to come before Z;le meeting, aotien to adjourn carried at 11.50 mi, 1
Receipts by Riaorder turned over to
as follov~s
. Village Treasurer June 13, .I932 were
$8 2.50 I t