HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320822_REGULARXinutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Zdina, held in Grange Hall on August 22, 1932, at 8 PI& 201 In the absence of the President the meetirg vas called to order by the +Record-er , vhereupon Trustee Prescott asswed the office of President Pro-tern as per past practice md agreemento 'ffie roll on being called found those present to 'be *3.lloon, Prescott znd Coore, those absent UeGuire and Reimanno Application-i-n form for buildhg permit by Era Ilarie Earper , to bii.fld"a private gmage at 5836 Zeneth Avenue, vas on notiSn T,7iXlson-Eii *granted, seconded by Eoore and'carried una-nhousl~, This loctz'cion 'being Lot 9 Block 3, Harriet Lhnnor Addition, Er &nest*Bucke'ct, appeared before the council vith plms and plat shoving a re-location of gas filling station authorized at a former meeting, After careful ntudy it vas found YIe new arrangement complied vith the Zoning Ordiimcc znd that there vas no objection to the focating of the-building 21 feet back from Xok line on Zsst 54Gi Street, Fnd 30 feet back from lot line on France Avenue. .* - Uessrs Issac and Johii Bjork-togather with Ur Ro B. Hutson, stated to tine Council there ~yas opportunity to sell land and build a private residenc'e if In'cerXc-tcken Road be extended one block to Yne Test and pegt Bfocka 31 and 32. 'fdendelsshom Additiono After discussion of *the matter it bas agreed that the Village would obtain a prslhinary 'survey giving an estimate of -iie costs and grading involved and ."flat Yle other interested parties vouid appear 'at t'ne next meeting of the Council for further re-suhissisn of Tne propositionl Xessrs Xfng:, Dunleavy and Johnson, representing the Xorthrreat Rifle Club, again appeared before the Council ,and presented five certificates from residents in the neightorhood of the proposed rifle range in Block 1 Harriet Park Addition, nherein the hid- eats advised they had no objection to the location and operation of the rifle rangeo advising the Council there would be no lia'u$lity ori the pert of the Village of Edina, rbsul€ing from a license being ganted, Letter from Karl Raymond., of the liIinneapolis Park Eomd, vas read giving the position of the liinneapolis Pax2 Bowd PYL such nztters arzd thst his reconmendation vas favm~blc Po the granting of a licenseo After further discussion Qy the CouiisiZ and those present it ?,ED Lioved &ore that the Northxest Fifle Club %e granted a Licer,se to operate a private rifle range, using 22 Caiibre long range rifles ai% reduced charges and in accord. vi* all rules "for safety and care as laid down tlze R~.les and Reg- ulations of the Xzthnal Rifle Clubs AssociaAion, in Block 1 Rarriet Park Addition in the Village of Zdina, for the period of one (1) year from date at an anma1 license fee of $5.00 and subject to approval of the Village Attorney as to rules and reg- ulations , seconded Tillson and carried unanhouslye After ex2,niinatio~ of the Time book, it rras moved Tillsol. "chat aCivancea be made the Road Crew rznd Karshalls as indicated, sec- onded Q- I.loo-re and. unanhously carried. Bids having been received for the supplying the Villqe wfth one automobile to be used for Police ptwposes, per motion d.uly car- ried at August 8th meeting and $8 advertised in Hennepin County Review of August 11, 1932, t7e3;"e dulsr accepted and biddim4 announced Closed st 8.30 PIL Bids were found to have been received from the Blina Garage, Inc., 37iddirg on one YPhrift model" as aell- rn on a, *!Finer Plymouthtt and fom the Scott IIotor Company, bicidfng on botk L?? 4 cyclinder and an 8 cyclinder Ford, and discussion 2% vas moved 17i11sOn tkat ell b5.d.s be rejected, seconded Eoore and carried unanZmously, It nas tberewfteer ice purposes be re-advertised, said bids to be based on one Coupe type autono5ile r,&th a price range of $750.00, seconded by Tillson ani! carried by an affirmative vote of all rilembers of the Couficil presenL I Letter tms read from Village Attorney Strong After ta3u.ation moved Kooore that the matter of pmchasbg an automobile for pol- 8 i 202 It was moved Yillson that check 'be dram in favor of T-sialer groce-ry in pqyrnent for groceries furnished the Skftzal family d.uring July, in mount $2'9*36, seconded Igoore and carried by affirmative vote of all members of the Council present. Bill of Ale=.;. Greiglitoon as Assessor for the Village af &Iinz, for the 1.932 a,ssessnient vas presented. and discussed, where- upon it ws moved ~JoQTc)., that check 'be dram in fu.13. pwmene tsherefore in amount $645000, seconded f?illson and carried un- znkj o u s ly Bill of Earry HZLnsen, as deputy assessor for the ViIlwe of Wim, in tbe 1932 assessrient was also .presented and discussed, It was moved. YJillsQn, that clzeck be draw. in full payaent in miom% $2J.So75, seconded Noore and carried u.rlaniTriouslys The next matter to receive the attention of the Council was that of %he encroachment of the Schsefer Road. upon the properby of ROY VIe Zzrse~o It mas moved l,?oore, %hat survey -by J. Eo Hill, and concured in ky Alexander and Bradley, Village Xhgfileers, &owing a part. of the Schaefer rclad.may to BE upon the property of Foy V LQrsen 8,s it passes along the VesterEy side of that part of 'ch R'-&,of S-E &# Section 30, Township 117, Range 21 IJor th , and@%- at said roadway is no% upon the property covered by d.eed Po road purpoaes;that it, be moved 'Test to its proper location, motion seconded by ITi13.son and carried unaninoualy, Application by Itiinneapo2is Suburban Cas Cornpaw for permission to lay a 4" gas maiia in and along the &ET% side of Halifax Avenue 255 feet South of the of %he West 50'~h l3cree-b paxemenS;, wizs on motion \%.IlSQn be granted, seconded kfoore and. carried by affirr~r- aLive vote of ali members of the Councf%* All, work hwiyl,s been done and Village 2hgines-r lzavi~~ approved all vork an"es&5mdtes under con'cract wi'& Phelps-Drdse Company co.cw:riq Lateral Sewer Districts No. 3. and ?Jon 2, iL ma moved Moore that check be drawn on the Uidland Rational Bank, and Trust Ccmpzqy, Village Deposi'caxy , in amount $200.00 in final payment u&dar said contract to said Phelps-Bake Coupany seconded 1Tillson and- carried unaminoualy. Applicz,tion In fom for build.ing permit p Roy 17uild a privGte residence on N-& of S2Bi-i Section 30, To~~lr~kLip Ll?, Range 21 north, as on motion PrescoLt be granted, seconded by !7i11s:on and carried unanimously, TreaEurer Duggnn presented certificate from the First National %& of Idinneapolis, as Trustee, holding as collateral. to secure fuads of the Village of Blina on deposit with the &meet S'czte Ea&, $5,000.00 of the Sta,Le of &Iissou,r$, series %f, 4$, due Zn 1944, which 17as duly examined and placed in the mu3.t. IEnutes of -the ,regv.lag inek5ing of the Courxil of the Vill&e . of Xdina, beZd on August 8, 1932, were read and on motion T!Iillson be approved. as read., seconded Preacott and carried unanl~nously~ Lw~~en, to No further business to come before the Counuil motion to edjourn carried. at 21,45 PI% Village RecorGer,