HomeMy WebLinkAbout19321010_REGULAREUmutes of the regular meeting of the Council of
the Village of Edina, held on October 10, 19329 in Grange Hall at 8 231,
"he meeting was called to order by President PJcGurire and all
-,embers of the Council were present,
Xr G, Schultz, of Tarden Acres was present and requested the Council to apply some road gravel to Benton Avenue, East 09 the
.AI. M. & S. Ry bridge, The matter mas refered to the Road and
Bridge Committee,
Application Rn form for bqildiag permit to erect a private dwell-
.ing on Lot 6, Block 9, Brown Section CCD, by -&ton DUOOS, Street address being 4611 Gooddale Avenue, was on motion Reinam be
granted seconded Moore and carried.
.'l'rustee fieimam on behalf of the Police Camittee, advised the
Council our presen2; Traffic Ordiance did not cover school 7Stop't signs and suggested the Recorder confer with Village Attorney
to obtain a 1t3chool Stop" amendment to present Rtaffic Ordiaace
of the Village of Edina,
and signed by N,L, Kewhall, Secretary, was read in mhich the \
Council was informed Thorpe.Bros planned to discontinue the one mill maintaince tax l'n the platted portion of the Country Club District on January 1, 1933@ which on motion Koore, be placed. on file and Thorpe Bros be notified the Village will attempt to
collect the garbage to the best of its ability, seconded Reimnn and carried,
A communication dated October 8, 1932, from Tharpe Bras, Inc., \
The miscellaneous bills on being found correct, were on motion Zteimann, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded Preacott and carried
They are as follows
Bnergency Amhulanee Co.
C&o, StP Xgls &c 0 Ry. Isabel Gardivzer
Theilevz Printing' Co.
E, A. Ragers,,
Village St Lotkis 'Park,
E. Claire Alden
YQuulg Fuel co
City of Einneapolis
Kinneapolis GE Co,
C. A, Liszdquist
Glacier Salad & Gr Ca Hennepin Calunty' Review Dahlberg Eras%
Dauber g Br os ,
J. B, IvkSahon
V. l?. Garvey 'FJoaddale Grocery . Wooddale GXQCery
Red Xng Sewer Pipe Cat
Borey's Shell .Station
Thorpe Box Alexander &c Bradley Mennegin County
E. 8. Harris University Hospital
Edina Garage
Edina Grocery
Xi Iler -Davi S CO
hcct lXrs Bells Hazen .')8 e 00
RR fares eC berth to Eau Claire 9.94 Gare E. Rickaby 60eOO Printing &. supplies, Assessor. 38,88
Pull set Village plats 11.20
Bire Dept service 20000 Correcting Village tracimags 10000
September street lighting 434 45
Blacksmithing 9.00
Steel cable 4.30
Bire Dept service 86,822
Sand ZG cemen-t 9,42
Pulhished notices 6.30
1 V8 Pard 2 door police car 401.50
Tractor parts 1.50 *
Tree service 3.25
Road supplies 28. LO Groceries for poor 91.36
Gas for tractor 2.31
Off ice supplies 2,25
Sewer pipe 13,50
Police car service 5,46
Use Tract office & telephone 10.50
Engineering services 38.00
Poor Farm service 92.00
Gas aC oil for -kractors-Police car 66.75
Po or service 20 , 75
Police car service 25.80
Groceries for poor le02
Total 5.; 19432.36
The Ellage &Road Bills continued on next page
The Road and Village Bills on being found carrect were on
motion Prescotk be allawed and ordered paid, seconded 7illaon
and cmried. They are as fOlh17S
D .F .EllcGuire
Ben Be Eoore George A, t'lillsomti
C. F, Prescott
J .E ,Reirmm
Dr L, E. Camp')rell
S, J, Roberts
Po Dahlgren
Le Skolunaa
R. E, Eieske
P .A .Redpath J. Tracy
V. S. Jay
Pres id ent
Treasurer Record er Truskee
Trustee Trustee
.Health Officer U$ility man Tractor aperator
Boad labor
Park labor
Village TllarshalZ Village Ershall
Road labor with team Street Commissioner
25 ,OO
135 ,OO
135 ,OO
44 . 80
Totax (;757,40
Total October expenditure $2,189.76
The matter of turning aver ta the Baard of Park Conmissioners of the Village of Edirta, all the property used for Park purposes including Lots *Atr 9 "Bn eC t'CTp, lying along both sides of ETinne-
haha Creek Xorth of Vest 54th Street, was discussed at length after vhich Recorder €bore offered the follarrfng resoXu*iout and
moved its adoption
\;'HEREAS, a Bawd of Park Commissioners has been created by the Village of Edim, Hennepin County, ZIimesota, and duly established
by the election of the members thereof as provided by statute, said
Baard of Park Commissioners having authority to acquire, govern
and adninis-ber lands for parks and parhays, and
YEERXAS, the said Village of Edina has heretofore acquired certain lands and has dedicated and used the same as public parks, and
'iEL3&I.S9 the said Board of Park Commissioners has heretofore re- quested the Village Council 02 said Village 02 Edim $0 consent ta the said Board of Park Comissioaers assuming the adninistration
of said parkss
XOT, THEBEl?OIQ$, BE IT RESOLVED by the Village Council of the Village
of Edina that all lands so heretofore acquired by said 7Sfllage
and dedicated and used as public parks, be and the same hereby are turned over to and placed under the contra1 annd adminiatratio= of' the said Board of Park Commissioners to be hereafter administrated
and governed by the said Board of Park Commissioners, the same as
if acquired by said Board of Park Commissioners under the provisions
of the statutes of the State of Ennesota, including a11 baulevards, so called, lying between; the sidewalk and the curb and between the
sidewalk and 10% line in all streets and avenues in $he CQuntry
Club District, effective midnight December 31, 1932*
This resolution is passed gursuant to the provisions of Section
1258 lqitson's Uinnesota Statutes 1927 and as evidencing the consent
of the Village C~mcil its required by such stature.
The motion to adopt was seconded by Trustee Reimann,*'che rote beieg upan the adoption af the resolutian wherein there were five ayes and PO mys and so ordered.
wEinutes af the regular mee-bing held on September 26, 1932, nere
read whereupon Lk vas moved Prescotit they be approved as read, seconded Uillson and carried.
Bo further business to came before the meeting mation to. ;),djourn
carried aL 11.30 PEll
Village Recorder
Receipts by the Recorder for.period September
12, 1932 to and incladkg October 10, 1932.and
turned over to Village Treasurer on the latter
date were as follows
flamily ./elfare Assn. Board Nrs A l&r-kine :15.00
E. T. Edsotll €errnit to move house 5 ,OO
42.00 'J* He Gilkey Justice of the Peace
for Sept,
8 Building permits '8 $1.00 each 8 000
L~ Total 370.00