HomeMy WebLinkAbout19321114_REGULARBKnutas of the regular meeting of the C'OUDPCLP. ofthe VriPPage of Edina, held on PWmnber 14-, 1832, in Grange HaIX at 8 PM, The meeting was called tor ordez? by President McGuire, the roPh mas calhd and all members of the Council were present. The Recorder read a comunicatfonu from.Thorpe Bras., with reference to the Warrants and payments on same for Storm Sever, Sarnttary sewer and Curb and Gutter improvements in the Faisway Sectioa, Cottmtry CIub Pistric%, under date 09 October 21, 1932. Enclosed with the above comunbation were Tour schedules, The first one showing the tota1 amount of principal and interest, the second shswiBg the Varrants in the order in which tbey mature and thase paid to date, the third showing the computation of interest OM all 'S"Jarranti3, and the fourth schedule worked out to give the exact payments required from both Thorpe Bras and the so called Baird Bstate, to retire the remaining outstanding Warrants as they fall due. After examinat iou. and discussion by the Council Trustee Reimann moved, that the Co&ci:L of the Village of Edina, authorize the T€Elage Treasurer, to receive from Thorpe Bros., amcputtts acbmledged ta be due as shawn by their commieation dated October 21, 1932, subject to correction of any amounts or items later found to be in-correct, the motion vas sec- onded by Prescott and passed without any discenting vote and so ordered carried. Er Smutaey, appeared before the Council with reference to the poor conditdsn of Sumit Avenue South of Eighway f5, which was re-referedl to the Road and Bridge Committee. The Road and Village bills upon examination and being found correo*, were on motion Willsop, be allowed. and ordered paid, seconded by Reimann and carried, They are as follons 5, J. Roberts J-~~ x. Lurid P. A. Redpath .R. E, Mieake We So JOY P. DaUgren L. Stolzrnan -3. Tracy -Don R. Kelly D. 36. KcGuire J. J. Duggan Ben B. Moore George A. WiUssn C. E', Zrescott J. E. Reimam Dr L~~el1 N. Carrapball W. S . Heydt I?. Dahlgren Utility man Road labor Village 'XarshalI Street Commissioner Tractor operator Road labor -Labor qith team Labor President Tresaur er Recorder Trus t ee Health Officer Special Off her 10/31 Special. Off ice2 10/31 ft -n n R $SOoOO 13 20 135.00 44400 98.50 51.20 121.60 1.40 25.00 135.00 35.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 25.00 25,OO 4.00 4.00 $891.50 The Miscellaneous bills vere also duly examined and found correct after which Trustee Prescott moved that they be allowed and ordered paid, they are as follows Rollin Sand & Bdg BPk Co Road gravel delkuered (lddyds 1 62,OO Geizeral Tractor & Eq. Co. Tractor repairs & parts 56.86 Edina Grocery Groceries for poor 5 02% H. A. Rogers Crr Blueprints 5080 Eenncpin County Reviera Published norfee 4420 Minneapolis G. E, Co October street lighting 433.37 I Dahlberg Bras, Inc. Gas for Police car 077 Gr egg s Pharmacy Sick supplies for poor 1.35. UTiller Davis Company Office & election supplies 4,30 Continued on.page 215. City rrf mnneapolis Ilks babe1 Gardimer V, P, Garvey Edina Garage , Police supplies Coal for poor Police radia aervfee Gracerfes for poor Gas for tractor HauXLinyy and feed for poor Premium on bond (Eeske) Stenographic sJark Coal far poor Fire Dept, service Blacksmithiag 100 lbs D-A lubricant Gas & oil for tractors and Police car Refund on recording John and Isaac Bjort deeds Fire Dept, service Care E, Rickaby Road supplies 32,m 6e70 45eCp3 12.86 334 19 e 60 5,OO 3v20 23.05 15 000 4,95 16e50 64.61 1.50 f28,86 60,OO ' ?el5 Battery service 5eOO . $3.LoOc90;61 It vas moved Reil;za~ that the mom~s indicated by Recorder for pay of Judges and Clerks as,well as Counting CEerks at Presidentab efeetion on Rovelztber 8, 1932, totaling $249,00 be alloned and paid, seconded Billson and carried. A bill. from the Edina Garage, Inc,, dated October 259 1932, for police car storage vas presented and discussed by the Camc%1, shereupon iP; 1789 moved Reimam, th& in the absense of any agree- monk in the recoilection of the.memBers of the Council in the matter of charges by the Edima Garage, Inc,, for starage of police car durhg a 4 hour period of erzch.day that invoice #28790 dated OctoBer 25, 1932, ia aslomt $6.8,00 covering storage! charges for period Rovember f3 1931, to April lo 1932, 0 $8.00 per nonth and From April 1, 1932b &o Xovember 1, 1932, 0 $4900 per month, be *not alPovred and the Ediaa-Garage so advised, motiamr aeconded bx. .8illson and carsfed +ApplkaP,ion by Xinneapolis General Electsric Company %ion to set tvo poles and extend line on 'rflest 60th Street, East ?uf the Hansen Road vas o@ motion Prescertt be grantxd, seconded Reimam and carried. for permiss- Application of the Einneapolia General Electric Company, far permission to lay one 4-&It fibre conduit underground and build 10 splice boxes and install a four inch pipe under Best 49th St 'and Bridge Street, for the purpose of providing sufficien% carrp 'ing capacity to serve the Country Club District was on motion X00re9be gran%ed in 80 far as the consent of the Village C~wpa~il vas needed, seconded Prsscott and carriede . * In the matter of providing a skating rink for small children, Recorder Soore advised the Council. %hat the cement of the prop- erty omers owning the two lots at the north-east corner sf Bridge $tree% and Wooddale Avenue had been given to XI? L. E, Fletcher and that Thor-oe B~os~ had agreed to give-the vater, rthereupon it was moved Reinam, that the property owners hawing agreed and consented to the free use of the lots locaeed at the Berth-east corner of mooddale Avenue and Bridge Street for the use of smll cfiildseks for a skating rink tbP; the sane be flooded by Village uorhn for and lin behalf of the Village of Edina, moltio~a seconded by. Eoore and carried. Abplication in form for building permit by A. Dockea, to build a prLvate garage on Lot 10, Block 3lS Emma Abbott Park, set back 100 feet and costing approximately $150+00, vas on motion Prescott, be granted, seconded Villlson and carried, The matter of macking an arrangemen% for a truck to mount a Village SPOV plow for snunplo~7ing of the paved Village Streets vas pPacodi in the hands of the ViLlage Recorder, _I Recorder IEaose stated that there vas meed for Iegliakation to permit vfllages s~nepl as E<aisa, to open their election poles at somevbt the $me hour as poles spern in the larger cities to which they are ad jacarat , Af%Br discussion by the Council, it was moved by Uaore, that The League of Einnesota Municipal- ities and its Leglislative' Committee be respectfully requested to draf.1; and sponsor a bill empowering the governing body of any murricipalf%y located-within the State of Xinnesuta, with authority to prescribe the hoar of opening of poles at any election betmeera the hours of 6.30 BrIEd and.9.00 AM , as will best serve the needs , of that communitys mation seconded by Reimann., and carried, The Recorder also present& to the Canhci-1 the matter of the County Auditor or the CopxwLy Treasurer rendering to every manic- ipal corpora$isn vithfn his respective eoanty, an accounting of all monies colJLscted as well as any tax deliqlaeney vhi~h may exis% as of Jamua~y first of each year, After discusafon by the Cotan- cil Lt was moved by PreSCQtt, that The League of Einnessta MPXaic- ipalfties and its LeglislaLive Comi.Ltee be respectfully reqplte@$ed to draft and siporasor a bill requiring %ha% the Caumty Auditor or the County Treasnrer of emery Caunty in the State of Ltlimesota, furnisg annually to. %very municfpsl corporation located 'within tha$ respectice cou~lty~ an. itenaixsd statemant shoving the distri- bution of funds collected and the tax- dsliquency which may exist, as of January first of each year, mation. was seeand& by Villson and carriedr App!lfca$iom in form for-a building pamit to-build a private dmll ing by Xrns Kipp, 4321 Coltaal0,us Avenua,-Minneapolis, on LOP, 5* Block 16, Scsmandale Additiorm, was on mo.tZon-W-lillson be gran$sd, seeonded by Prescott and carried, kpplieation in form-to build a private dwelling by Agnes He Wester- lulrzcl, on Lots 3 and 4, Block 3, Sealsytsr Pirst Addition to Ham- Lhorne Park, w on matti Willson, be granted, ~ssoorradsd Reimann, and carried. Trustee Weirman presenfied a petition by Hr 8, E. Earford, 5528 France Avenue, requesting tht the Village Trsas%ees as Fence Viev- em, viev a Tfne fence betveen himself ana' Er George SeqQh, of 5524 Prance Avenue, which b,,d heen erected. by Xr Earford at a cost of $lOO,OO and ~herei~ he would be wib13.i~ $0 aaeept E"Pm Seakh the sm of $40.00 as one haP& the- aos% of said line fence. 1% vas agreed that %he Trustees view and repor% in the near future, r-7 I Ra further bushess to come before-the November 14th, meeting, rno-tfon to adjourn carried at 11,30 ENe Village Recorder, aeceipts by the Recorder collected since the October 10th. meeting and $tamed over to Village Treasurer at November 1.Q9 1932 meeting were as follows W. H. Gikkey Justice of the Peace $60.33 Tni~ City Ins4 Co Refund on Compensation Ins 79,84 Eau Claire, Visconsin, P0CJ.r Commissioner Case Ers Belle Hazeas. Docken, Larsora3 and Z-V Rifle Club LFcense for Gun Club 5.Op Thorpe Bras Street repairs 15e80 . 8eOQ I KiPP 9 9 Three building permits 3.00 1- Total. 3a7149r