HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320912_REGULAREinutes of the meeting of the Cauncil of the Village af Edina, held in Grange Ea11 a% 8 PE on September E2th. 1932, 1 The meeting vas called to order by President EicGuire and all members af the Camcif aere presento Kixmeapolis, appeared before the Council ai$h request he be permitted to open up an office only"for recreZaing and delivering laundry and dry cleaming ia the Naris Creamery buflding on Tfest 50th ;Si;ree%. Illasmuckn as no process or lamdry trashing vas planned or contained in the request, he vas advised there woufd'he no objecPIioaa to a laundry or dry cleaning affide, Reno operating the ColmP;ry Club Laundry at 4949 Brace Ave,, llr E, T, Edsan, appeared before the Camcil In %he WttcSr of moving his house from locatioH on Villoon Road to Lopts 10 and 11 Block 7 Tingdales' Braokside and 17as advised there would be no objection nhen a proper bond had been placed in the hands of the Village President and permit secured from Villa'ge Reco9der as per VilZage Ordiance, Eessrs Issac and Jam Xjor% appeared before the Council in the matter 05 opening ryl%erXackerz Road one block to-the ?lese and across L0ts 31 and 32 Xendelss&nB's, and advised they mere ailling to give title to the ViLlage af a 60 foot strip for road purposes on condition Village would do necessary grading and %urn piking, , This being agreeaale to all concerned the Recorder volunteered to obtain legax description and have deeds dram which he rJouPd send to Eessrs Hjcsrt for. proper sigrabg and ac2mrovZedment Er De 13, Green requegted certsb graveling and grading of Warren Avenue in the neighbarhood of 62nd and 64th SPlreets, wkLch vas refered to the Road SC Bridge Camittee, Village Recordefr. Anderson? and Fire Chief Ewre of the Village of Efopkins appeared ai%h a bill i;n momQ; $2'70.00 coverkg fire departmen% servibe rendered in the Village during pekiad Feby, 3rd, 1931 torand including aeby, 7th. 1932, After discussiapl it vas agreed to cancell the Pirst tvo calls made on zehy. 3rd. 1931 and AprLl 3rd. 2.931, as having occtwed before any definate agreement nak in effect. It was then moved Reimam, that the bill, forrfire DegarS;lzle& service by the Village of Holpkins to the Village of Edina, in il~llounfi $180.00, covering all calfs to date be alloved and paid, beconded Uoore and carriedo Eessrs Stanley Lee, g.E* Lee, Goodmarr Ualmberg and Oscar Jahnson requested building permits for temporary fisiag quarters built in Code's Highview Park, Ordiance it vas agre8abI.e to all parties khat permits be'granted for free garage buildings having large garage doors and to be set back 80 feet from the front 10% line, which might be used The mztter of purchase of ope automobile for Police purposes next came before the Cagncil as per action by %he Ccbwrzcil at its. l&s% meeting and aceording to advertisement Inathe Official Village Hewspaper issue of SeptembaT 1, 3.952* Bids vere received from Scott k'otor Company, Ediw Garage, Ittces Damberg Bros, Inc., and A. T. Ba?sccard Company, althaugli 11 clip- pings or" bids vere mailed to various automobile conceras0 After considerable discasion it vaa moved Reimam, that the bid af Dahlberg Bros. I~c.~ be accepted for one V'8 sard Co~ch 5s the base bid toPlaliw $666.00 with a trade in aXlcmance of $266.00 for one 1931 Plymouth Coach, the present Village of %dim Police car, nation seconded by Prescott and carried, abIe %o all members of the Council that the Police Cornittee haye authority .2;0 ckange or purchase certain sundry equipaeBt as they see fit, to be After reference to the Zoning temporarily for 'Livbg quarters. * I It beiPrg agree- It was moved Presca'ct, that the Recorder return certified checks to Edina Garage, Scott Eotor Cornpamy and A.T.Hamcord Comamy, whfch accompanied their bids on police car, seconded by Villsoya and carried, Trustee Reimann presented a letter from Tkorpe Bras, under date of July 21, 1932, concerning lots 21 to 24, Block 8, Fairmay Section, Country Club District, as follows and which is herein made a part of Village Records. - "In reply to your letter of Phy 11th. rekative to Sots 21 to 24, Block 8, Country Club District, &irQG%y Section, the boundry lines of which have been re-allocated. have just conpleted this transaction and are nom able to give you the exact description of these divided lots. 4633 Drexel Averme has been deeded to Dr Gustaf A. IEagberg, the correct legal description of which is - Lot 21 aad all of Lot 22 except the North 43 feet, Block 8, Country Club District., Bairtvay Section, Ve The next property adJaiaing this on the Nortb has been deeded to Louis Haason, street number of which mill be 4629 Drexel Avenue. The correct legal description - the Xorth 43 feet of Lot 22 and all of Lot 23 except the Korth 30 feet, Block 8, Country Club District, Pairway Section, The next property adjoining this on the North has been deeded to Louis Haason, the sixeet number being &627 Drexel Avenue and the legal description e The North 30 fee% of Lot 23 and all of Lot 24, except the Eckrth 20 feet, Black 8, CQWtrY Club District, Pairmay Section, Paige Leks residence is built on Lot 25 and we have deeded to 3zim the North 20 feet of Lot 24, Block 8, Country Club Dis- trick, Fairway Section. r* Ve are sorry that this informatim could Bot reach you earlier but it was impossible to send it until our transactiomk was compPteted, It Very Truly yaurs Thorpe Brathers by P."W. Evans, / -~s..w-.-.w--- \ A communication from the Goxencsr's affice was read vith re- ference to poor relief covering the Binter period 1931-1932 and the Recarder was ims'cructed to advise, that the Village of Edim would be able to take care af its ann citizens to whom aid may be extended. . The miscelarmeous bills haveiiag been duly examined and forznd correct, it was moved Presco'ct they be allowed and paid, seconded by WiLPsola! and carried, They are as follows Isabel Gardiner Bolreycs Shell Station,Police car service Edina Garage, Inc. , Police car service June & July Village of Hopkim, i'l. 2. Garvey Tractor & Road supplies Alexander Badhey Engineering servfces E, T. Harris Gas & ail for tractors and Henrzepin County Review, Published notices & prirstixig Edina Feed Company Feed far poor Theo. X.. Pahl, Road gravel delivered Dahlberg Bras, YJeBr-Bordson par% Eibeapolis G. E. Go, Armgnst Street lighting Vo od da 1. e Gr ac ery Groceries for poor Wooddale Grocery Gas for tractor Trisler Grocery Groceries for poor Edim Hardware Road supplies & batteries C. A. Lfndquiat Blacksmithing Harry Hmson Services Deputy assessor Alex. Creighton Services assessor Zfancer eare E, Eitiskaby Fire Dept service to date police car H. A. Rogers Co Blue prints $120 000 6.42 43-58 L8OoOO 13.21 23,OO 76.46 24,05 10,53 48.60 096 069 398044 8.00 2-60 42.20 1.55 2,50 218.75 645.00 The Road and Pillage Bills upon being found correct, vere on m motion Tjllson be allowed and ordered paid, seconded by Prescokt and carried, They are as follows R. E, Ekeske P, A. Redpath 3. H, Snavely J. Tracy P, DahXgrerm L. StalzIr.larP S, Tracy S, 3. Raberes i'l. 5. Jay Dr Love11 Eo Campbell C, 2. Prescott Geoo A, I'lillsolui J, E. Reimnn Ben B. Boore J,J,Duggan D, 3'. EcGtaire Village EIarshafl Village Xarshall Park labor Ro8d labor Tractor operator Road Labor Road labor with tea Utility man Street Corn, Health off ices Village Trustee VZUage Trustee Village Trustee Village Recorder Village Treasurer President of Council Total 35 e00 R&T .j)933 00 Application in form far build a private dselling on Lot 10, Slk 4 CCD, 3airrray Section, by Carl Lindquis$ & Carlson, Inc, 4518 Bruce Avenue, was on motion Reimann be granted, seconded Eoore and carried Application in form for building permit to build a privata dt7eLling on 50% 23$ Block 12, GCDeP Brown Section, by Carl E. Eaasema Co., 4610 Eoorland Avenue, vas on motion Reimam, be granted, seconded Hoore and carriede * Application in form for building permit to build a private drrelling by Carl El, Hansen Go,, on Lot 8, Block 14, CCD., Brom Sectim, 4612 Bgewsak I?&, was on motion Reimann, be granted, seconded Villsoa and carriede Application in forn for building permit to build a private dwelling on Lot, 4s Block 6, CCD, Pairway Section, by Ant~~Duoos, 4506 Drexel Avenue, was on motion Reimann be granted, seconded Eoore and carried Application in form for building permit to build 'Itrasemen% and complete a mwed .tru$lding on Lots 10 and 11, Block 7, Tingdale Brookside, by E. T, Edson,.was on motion Ti13isob9 he granted, sec- onded Rehnn and carried. Apglicatioa in form to build a frame garage building rrith garage doors, to be used for temporary dselling arid set back 80 feet from front lot line on Lo% 4, Black 2, Cadets Highviev Park, by Skinley C..Lee, was on notioa l'lillsonm , be granted, seconded by Prescott and carriedo Application in form by Goodman Elahberg, to build a frame gmwge building vith garage doors, to be used for temporary dvelling and set hack 80.fee-b from front; lot line on Lot 5, BTock 2$ Cadets Highviea Park, vas on motion Tlillson be granted, seconded Reham and carried. , ApplicaQion in form by Oscar Johnson9 to build a frame garage building with garage doors, to be used for temporart drre2:ling and set hack 80 feet from front lot line on Lot 3, Block 2, Cade'3 Highview Park, vas on motion Villson, be granted, secanded Beimam and carried. * Hinutes of the regular raee%ing of the Council held OB August 8, 1932 vere read and onlizaeion Prescott be approved as read, seconded Reimann and carried. rirotion to adjourn carried 12.55 AJ11[, Village Recorder Receipts by Recorder during period August 8, 1'932 to and including September 12, 1932, and turned 'over to Village Treasurer at the September 12th. meeting mere as folloms B. E. Helson Industrial Cqntracting Ca, Ph,mil~hg permit '*4518 Bruce Am Repaving Arden and Bruce Avenues were cwt acct, Zateral €levier 3IiaZzric-k No. 1 and No. 2. V* H. Gilkey Justlee af the ?Peace Hennepiila Ccpuuty Village Aid Wfs ltrie Harper Bdg, permit, Lot 9,Blk 3 Harriet Nanar Add, (garage) Roy iVL Larsen Bdg, permit residence X-X$ of Sec, 30, T117, R 21, Eani3.y Jelfare Assn,Baard Ers A , Eartine, July liamily Velfare &sa,Board Xrs A, &rtine, Axust C, Linquist and Carlson, Inc Bdg, permit 4518 Bruce, residence C .%t,HEtLzsen Go Bdg, permit 4610 Eoorland, residence C ,lLHansen Co Bdg. permit 4612 Edgebrook PI, resde, Amtan Duoos Bdg, permit 4506 Drexel. E. T. Edson Bdg, permit Lot 10-11, Blk 't,Tingd@e Stanley C, Lee Bdg, pernit Lot 4, Blk 2,Code's Pk Oscar JaWon * Bdg, germit Lot 3, Blk 2 Code's Pk. Goodman BM.mberg Bdg, permit Lot 5, Blk 2,Cade's Pk 88.95 220.00 39.00 1,00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 ~ le00 3.00 1.00 ' Total. $393.95