HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320711_REGULARXinutes of the regul$r meeting of the Coumcil of the Village a9 Edina, held The meeting upon Being called to order by President and the roll on heiw called, found all members of the Cortllcil present, The miscallaneous bills,upola being found correct sere on motion Remm, be allo~ved and paid, seconded by Prescott and carried, They are as follows John T, Sones Po Damren V, %gens It n 9e40 Ers E. E, Ellisan , ClerJc Eaad e BHackBarp n tt a nI 9 e40 n 9,40 B. 2, EScGuire Judge It L. P. Xenaedy n n BerqB, Eoare n tt I) It. 9-40 * 9.40 &ily Be Sachs Clerk tr 5 000 Judge June Primary election ':9 e40 tr tt XI n 9.40 W I? (I t? 9.40 I* 9 -40 *I n It tr yt 9 040 W 0 ll It W = Ethel. E, UcCrelzdy Franc& EcGuire Counting Ti f). and xeturra: of ballots, both precincts 6,OO n It W n rr 5,OO Caunting Clerk Jime Prhmry election Chas To Bay Coral Barr n m n n 11 5eOO J, fl. Hembwn 0 1r n n n 5.00 Sara Eoore Rex Garvey . I? It it n n 5.00 ITZmehah Grange Rent Grange Hall for all Village purposes first half 1932 84.50 JeDoAda~i~ CO Grader supglies & repairs 12.60 Pillage af Hopkim League Eianesota Eunic- Bennepb County Poor farm service 112000 C. A. Idndquist Bfacksnithing Thopman Lmbr Co Lumber V. E. Cooper h Somi Blowers for Parka Edina Hardaare Tree trirrsraipg tools 4.85 General Tractor & Eq, Co Tractor -parts & oil. 46.65. Hennepia County Beviev Prirrtiag 8 Published notices 56-10 Thorpe Bros Vooddale Grocery Graceries for poor 10.32 pyroi~ Conparay A Be B Pryoil 2-40 E, i'fe &mis Gas & Oil for tractors and Co Ce Safzds Hauling Pea gravel, Interlacken RDl3,30 Pockrmdt Ember Co Portland cemenk 47AO Thso. Paul 474.89 Gregg's Pktamacy Supplies for sick le70 Eiller-Davis Cm~any Election & Office supplies 5 040 by Edina prisoner 4.50 Damage ta EoplcirmS Jail caused ipalities Eembership due8 to Auguat 1933. 30,OO 3.25 5*00 I 24.71 Xinneapolis G. E. Co June Street lighting 431.85 Bolan Bros Elat-ite 6.50 Use Tract Office By & June for Police use and election 17.50 V'looddabe Graeery Gas for tractor 2.55 Ed- Zeed Caspslay Haubbg &: Feed for poor 14e60 PaZiee car 60045 Borey's %ell 3taPlion Greasing & oil. Police car 7e09 %ul- 3824 yds road gravel 05&! yd mils B loading @ 9p Henry Schillfnsea: 1824 yds rcrad gravel 0 IS$ 273060 Trisler 'a Grocery Groceries for poor 3539 Hopkfm Cornunity Fund Poor relief Edirarz resident 28e15 Rice Sand &. Gravel Go Pea Grawel - IntezrlaclrenRd 53054 Fred Piere Seat ryepair * 75 Ediarz Garage April &my 38019 Glacier Sand SC Gravel Co Sand &Binder 15.80 University of Ufixmeao'ta Insulin trea-bment for poor 14 m00 Urs Isabel Gardiner care cilacer patient ( poor) 60000 C* Ro Blackburn Election Pr'oo-kb & special ofSicer' 8&0 E, Eemherg First h3.f 1932 rent for tool Total Uiscl 22 $68 426 I (A, Korbel- to July 1, 1932) RepaLrs eC service Police car University of TIimesota Eedical treatment for=- 5'000 ~ hause pemises 37050 \ iEi , The Road and VUlage Tafhls upon Behg found correct were on motiok Prescott be allowed and ordered paid, seconded ViBlsam and earried The$ are as sfolluws 'Vm Se JOY 8 ,J,RQ'tzertS Rex Garvey R, E. Eieske P, A, Redpath Bert Johnson JQ&I11I, Lnad 3. Tracy 2. StolzMan P. Dahlgren 30 E, SnaveXy P, F. XcGaire 3, LDnggan . Ben E, Eoore C. F, Prescott Geo A, Tfiflsom 3. Em Reilnanm Dr L, E, Capbell Street Commissioner .~roo.oo Utility man 100 0 00 Rcead labor 3.1020 Village &rsh11 135.00 Village Xarsha'L1 135.00 Cement work labor 8e road labor 41060 Road Labar 3.20 Labar with team 141 . 20 Road Xabos 73.60 Tractar operator 72.25 President July 35 000 Treasurer 25.00 Re corder n 75000 Trustee n 25'00 Trrrstee lt 25.00 Park Labor 8X.20 Trustee W 25.00 ' Health Officer 25.00 3x9 129.25 Total Road &: Village Tcttal ZxZy expenditare $53,297.51 The matter of application for building permit to bui'ld a bungalow to be used for private dwelling by ?Tong Ring again came before the CotlacZlw&erein Killage Attorney Stroag appeared %n behalf of the Village eapecially fa bekaZLf of the Zoning Ordiance and I-JJoag King be&% represented in this particular case by Attorney @03T/N After ewslderabEe discmsiorm and general discription sf the size and Hoeaticm 09 otber hauses on lots aloag ImtierlackeaRRaad, it; receipt of a prapex application for building permit signed by the owner Gong Kings for priwate dwelling to be set back 60 feet from the lot lzLze on a 60 x 150 ft, tract, being a part af the 4.40 acre tract, K-22 e~raer of HA? X/4 Section 29 Til? Horth. mot;ian saconded J by Eoore and carried, kpplieatiian in form for buildimg permit by B. A, Gctetze, to build a private residence 4600 Sumyside Raad, om Lot 2 Bilock 3, Brow section, was on matiam Reimm be granted, seooaded PrescoLL and carried, I vas moved Reimam, that Corsmcil issnre a builidiag permit upon the I AppIicatim in farm for building permit by C, H. Aldrich to build a private garage #4394 Wckey Avenue, on Lot 12 Block 7 Browndale Park Add, gas on mationRReircan be granted, seconded by Prescott an4 czarried. Application in form far building permit by G. V, Fait, to build a sun porch addition to present house at 4503 WQQddale Avenue, mas on motion Reinarm be granted, seconded VilXssn. and earried. Trustee Reilrcaan adsmft-ked a memorandum on bonds as prepaired by Vilhge Attctrney Strong, covering Village Officers, The sarm far filing and future referenee, It was moved Willsom that, bill af University of Einnescbta for med- ical service furnished Ws &rtBey of Edina in amount $5.00 be paid seconded by Rebm and carried. It. vias moved P2Bscott that bill of Ilks Isabel Gardiaer .for four weeks care of A, Richby, stafferimg from incurable cancer, togather with it;= 02 $ZO,OO for bundry, in total amount $60.00, %e paid seconded 'TfiLlson and carried, I It was moved Prescott that the bill of Hopkins Cornunity Bund in amount 428.15 for pow relief furnished A, Korbel, while a resident of Ed- hut living in Kopkinis covering period to JuXy h, 1932, be pid, seconded TilTsolm and carried, It vas maved Xoore that bill of Eemy SchiPlinger for 1824 yards Qf road grawel @ 15# per yard, tatal @!73,6O be paid, secogded by h'bilbon and carrged, It maa moved Reimm, t&t bill of Theo, Paul, covering hauling of 1824 yards of road gravel fron Schillinger gravel pit to Tooddale Tracy, Olinger, Gleasoa and Haxsel;zRoads, 0 5&? per yard mile and loadhg and screefng 0 9g per yard, total. anonn=t $474-89 be paid, -seconded Boore and carrieds Application of Emeapolis Gas Light Company to lay a gas aemics main ox 13arth half of Edgebrook Place in Parlrrray Best from Bromai- dale, was an motion Prescott be granted, seconded Reimam and carriedo X’inu-bes of the regular meeting of the Council held OD Jme 13th- s inadvertarm%;ly overlooked an Juae 27th, meeting by reason of neetiEg of local Bawd of Reaiem oa the same eyening, were read and on not- .ion Prescott, be approved as read, seconded EcGuire and carried. Xiautes of the regulsbr mee$ing of the Council held on Jwe 27 *Eh. -sere read and OP moticm Prescott, he approved as read, seconded by XcGnire and carried, I Bo further business to colire before the Council, motion to adjourn carried at 12.20 All, \ Village Recordere ReGeipts by Recorder and turned over to the Treasurer or], July llo 1932, were as foXlavs Bdg permi% 4600 Sumnysi.de Road 4394 E;ackey Ave Lot 12$ Black Bdg pernit far sun parch B ,A.Gsetze Go H. Aldrich Bdg permit, for priwate garage il G. V, Fait We .KO GiBey Justice of the Peace 66eO0 Carason Bros Plumbing permit 4600 SutzlfLyside Rd, 5,25 F0Q. DeGraff Harriet Earls 2nd, Add lei30 L;Jraia Qstrander Bdg, permit Lot 2, Block 4, Voodbury Park 1,oo LOP; 2, Block 3, Brown Section 1.00 B~awndale Park Add 1.00 4503 maolddale Avenue 1.00 . ’Bdg permit I& 6 Block lo South for nonth of June 1932. 15.00 .Total recef&s 91.25 . r Xinutes of the regular meeting held OD July lXS 193z8 aere read and on motion, iTillson, be approved as reado seconded XcGuire and carrked, Eo further buaisress to come before the meeting nation to adjmn carried at U,30 PE. 1 Village Recorder. Receipts by Recorder turned over to Village Treasurer a% August 8s 19329 meetiarg vere as foB1om Se-t; to move Chus Jo3mscppa house to Lot 70 BEock 1, Grand Vien Heights Add. $5.00 JusMce of the Peace 59.00