HomeMy WebLinkAbout19320926_REGULARP.f.inuters of the regular meeting OS the Council of the Village of Biineb, held on SeptomBer 26, 3.932, in G~EuI~~ Half 8% 8 PUe The meeting W~IJ called to order by President IjlcGuirs and a.%B mem- 3sm of the Cauncil were presentc Application in fom for buflding permit by buizja&mssn to buiM a private resideme at 4627 Drox~2 Avenue, hing ~n re-au'bdfvided lots 23 and 24 in Block 8 I Fairmy Section, CCD, vas oil motion Relmann, be granted, seconded by RLllsorr and carriedo Application in fam by I?* BO Jkeluncl, for buiXding permit covering moving of present h8u8e9andi place on nev fourndatiorn and add a 12 foot leaa-to on bwk, on gremiaes Block 9, Gwden Park Addition to be back 3.00 feet froxn #S Highway, on motion Prescstt, 3e granted, seconded %.flson, and carried. Appl$ezet%sn in form by- John PJEtkomki, to build basement and move present house on seaie =E on mot$0n Villssn be granted, seconded Preaccttt and carriede Lot 7 Block 6, Harriet Hanor, 2nd Addition, Application in fam for Wilding permit by Willson Bro8, of 511 Securitg Bailding, lfinneapolfs, to move present buildirag to the %st on accounJt of widening of Itbat BelVLine. Highww and build basement on the Wst 166.4 feet of the &a% 1?*16 rods of %he north 778.14 feet of Section 4, Tomwhip 116, Range 21 being f66*4 feet by 778e14 feet and set back 35 feet, ma8 on motion Application in fom for building permit by to build a vestibule over front door and a glazed ibn psrch on the &st side and a by vindom on South valP of present building motion Proescott be granted, aecondea Reimnn and carried. Villson be granted, seconded Rehwm and carriede LP De Ru%Y~lcdge used for litpi- qUa??ters On Let 4, AUdi.tor*S Sub* %?63 WELB Application in form by Mickel' Aspfund, far building permit to enlarge Bresent shed for a prfvate ice howe, size 10' x IO9 QXI 10 acre tract in South 17eot corner of SectSon 29, Totm~hSp 117, North Range 21 Rat, set back 300 feet vats on motion Preasott be granted, seconded Reimann and carried, Recorder Boore, presented deeds for the 60 foot right-af-tmy for extermion uf Interlacken Road to the Xkst as f~l101;zj Qr Isaac HJort and Xary mort hfa vice, under date of Septernlxxr 15, 1932, to the Village of JikIfna, a munfcipal corporation, covering the &uth 30 feet of BTo0.k 32, l5epl&lswhn, and the Xorth 30 feet of the Vest quarter of N~rtliwest quarter of Southo east qumter of Section 30 Tomehip 117, Range 21 , 1x1 the VAL lage 0% Eainae BJ John Hjort and &ma Hjort his wife# for *e Bauth 30 feet 02 lots 13 and 14, Duesfs Subdivision of Black SI0 Hamlet of Bendefssohn and the North 30 fee% of the Jhat Half of the West Half of Worthvest quarter of Southeast quarter of SQC~~QR 30, Tomship 117$ Range 21, under date of September 15, 1932, to the Village of Mim, a Eunicipal Corporation, 330th deeds having . accepted for and on behalf sf the Village of iidina for public r~ad purposess seconded Reimnn and carriedo . been PrOpePly aCknO\fI.edged before M~Kuu?so~&% and =re Upon the w~tiolk OP Trustee PreSCo%t, b~ He NiU.@r5 a% Hopkfne 9 1, 208" Recorder DSoore presented the matter of W8 Blle Hazeno an em- ploye of the Country Club who on becoming seriously sick and de- pendent was found upon application to the Umi?tersfty Horrpftal to be a reeident of &a CXaire, Wisconsin. !!'hat her case had 'beeri taken up with the Poor Commissioner of &u Claire and her return arranged for with the consent of Ds Logefiel, her pkiyaieian Recorder fuo:tker advised the Bu Claire authorities has promised to re-imburse the Village of Uina, for the necessary transport- ation coets which had been necessary for the Village of &llit?rz ta con%rmt, an8 present& bill from aergeracy Ambulance Company in amunt #Be00 for ambulance service from Csuptrg Club to Great Northern depot and a bill of Ckbf~aggb, 8% Paul,, Mfnneapsl%s and Omaha Railway, in amount of $9.94, Tor two tickets and laver berth M$nneapol%s to &u Claire, V3"f8csnsine vhereupon it vas moved Preacott they be paid and the matter of colleetfon Ije~placed in handa of %Corder, seconded Reimam and carried. Pllinutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on September 14 1982, =re read and ere motion Reimam, be approved. a0 read , seconded Prsscott and carriedo The matter of budget for 1933 next bane before the CounciX in extended form and receissd ver?p careful and deliberate eonoider- ation. The matter of garbage co1Pectkon by ?&e Village to incztude the Country" Club District and neighboring area8 &fob would t6tal gppr&xM&%&ly.~00 homes was ale@ eormskdsrcsd $n the making UP of the budgeto The Recorder having totaxed the casta of some tkisty (30) principal items of expense per year Tor the last sevessl years, each item was considered separately and the following ftdms Bntl rgspective amounts were arrhed at and agreed upon,-most mf the E%&a Road labor BC teams Street lighting Mar shal%as Coune $1 Road grave% Poer-Grcroer%ea Psor43mI mec tianss / Village At terney Gas & Oil far tractors and Police car Poor Pam Road supplies ,snow fence 400900 Arsseasor 508 *oo Office suppliea . 40~00 P~lPee car Fire Depte service Park 8 Published notioes, Pimmcial statement Tractor & snow plow repairs &&neering serdeee Rents Old Age pensions S~OW plowing (Park Transfer Company) Insurance Plunbing Xnspeo tor Bc job printing 1 $350.00 6OOeOO 800 m00 400 0 00 300.00 15os00 280 0 00 15Ooc)0 300 e00 500 e 00 40 00 The General state of neglect and decrepit condition of several structures along 'jles-b 50th Street and the Xilanehaha Creek known as lithe old barnit-the disposal plant and Old EIi3.l mCe discussed by the Camcil and. generally agreed that in their present sgate they consfituted a menance to the Public from the standpoint health, safety and the standpaint of morals, partieularily of children, After extended discussion Trustee 'Reirnane offered the folhourriBg resolution 2n the spirit of suggestion rather tlaan mandatory and moved its adoptiorr- I RESOLVED, that whereas, those buildlings or struc6ures BOW located on or near ':lest 50th. Street, in the Village. of Edina, cornonly jlrsfecred to as the '*Old PfilBtt orT3dina Xillft or l*Brawurdale X!l'iL1.tt and the Old Barn; and the Sewerage Disposal Plant, all owned or I 209 believed to be onned, by Thorpe Bros. T~C.~ or Eirzneapolis, are generally and comgletely considered to be of no usua.ble value and of no monetary value, and are non and have been far some $ke pas%, actual menances to the velfare, health or morals of the people of Edina, and are unsightly and do not lend themselves to repair or r est orat i on j rma bher ef or e ; BE IT RESOLVED, that acting upon authority granted by the Village Camcil, the Village Recorder or the Village Trustee respectfulLr request Tkrorpe Bras, Inc,, to promptly remove all %Wee of the above mentioned structures, in the best interests of the resideum'cs and property ovners or Ediaa. 3E IT PURTHEi3 FC3SOLvED that: should this action be taken by Thorpe Bros, they be respectfully requested to donate to the Village of Edim, or to shomever they may select, those parks of the "Old Uilltt, such as timbers, grinding stones, vheels and shaftings, to be. held by the Yillage, ot the individuals or the Committee, in storage for later use or disposition in .the construction of a replica mill or noulument or landrnarck, The ma'cicm to adopt mas secoaded by Trustee Prescott and carried ai2hou-b my disenting vote, Eu further busirxess to come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at 12,20 hfl, I Village Recorder I J