HomeMy WebLinkAbout19321212_REGULAREbutes of the regular meeting of the
Council of tho Village of Edina, held
on Deceaber 1932p in Grange Ha11
a% 8 I?&€*
The meeting t7as called to order by President UcGuire, the roll vas
callsd and all members of the Council viere present.*
V. P, Garvey and NeUson appeared before the Cauncil uith the request %ha% snon fence be placed at Oaklam Avenue and 'Plea% 62nd, Street, vhich on befmg refered to the Stree-t Comm%ssioner vas fwm? advisable There being no sno17 fence on hand it vas moved Ssesoett and seconded by ;'lillsom, that 500 feet of 9x1017 fence be purchased
togather uitk 25 posts by the Recordero motion carried mithaut dTs-
seating vate and so orderedo
The miscellaneous bills upon being found correct mere on motfo~a by
Reimam, be rzlloned and ordered paid, seconded by Willson and carried, they are as folloas
Edina Grocery
XilleroDavis Co E. A. Eelson Gregg 's Pharmacy
Chas 'LliLler & Son Hemepin Caw%y Review Kennepin Cmmty Rev-Lev Borey's Shell Station u of Em, Hospital
Einnesota Euriicipalities
City of Einneapslis E, 8. Harris
Eirmeapolis G. E. Co U of Binn, Hospital RolILino Sand &B. B. Co
Vooddale Grocery
Village St Louis Park
Alexander &- Bradley
R. Hehen Solurs~n
Thorpe Bras
B. ,F. Garvey
C. A, EinGquisP,
Ed- Garage, Iac,
Tnin Gi%y Ins co
J. 3. Duggan
Groceries for poor Office 2% election supplies Undernare Eor poor
Poor supplies
Alcohol 9 or tractor
Ballots & published notice Publishing Financial sqatement
Palico car service Po or service
1932 Year Book Fire DepB;o srevice
Gas & oil for tractors November skreet lighting Poor service Gravel & binder
$44 , .26
7002 22,?5
-a 85
Groceries far POOP 29,U
Fire Dept, service 25e00
Engineer izxg services 22000
Stenographic WO~~K 6,40 Use of Tract office for elections
and Police Dept Sept, Oct & ITm 36,20
Rasd, tractor supplies & tools 24 * 80;
Blacksmithing Q akrarpwnsirng ice
grausels for tractrrr 58.88
Police car sertices 9,90 Add. premium on Bard Police car
over Plymouth o 85
Stanrps &- stationary fur Treasurer's
off ice durisg year- 1932 ?,?O
The Village, Road and electhorn bills U_~)OYL being found correct were
an motion Frescotit, be alloaed and ordered paid, seconded by TEllso~1 and carried, They aix as fsllorts
3, E. Reimann
Victor Irgerzs
J, J, Duggan
6. Be &UPt E. G. EeaEey George A, Villsoa chas T. Hay
Ralsh Johnson Ether R, XeCready
Emily B, Sachn
Po A. RedpaPlIz
Re E, Eilieske D , Volverton s. Joy
S, J, Rcb'tzerts
P. Dahlgrea
L. S.e;012stan
J. Tracy
J. Tracy
D. P. XcGnire
J. 3. Duggan Ben B, Eoore
Judge electiaa
Clerk 'I)
Judge election
tt It
n R
tb %?
I). It
U tt
Village Harshall
9 days S%reet Corn, Utility man
Tractor operator
Road labar
Road labor with team Raad labor President Treasurer Re corder
GQntiYiued naw 339
n l?
IC tt
yo 80
36 *OQ
' 222
Bill of George W, Strong, for services as Village Attorney far the
year 1932, next came before the Bouneik for discussiom and considerat-
ioB0 It vas found to be for less amount that the gear 1931 and
that during N2 Strong's incumbrancy dathg back five years that no suits had-been started and %@t all legal matters were cleared up as
of date, svhererapon it was moved Willsan that=the bill of George
Stro~g for $500.00 for services as Pillage Attorney for the year 1932$
be duly allomed and ordered paid, seconded Prescott and carried.
Total December expenditure, $2,330.97,
The matter of filing the necessary bond with the CILy of XinneapG3is Fn order to obtah fire department service of EimerzpoLfe, ne& came
before %he Caaancil :&ereupon
.. I
4'IL was moved by Prescott, seconded by Eoore, and carried
hy an affirmative vote of all members present, that the Presidenti and Recorder of the Village CsmncliP are authorized
$0 execute a bend to the City of Ehneapolis, a P&unicipal
Corporation in the Camty af Hennepgn and State of Xinnesota, in the sum of One Thousand ($1,000+00) dall;ars9 to guarantee
the payment %a said City of Einneapolis, of bhbla rendered by
said CLty %or fire proteetion, ineluding labar and the use of Fire apparatns of the City of Einneapalia, to said Vi1lage of
Edbwa, for the year ending December 31, 1933, and tbe actfoh
. of the President and Recorder of this ComcfX in execntlng said bond under date af Deeember 1, 1932, is hereby in all
things ratified and confirmed .)+
'Jfhe vote being u-pm the adoption of the resolution wherein there were
five ayes and no nays and sa ordered,
The resfgnaLiavL of J. Eowasd Ihyhea, 8s member of the Board of Park Commissianers,on accotmt, of ahsence from the village for a period until near the expiration of his term of ~ffhe, was duly read to
the ComciZ, Trustee Reham then moved thak the resignation of
I& Je Howard I&yhew, as member of the Board of Park Commissioners of' the Village of Edina, be accepted and the Office declared vacant, secanded by PCillsorn and carried,
It was thereupon moved by Reimam, that lk Louis Stein, be appointed
a &%ember of the Board of Park Commissioners of the Village Of Edim, to fill the unexpired term of 3, Hoivard Eayhen, resfgned, seconded
by Prescott and carried by an affirmative of all members of the Cauneil.
It mas moved by !Jlllsolta on account of the next regular rnee%bg of the CauzaciP coning on Christmas, that the next meeting of the Council of
the Village of Edina, be held on January 19339 at the accustomed time and place, secomded by Prescott and carried unaminouely.
The matter of garbage collection by the VFllage of Edixla, next came befo
before the Camcil, the President and Recorder of the Village Council are*authorized to and empowered to enter into a contract witla Er &%htkr PedGer80n9 of
Edina, for csllectfm of garbage in such portiamaf the Village of Edina
as msy be deternrined by the Village Counejbl
furnish all necessary equipment and labor a&i provide for satisfactory
disposal, and in a11 things comply with date and local bws, ordfancee
rules and reguhatFans, basis of 2* days per single collection and 4 days pes double collection per week @ @.O,OO per day for area Ardea
AV~ELK~ to Bfghway #5 and West 50th Street to Sunnyside Raad iaacllnsive, said ares may be altered or enlarged by the Village Council, ssid con- tract may be terminated by either party by 30 days mstLoe in writing,
The motion \?!as seconded by Prescstt and carried without dissenting vote
and SO declared carriede
After discusskm it was moved by Rei.manllkp that
sdid Arthur Peterson to I
Continued on page 223,