HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320627_REGULAR?ijhnutes
of the Village of Zlina, held on June 27$ 1932,
in C%aiige Hall a% 6 RL,
of the regular meeting af %he Council .).
The meeting vas called to order by President XcGuire' and a11 mem%ers
of the Council Tiere present!,
late5 than umxal on account of Bard of Revieirr meeting continuiqg
until' about 9 Rd, the President and Recorder being members of the .I- local' Board of Eevieso
Appliksttion for building germjt was received on behalf of Long Hinz to Build a burgalorr on a 50 %to x 150 ft. piece of land lying ~n t'nc
South side of Interlabken Road and Yest of the Ilorris Hanesn place, After' CQkiBiderzLl3l.e discussion %y the Council and Long Kingma rep-
resentlve, it vas moved &ore, seconded Preocott and carried, that application be refused because of not aufficient set back of buildfm
so as to line up ~-td.tIi present building8 a2'ong Interlacken Road and
comply with the Zonirg Ordiancea It vas further agreed the Coun-
cil would require on the bpplication for building periiiit, the signatwe
.of the- o-mer and builder as r~e11. ZZG the party to whom this property
is to be presented and that a SUSVC?~OT~S. buil'dfix plan be furnished
the Council shoning present and proposed buildings and accornpany any application for buildiw permito c
County Hi*@imy Ihgfneer, 17, Zo D~cXett, adpeared before the Council.
mi Si revised complete plans and specifications showing the re-location I of Vest Belt Line Highway betrreen Test 54th Street and junction with
Highma;y #5, After camful study and discussion %Corder Eoom offered the following resolution and moved its adoption,
%KZUAS, the Bard of Comty Comissioners of Hennepin Counw, Ufnn- e~~t;2, has deemed it advisable to change the 'plans of the ?%.st < L'ine Highvqr in the Village of'JTdina as approved by the Village Coun-
cil April 11, 1932, and accepted by the County Bard of Hemepin County, Ydnne~~ta, under date of April 15, 1932 and
?7%EEAS, the said changes are in alignment fr-on engineers station
166 52.3 to engineers station 198 62.4 and said changes fa grade8
aye Prom engineers station 198
dated June lst, 1932 and
%is ineetiqg being called an houi!
- .,
I .
62e4 88 shorm on revised plane
;~~, "ne changes as proposed do not materially deviate from tbe plans appraved. April llth, 2932, by the Village Council of the Vil- '4
&qp of Mina".
iWt4 THEUGORE BB IT RiSOLVED, that said plans as revised June 1st.
1932, be and the sane are hereby approved.
Tne motion to adopt the foregolm resolution duly seconded by Wustce PrescotZ, and the vots vas on the adoption of the resolution
=herein those voting in favor thereof vese Xoorce, PrescoLt and EcGuire.
Those opposed Trustee Tillson, Truseee Eeimnn not being present at
+he the of votins, whereupon President TlcGuirc deClared the motion to adopt duly carried and so ordered,
The time book having been examined, it was moved ?tillson, Vast advances be made 'the road crev as indicated in time book and mat the Jusges
and Clerks of June Primary election be paid, seconded by Sreacot.P;
and carr'iedo f,
-* Letter dated June 17, 1932, read from ?7*D,Ef2iotZ; for permit to con- struct and operate a gas fillfxg station on lots 3 & 16, Block- 5, Tingdate 8 Brooks idc Addition. For the reason such a gemit rrould first require re-zoning, it was moved &ore, the natter be laid on
the table, until proper appl'catian tu re-zone was received, seconded
by Tillson aad carried, @?pi?k@ 9 d..&t!4 &:+
Application of Paul G. kresh, for position of Villqe ?J&rsha21., re-
ceived and which on account of beirg favorably received by the COUIIC~~ vas on motion Prescott, be accepted and placed on Pile as application ,
nm3er one, seconded Eoore and carried.
It vzs moved Tillson, seconded, Prescott and cmried that entrance
onto Test 49th Street from IkomndaLo, Tooddale, Milia and Eoorkmd Avenues, be cloaed the afternoon 02 July 4th, 1932# an account of general safety to 'chose participating in July FoPth celebration.
.-. c - '., \ 1-92
The Recorder present,ed a request from the Country C1w.b Assno, for permission to sperate a pyroteehnical. display on July 4th, whereupon Trustee Prescoet offered the following re solution an&
moved its adoption
BE XT 3&3OLVBl, by the Council of "the Village of Bifna, 'that
a forth of July pyrotechnical display, to he supervised and
ope~ated by coxpe%e.nt persons in the Village sf mina and in
accordance with fireworks ordiance of gaid Village ssesnded
by 'f?illson and ca-rried*
. permission be granted to Couiztry Club Assoeration, to operate
Application in ~SO~EI for build-ing permit by Ye 0. DeGroff, to build a private dwelling on Lot 6, Block 1 South Harriet Task
2ndo -!df*bion, was an motion %llssn Be granted, seconded %bore I .and cwriedo
J4pplicatfon if form for building permit lqy Ziydia Qa"crander, to
.Build a private dwelling on Lot 2, Block 4, ilroodbuxy Park Add,
was oil motion Vil1~on be granted, seconded PTescott and carriedo
3To.tZoiz to acljourn carried at ZL.00 J?N@
Village Recordero