HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320808_REGULAREJZiau’ces of the regular meeting of the Council af the Village of Ed-, held oaslkugust 8, E932, in Grange
t EkPL at 8 PIE0
The ateeting was caPled to order by Preside& EcGuire and all mem- hers of the CauaciB were present,
Nr Ernest Btackett appeared before the Ooucil with compPete plan3
and specifications cavering a Gas Fihling Statrun Brapasee Lo be erected an Eortkn Vest corner of Franee Avenue and Best 54th Sto
after discussicam examination of plam & specifieathm and the fact this ~octa~L~~ is zor;ted ta permit such a station, it KT~S moved
Willsoratbat permit be granted to install %bee 1000 gaEl&a tanks
and a 1 story 20 x 24 station, tQ cost $b,O00,00, ta be set back
30 feet fron bath streets, 1113; accordance with EdimzeapslEs Fire
regalatform, seconded Preseott and carrted.
Er Ernest Peterson, presented a request far grading and pavelimg Vest 59th Street, from beard to Xerxes, which was refesed to the
Road aad Bridge C~mit-bee,
& ILbrtin Petersan, .advised of a Iat spot ht.r Xerxes at 57%h Street
whhh was given to the Road crew ts fill in and regair.
Er Saw, of the Harriet State Bank, ap2eared om tihe nature of col- lateral to secure QEXage ‘fpxds’. m’d&gosli% with said h9ik and
offered $~,~OCE,OQ in State of Eissoiptri bomb dae September P1 1944
the S~B being Series &Is 4p0 which om motion Ttfoare he accepted for and an behalf of the Village of Edim, when deposited with Che
First Nathmal Bank, of lilaneap~lis as TrusLee and to secure Vil- lage ftmde cm deposit with Earriet State Bank of lEmeapail2s, seconded Reiaaasl andl tzarried.
Nessrs if, H, Petersonp J, B, Stricler and J, Ti0 GiZfillin appeared before the Ccm~ciX and offered ob$ecf;ioa to any curtaf3neat of street
lights i~ their aeighbarhoad and were advised the matter would have the at$en%iom of’the Cowmil later in %he meeting.
The Road and Village bills upon examhatiom and being fomd correct mere on motion Willson he allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescott and carried, They are as follows
Health. offices: Trustee Trustee Truskee Treasurer Recorder
Pres id emrnt
VfiXage Elalcshall Village EarshaPE,
Park labor Tractor qpesatcpr
Labor. nkth team
Utility man CemeaEt worker Stree% Gomissianer
RQad la%mr
40 000 18 841.00
The micelbneous bills upon exanimtiion and being found correct Wdere om tiion ion Reinrann! be allowed and ordered paid, secmded by Presccstt and carrieda ‘.pkrey are as fsE1ows I
Rollin Saw & Bdg Blk Go Pea GravteB
George Kanscm Rent far po~r (Weitzel)
Edina Grocery Groceries for poor ‘flaoddale Gr octery Groceries for poior
E, W, Earrfs Gas & oil far tractors and Panice ear
City 0% BinneapsXtie Radio repairs and service to polhe car
Xinneapolis Go E1 CO July Street lighting 1 Heanepirt! CapxEEty Rewiew Pubxished no.t;iae aad
Hennepin Counrty Old Age Pensions Yaung Fuel 60 €€lacksmith coal Camtimed on page #199.
30 e00
20 081
C, A. 5indqrais.e
Pochrandt Fuel &m.r (30.
City of Einneapolis
We E'. Garvey GlacZer Sand & Gravel 00
RZce Sand CC Gravel Co DaUberg Bros e Bren Hardware Co Typewriter Clearing Hause
BhcksmUhing Cement Fire Dept service
Spark pZpags for Fordson Genemat 8e Sand Rad gravel Valxes fur Fordsoliai Euwer repair parts
1 Remirgton typewrrter for use of Recorder 40eOO
Lhestorre screehkngs 6 e4.0
Birst Aid sapplies for police car 1.00
Total August exgenditure $h0823.36
Eessrs King, DPrrrleavy, GilfiillZn and Johnstam, appeared before the
CouncL3, requesting that pemissiorz ke granted the Xorth-Test Rifle
Chub to operake a priyate rlf3.e range usiag 22 cafZbre lozg range rules vkth reduced charges, on Lots 1 to 20 in BXock lo Hjrrhet
&Zk0AdditiOn. The region being remote and %he proposed oper-
ation of $he Club beix in acccwd vitb EatLonah Rifle CEE~S where
care and safety are constantly practiced, the mat%er vas looked on
witkt favsr by the Cuuncil, frarlais'la the Cow~ciiE at its next meeting, a 1Pe.P;ter from the Einrse-
apobis Park BQard as to its a-bitrrde in sucknma'cters and the Recorder would requesl the VjJl&ge*'Attorney as to Village 3iaMlkby.
It 'frewg; agreed that King vausld
The matter of street ligk%a cut clue by CQI2rLCi.l order on Au,rllsP. 1st.
Eas discussed 2% Xengtkby the Councih after vhich it vas nolved
Rej.~iarm, seconded Xaore, that alP streets ligh%s be placed kack in service, ~Uchmotion carried, Recorder ta arrange,
Aggbicta4ihre af 3illiam Sidney Pfeydt, for position of PoZice Offlcer
and anmotiaraPreseott be accepted its appUcat%ona nmBer 2 and re- fered ta $he Pgliae Comi-b.tee, seconded lgoore and carrfed.
Appliicatiorz in form for building permit by Ce GI Ha17ki~sa~1, can-
tractor, to huSld a prkatie dnellbg co~tbg ()11,000. on Bortb
200.37* of South 266.37 of X-Et of S'BZ Section 30, T-1x7, R-21, Best of the 797 feet thereof, was on mcPtionPrescott, be granted, seconded Roimmn and carried.
1 App3&tat%on in form by De Fe J!Ic&aire,' to build kasemeflt and cos;aple%e
~ frame resideme nro-cred 100 feet West QE Goversameat L0t #5, Grand
Vien Zeigths, account 17iden3.ng Ves% Belt Line Eighnays 9t7as on motioa
V'jillson he granhd, seconded Ream and carrLedo
The condition of the BeftzeX famihy of 11 rnenbers vas discussed + aad the fact developed they muld be eJected and thus ksecmo a greater cbrge to the Village uallzss sme rent BQEJ paid, vhereupsln it vas moved Prescott that 330,OO be paid George Hamon as August rent for
~ the Vei,$zel fdly mith the understanding no ejecfnent nould be made
~ during August at least, seconded by Tlihlsoa and carried,
1 A cammieation vas read from S%incWieXd, &ckll, Cra'12~~s8, WTaUr and Xacpre, representirag Roy 8. braen as the uvwr of that part 1 of the JI-q of S-Ek Secticm 30, TcBT~M~I~~~ k17 Vest, Range 21, Hart&, advising that a recent survey shoved that the highnay rmnbizg almg the Vesterly side of the property, in addition to oecupybg the sb5p
of land it sEroalld cmer, also passes mer a Eriamlar pfeeo of ?+I2 Ijrsents groserty and requesting that eiP;her:. the use of the triang- ular strip of land as a part of the highmy be discontinued, ob the
,E2 Zarsen he compensated in some reasonable mom-b for -the Itand -'+- . :
~ -'cGZILus taken, It vas after a study and discussion by tho Camcil,
- moved Eoore, that tho ma.P;ter he refered ta Alexander and Bradby,
"Village Engineers, for investigation and report ta the CamciE E& its next meek-, seconded 2rescot.e; and carried,
Agplicatioma inr form far building permit by 'ilonig Hing to build a
private dwelling on 60' x 150' tract 09 IT-@& of So@ Section 29,
To~vnship ILL?, Range 21, the same beiskg on the South side of Inter-
lacken Road V1es.i; of Horthern States Power liae on the old Halasen
prQperty, to be loc-&%ed back 60 feet from Horth lot line, mas on motion Prescott be granted, seconded Tillson and carried.
Application in form for buixding pernit by J. W. PSarnie, ta add to
and regair present residence located on Eat 1, Auditor's Sub, 175, was on moti-on Presccatt be granted, seconded BilEson and camfed.
After discussion. by the Councih on the condition of the police car which had run over 41,000 miles to date, it was thaught advisable to advertise for bids far one coach type antomabile vith a price
range' not to exceed $'POO.OO equiped with aerial far radio, cowl
lights, spot light and siren with six ply tires, whereupan TrusCee Prescott so mwed and also included in his mo%ion that a certified check far 57i must ance for present 2931 Plpauth police car be given in the bids,
mation seconded by ViXIsan and carried.
aceorrigany all. bids and that the trade in a3.PBw-
The Recorder advised the Councilv~ith reference to the 1932 Real.
and Personal Praperty Assessment, which ha'd been =de and turned in
by Assessor Alex. Creighton, that the following totals in assess-
ments sere arrived at-
Xoney and Credits..,.,...$463.259,00
Per s omal property. . . e. .. . $190.4 74.00
Real (Aeerage) .', . . , . . . .$436.855.00. Real (Platted(..,.~..,,~l,357.725.00 Total real $1,7949580.00 The 1931 Real Property assessment having been $1,995,514.00 or the
1932 assessment approximately 10% less in assessed TaaXuatfon than the former year
Ithe lainutes of the July 25th, meeting of the Caunicil Were read and
on motion Rebnn, be apprawed as read, seconded Prescott and car. ried.
310 further business to come before the meeting, motion -.to ad jourm
carried at 11,50 Pm,
Village Recorder .