HomeMy WebLinkAbout19321128_REGULARmtes af the regular meeting of the Council. of the, Village of Edina, held on November 28, X932, in Orange HdX at 8 PITe The meeting vas called to order by*President-NcGuire and all members of the Council sere*present, Er E, S. Dale, appeared before the CauncSl with a proposition of taking a vote a% the time of the regular Village Election to be held ora December 6tb., said vote to-be regarded as adais- ory and ~Xthoat any legal effectson the granting of a license to operate a motion pictureLtheatre on Prance Avenue, near Vest 50th Street, The Recorder read a letter in the premises from the League of Einnesota Xunicipalities and a general diso cussion vas held after which it vas deemed more advisable to take up the matter by mail whichm Dale gladly consented to do. It vas moved Prescott, that advances be made the Road crem and Earshalls as indicated by the,Recorder in Village Time book, motion seconded by Willson and carried, The resignation of EIlr J. H. Mayhem,. as member of Vie Board of Park Commissioners of the Vialage of Edina, da.ted Xovember 21, 1932, vas read in 7.)zich Xr*Eayhev stated he vas leaving the Village to be gane approximately 10 months phi& would be just before his term expiredo After discussion and the fact it v~as too late for a member to be elected at the annual. village election to be held on December 6th. it vas moved Eieimann, that the ma.t;ter be laid on the table until the next regular meetiw of the Council, seconded by Prescott and carried, The matter of the- University Easpital furnishing certain med- ical care and treatment $6 the poor and destitute of Edina, next came before the Council vhereupon it was moved Eloore, that all cases bvolving medical aid through lgoor relief be refered to Village Kealth Officer for his written recommendation and report to the Cauncil, motion seconded by Billson and carried Application of the Xhnea,aolis General Electric Company, for permission Lo lay an underground cable along 'the-inside Park- say on Bromdale Avenue to Edgebrook Place, to serve the new . Carl Hanson house, vas on motion lNillsons be granted, seconded Reimnn and carried, I \ A comunication.dated November 17, 19329 on behalf of ScIaoaP Board District #17, by the Clerk of said District, suggesting that the Village acquire a fifteen foot strip of land along the East side of- Wooddale Avenue betneen West 50th Street and Vest 49tPr, Street, mas read and on rnokion Reimann, be laid on %he table, seconded Prescott and carriedo Xt vas moved by Prescott, that the bill of D, Plolvertcsn far sav- ing cord mood for 3, Vanetta, sick and destitute, in amount $7.75 be allsaed and paid at this meeting, seconded Plillsan and earriedle A letter dated Havenher 23, 1932, from 1I.r J. XI. Ezdsll, in the mattes of putting in a road togather aith the grading, filliw and cleariq, lead;bng,Scruth_fPom Iaterlackep Eoad alang-the Bast %ind-:Sdu%W line of the Interlacken Club property to the Erdabl tr-act, estimated to cast without land acquision the sum of %499,00 was read and it YZS agreed that in this and all shilfar matters that the cos% oZ the improvement wauld have to be assessed against the property benefited, Recorder to so advise IB Erdabl, Asplicatioa in, form for building permit by Sima~s Strand to build a shed to be atlached to East end of feed store to be used as a private garage and located an the-Strand properky at Voaddale Avenue and West 62nd, Street, vas on motion Tillson, be granted, seconded by Pressrott, and carried, Application in farn for building permit by Barney Janicke, to build a private residence on Lot 30,' Block PO, Fairway Section, Country CLub District;, be granted, seconded, ?&ore and carried. (46615 Bruw Av-eIiue.1 was on motion Rein- Ninutes of the' regalar meetimg of the Couacil held on Xovember &LC 1932, were. read and on motion Reimam, be approved as read, seconded by Willson and carried. Minutes of the Special meeting of the Council held on Xowember 23, 1932, were read and onrnotiomReimann, be approved as read, seconded by Prescott and carried. Oa mati~a Noore the followhag Judges and Clerks were appaizzted for the anhuaB Village Elec$ion Lo be. held on December 6, 1932. East PreeikzoZl #I, Judges $.E.Reimnara!, Victor Irgens and John J, Daxggam, Clerks J,B.Ha,upt and E. G. Nealey, Vest Precinct #2$ Georee A, WiLlsan, Chas T. Hay and Ralph 3dmson Judges, Bks E, R. EcCreitdy and Ers E. 3, Sachs, Clerks, motion seconded by Prescott and carried, Ea0 further business tQ come before this meeting, motion to ad- journ carried at 10,255 PE. Village Recorder, I Xwutes of tke regular rnee%ing af the CclwcLX held on XJavmbes 28$ 1932, vere read and on motion YUlsoris be approved as reads seconded by Prsscott and carriedo Becorder advised vifh reference to thase elected at the Village elec%%on held on ;December 69 1932, as folloms- Preside& QP COmcfl,.,teP& of I year, ,De ,F, E~Guire, 'Eiecarder, for term of two yearso Ben B, noore. Trusteeo for term of three years, C. F. Prescott. Justfce sf Peace, for term of trro years, Er,VJmbert, Constable, for term of two years, L, R. Blackburme Constable, for term of two years, Brrger S, Borey, Ifember Board Park Commissioners, for term of thee years, T, G. Harrison. Xotion to adjourn carried at 11.20 Pm Village Recorder Receipts by the Recorder daring. period December 1932 to January 9, 1933, and turned over to Village Treasurer on January 9, 1933, mere as foP10ss [\'le E, Gilkey [Justice of Peace i;r,oo Poor Commissioner of Paymenk railroad fare advanced Eau Claire, 'flisc,, Case Bs Belle Hazen 9094 Lu%u X, Jarvis Bdg, permit, 58th & France LOO Carl E. Eansoa Bdg. permit , 4608 Bronmdale 1 eo0 Carl Hansen Bdg, permit, 4512 Eoorland 1,oo Total $13094