HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330109_REGULAREinutes of the regular meeting af th the Csuncil of the Village of Edina, held on January 9, 1933, in Grange Hall a% 8 PN. I The meeting was called to order by Presi'dent XcGuire, the roll vas called and all members of the Canmil. were present, The miscellaneous bilIs upon being found correct, were on motT0n ReiZIZitnnh, be allowed and ordered paid, seconded.Prescatt and carried They are as follows CEI Blackburn Election booths & Spl officer $8.00 Eimehaha Grange 1/2 year rent tor January 1, 1933 EL. newberg 1/2 yeas rent tool house premises 39.50 and special nree.t;ings 63.00 General Tractor & Eq. Cs Tractor repairs & labor 8a39 Minnesota Municipalities Dues aect Legislative conference 6 000 Wo ad dale Gr o c ery 25084 Edina Grocery Gracerim for pow 45a00 Waaddale Grate err Gas for tractor 1034 Qsoddalc Grocery Groceries for poop 10.58 E. W. Efarris Gas 8c Oil for trabtors and Police car 56,09 City of Einneapollis Rescue Squad [lks E Horn 4903 Arden142.28 Edina Hardware Hardvare & batteries 1.05 Hennepira County Review Pub notice & printing 17,98 Philpott-Bailey Cs Coal for poor (Stmember Philpott-Bailey Ca Coal for poor (December General Tractor & Eq. Co Pasts for morn pPm Xiller-Davis Co Office supplies 3finneay)olis G. E. Co December Street llgh-ting 435,97 Groceries for poor E=?/ Bell Telephone Co Police telephone listing (1933) 3.00 Your@ Fuel Campany Coal for poor 68e36 23,OO 460'?5 6,34 7.70 Park Transfer Co Labor & truck for snowplowing 65.23 f Jamey Semple Hill & 60 Snow fence & pos%s 40,31 Don R. Kelley Labor 1,40 Re E. Ohson Gravel and Stxeet sandinre 32.25 - Edina Feed Ca Feed & haulinue: Hennepdn Comty *Isabel. Gardiner Trisher )s Grocery Edina Gracery Justus Lumber Ca iFJ . k' e Garvey Security NatP. Bank EBarch 3c EBcLennarz Dahlberg Bras Xnc, iD Edim Garage, IZZC.~ Blackburn Niekela Joyce Iris Agency He A. PSehsoD & Smith paor sarm ser7icz Care E .Rickaby , (cancer 1 final Trimmings for Red Crass eBsth Groceries for psor Grecerfes foro poor Lumber for smw plow Supplies far tractor Treasures '8 band premium Premium village officers bonds Potlice car service Pa.lice ear service 1s 175 Prerrriun Village officers bonds 17050 Premium J Of 9 bond 5,OO Total Niscl. 519405.41 The Road and Village billa upon.being found correct, were on motion WNI~LSQ~~ be allowed and ordered paid, s ocaaded Prescott and carried, They are as foblows Rex Garvey Ronald EcCready Hhrshd McHellis J. %'lePlellfs W. S. Heydt Adolph Lamen Chae Johson Geo Hoakins P?, Le Vestgard 0, E. Bestgard L. Stalzmm 3. Tracy J. Tracy IC. Sundquist E. Hamsen P. Bailey T. G. CEark Sam NcCready J, E. CQtYeP1 Road labor R I? it It It W n It 'a tt w W w *r n It tt IF la f? I? In 'R IC Road labar with team Raad labor It R n 11 I? It ID It $4040 8.00 4 080 4.40 9 e6U 8 a00 3,20 3.20 3a20 6.40 3.60 3.60 22 040 52.80 16.40 9.20 10e80 koa80 6 e40 E, Gfla;rk- R, S%aXvig Ih. Vright E. Sachs T, Eoore (1 P. Eamadks De Brans V. HsLson F. Schacky R. Dra7aont Jab Lund John E. Lnnd S. J, Boberts P, A, Redpa-tk R, E, Eieske D. 3. EcGuire J. J. Duggan Ben Be fXoore C. 3, Prescote George he 'I7illsont Je 33* Reimann Dr Losell Campbell I Pe Dahlgrea TI. s. Jay Road tt W lf 7fl lt w n 11 It It II labor tt Tr w nl P It W n rl lt rt W Utility man Trackor operator 33m 3,ZO 4,80 4,80 3,2G 4,80 3,20 3,20 4 ,40 3e20 4,40 4680 100,00 50,OO Street coimis s ion- Village Earshall Village Earshall President January Treasurer It R8C:ordel" n Trns%.ee.- 9 I? Trustee rt Truatee It Health Officer January 42,oo 135.00 135,OO 35,OO 25*00 '75,OO 25,OO 25,OO 25,OO 25-00 Total -$935,40 Total Zanuary expenditure $2 , 340 81, Er H. V. SouBert, offered Official bond issnred by EatioEaX Surety , Cmgany under date of December 16$ 1932$ inhis behalf as Justice of the Peace of the VZllrlage of Edina, for a %no year perdod beqia- izg Sanuary 1933,, vhich on mcrt;ion Relimann, be accepted and ap- prmed as to form and sufficiency, seconded by Vi1lssn and carried, I &€r Roger S, Barey, offered Official bond issured by (fahmbia Cas- , ualty Company, of Nen York, under daee of December 27, 19329 in his freblf as FLllage Constable for period January 1, 1933 Lo December 319 1934, vhich on motion Reimam, be accepted and appro-o- * et? as 4;o form and sufficiency,. seconded by 17ilIson and carried, I!& Zohrz. 6. Duggarz, offered Official bond continu$sncy for the year 1933, by National Surety Company of Eev York in his behalf as Vil- lage Treasurer uliich on motion Reimm, be accepted and approved ' seconded by Vfllson and carriedo Bk Vebber H. Gilkey, offered officiax bmd cankimaucy issued by Columbia Casualty Company of men York, XTO, FB 56129$ in Us behalf as Xustice of the Peace Tor the year 1933, i7hicf2 on notian Reimwn, be accepted and approved, seconded by VilPson and carried, Blfr Le R, Blackburn, offered official bwnd con%irruancy issued by Columbia Casualty Company of New Yorfi, Xoe 13 66138# in his behalf as Constable for the year 1933, shickr on motion Reimtmn, be accepted and approved, seconded Willson and carriede Er Ben E. Ploore, offered official bond continuancy issued by Col- umbia Casuhlth Campany of New York, 110, 66784, in his behalf as Village Recorder of the Village of Edina, for the year 1933, which on motion Reimam, be acceptecl and approued, seconded 'n7illsoa and carried Trustee ReimaM, presented Camecticut policy #WS-251741, covering fire, tornadop transportation, collision, upset, Xightmiqg and theft of the entire Hol% Tractor #PV5233 and one Vekrr-Bordson Road Grader in amout. $800,00 on Holt and $300,00 tra Behr and mirved its acceptance and approval, seconded Presc0.fi-k and carried, 1 In ;2mBmt $~o,ooo,oo I Application in form for building permit by Carl M. Hansez, to build a private dnellilzg 4606 Brawndale Avenue, vas on motion Reimam, Be granted, seconded Viklson and carrieda I . Application ikL farm far build- permit by Carl Me Hanson, to build a private d-crrellimg 451.2 Xoorland Avenue, was on motion Reimann, be granted, seconded Billson and carried, Application in form for building permit by Lulu Id, Jarvis, to build a private residence on West one half of the 88 x 298 foot tract of band located at the Xort'la-yest earner France Avenue and V;est 58th. Street, was on motbcn TTJillsm, be granted, seconded Reimann and carriede It mts moved Prescott that the pay of Village Treasurer, be see at the swn of $25,00 per month for the year 1933, seconded Wihls~n and camred., It v;'as moved QtiLlsoa that the pay of the Village Recorder, be set at $75,00 per month for the year 1933, seconded by Prescott C% carried. - . I It t'r'as moved: Presco'ct that the Hennepin Caunty Review, be designated the official newsgaper of the Village of Edina, far the year 1.9213, seconded Xoore and carried e It was moved Rebanm that Dr Lowell E. Campbell, be re-appointed Village Health Officer for the ViIlage ofEdina for the year 1933, at a salary of $25,00 per mwatkh, secanded Prescatt and carriede It vas mwed Prescott, that Alexander & Bradley, be re-appointed Village Engimeers for the year 1933 OIL a fee basis, seconded by Tillson and carriedd It was moved Prescatt, that We S. Zay, be re-appointed Street Cam- missioner for the year 1933 and pay se-k at $4.00 per day far each day worked as directed by the Cdnncif, seconded by Willson and carried. It vias moved WTZllson, that S .JeRo'berts be re-appointed U'tility man for the year 1933 and pay set at $lOO,OO per monthg seconded by Reimnn and carried, It was ma'ved ReiInazm, that P. Dahlgren, be re-appointed Tractor operator for the year 1933 and pay set at 50 cents per hour vorked seconded Prescott and carried, I It was moved. Prescott, that the rate of pay for man nrith team be continued at 80 cents per hour and that Road labar be paid at the rate of 40 cents per hour, seconded by Willson and carried, It was moved Reimam, that VIa G, Christensen, be re-appointed Pllarn'rzri~g Inspeckor, with full Police power to enforce ordiances, and rate of pay set at $l,OO per imspectiora, seconded Prescott and carriede It ras moved Prescott, tat €%>A. Redpath, be re-appointed Village Barshzll and Re E, Nieske, be re-appointed Police Officer for the year 1933, seconded by &bore and carriede It Ea8 maved Prescott, that t M rate of pay for Villa$e Earshall and Police Officer be set at $125,00 per month beginning as of January 15, 9933, seconded Rehnn and carriedc Trustee Reimann, offered the following resolution and moved its adoption, "Resolved that the Harriet State Bank of Ninneapolin, be and is hereby selected and designated as a depositary of General Fuads of the Village of Edina, for %he period begining as of this date and ending December 31, 19339 on the execution by such bank of a sufficient band to the Village of Edina or the furnishimg af legal collateral iHk an mount sufficient to 10 percent in excess of the maxim sm deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Village Council and fixed in the office of the Vil- lage Recorder or in event of collsteral being furnished in lieu of a surety bond, in a place of safe keeping satisfact ory to the Village Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall deposit all or any part of the Village moneys in. such bank It .L The motion Gas duly seconded by Trustee Willson and carried, r Racrozder Zoae, offered the following resolution and mcrved ita ~dO~+iiO~ e. tfResolred that the Xidland Xatioml Bank and Trust Compw of Xinneapolh, be apd is hereby selected and designated as a depository of funds for Lateral Sewer Districts No, 1 and No. 2, of the Village of; Edina, for the period of this date and ending Decemver 31, 1933,-on the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to tbe Village of Edina, or the furnishing of legal collGtera1 in an amount siffic- ient to 10 percent in excess of the maxim sum deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by the Councll of the Village of Edina and filed in the office of the VU- lage Recorder or in the event of collateral being furnished in lien of a surety bond io a place of safe keepiq satis- factory LQ the Billsge Council and thereupon the ViLlage Treasurer shall .deposit ,all Or any part of 'the Village moneys in such banktt, The notion vas duly seconded by Trustee Reimann and carried, Trustee Reimnn offered the following resolution and moved its adoptiori lrResolved that $he First National. Bank of Xinneapolis, be and is hereby sexected and designated aa a depository of Xunds for Sanitary Sewer, Storm Sewer, Curb and Gntter in Fairway section , CCD, of %he Village of Edina, far the period of this date and ending December 319 1933, OB the execution by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village of Edina, or the furnishing of legal collateral in an amount sufficient to 10 percent in excess of the maxim SUM deposited, said bond or said collateral to be approved by, the Council of the Village of Edina and fixed in the office of the Village Recorder or in the event of collateral. being furnished in lieu of a snrety bond in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village Council and thereupon the Village Treasurer shall deposit all or any _cart of thevillage moneys in such bankw, The motion was duly seconded by Recorder Xoore and carried, It was moved Beim;znn, that X,R.Bass, be reeppointed special - - affieer and give bond, seconded Prescott and carriedlo it vas moved Prescott, that 8,3,0xboro, be,re-appoiated special officer and give bond, seconded Uoore and carriedQ It yas moved Prescott, that Ed PordG, be re-appointed special officer and give bond, seconded by Eoore and carried, It was moved Prescott, that Joseph Rush, be re-appointed special officer and give bond, seconded Uoore and carried, Trustee Reinzznrt, offered and moved adaption of an ammendmen6 to Ordiance #l7, to be known as Section 74-a of said Ordiance "It shall be rwlavful for any person or persons to collect, removg or haul any garbage, ashes or refuse rJit;hin the corporate limits of the Village of Edina, where a charge is made, rrithou-t first securixg a license to do so fromthe Council of said Village which shall have authority to grant such license in such form and number as in fts descretion it deems ad~isable, Zicense fee shall be 35,OO per ammB Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a miademearrar, Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after its publication and acceptancetR This w The motion vas duly seconded by Eoore and carriede it mas moved Prescott,, that the present Police Committee of the Council, Trustees Reimann and Willson, be re-appoineed, seeondied by liiioore and carried Lt was moved Miflson, that Trus%ee Reimann and Recorder Eoore, be appointed as the Garbage and Sanitation Committee, seconded by Prescott and carrieda 228 Lt was moved Rsj.mmn, that Trustees PreseoWi and Willson be appoint- ed ## the Road and Bridge Committee 0% the ConncilL, seconded Noore and carried. The minutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on December 12, 1932, vere. read.alzd on motion Prescstt, be approved as read, seconded Willson and carried, .NO further 'business to CQEE before this neet- notion to adjourn carried at 11.55 PM .- ! 1 ! Village Reeosder QFFICIAL PUBLICATION VILLAGE OF EDINA HEiNNEPIN COUNTY, MINNESOTA AN AMENI)MENT To ORDINANCE NO. 17, OF THE VILLAGE OF TION 74-a OF SAID ORDINANCE It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to collect, remove or haul any garbage, ashes, or refuse within the corporate limits of the Village of Tdma, where a -charge for such. ser- vices is made, mthout est securing a license to do so from the Council of said Village which shall have authori- ty to grant such license in such form and numbers as in its discretion it deems advisable. License fee shall be $5.00 per annum. Any person violat- ing any of the provisions of this sec- tion shall be guilty of a misdemeanor. "$is Ordinance shall take effect and be m force from and after its publi- cation and acceptance. D. I?. WcGuirc? - EDINA, TO BE KN'OWN AS SEC- President uf Village Council ATTEST: