HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330123_REGULARafinutes of the regular meetisg of the Council of the Village of Edina, held &n Granhe Hall on January 23, 1933, at a P% The meeting vas called to order by Presiden% HcGuire, the roll vas called and all members of the Council nere present except 'frtastee Prsscatt, It vas n&ed Rebanrs that adoancos be made 'i;o Xarahalla and the read cren for .labar as indicated seconded YKllscm and carried. 1% ims moved by VUlsan %hat bill of Carl O~SQ~ in ~W~QIIXIL $30,98 far groceries fur~shed the poor on order of Tillage Trustee, be paid, secanded Reimann and carried, the 'faoak by the ROCQrderL I Trustee Vfils~n maveB the payment sf bill in mount $30Qa00 by l,!bnesata, Tree Ser'Oicep for lahar shaping and pruning all. trees iln Parlmays of CQugatry Club District, which was secanded by Eoare ad carried, The Treasurep presented certificate by the Pirat National Bank of Xinneagalis ah~nin&f legal ccELatera1 deposited by the EarrFet State Bank of Asinnespslis to secure funds on deposit by the YiIlage of Ed-, vhereupon it vas maved Reirnaxm that the Sewer Bonds of the Yillage of Edba in amounk $3,500.00 behg 6*s due Xanrussry X9 1934 b am~unfi $i1,O0O10O, January 1, 1935 in mount ~l,OOQ,OQf- January l, 1936 in amount $l,OOOeOO and Jamry l9 3-93? in amam% .$5QQ.QQ, deposited wi%h the Pirst, Xational Bank of XLm- ea-polis as trustee to secure deposits of the Vi,lfage of Edim ath. the EZarriet State Bank of 3Xirmeapalis, be accepted and approved, seccmied by Villsan and carriedo (Duly placed in the vau€t) GanaeUed and paid Village of Edina Lateral Sewer District #l, wafmm+is KQ~ 1 and Xo, 2# for $500000, each, were presenked by %he Tillage Treasurer, duly examined and placed in the vault. Treasurer also presented cancelled" and pafd rrizrrants issued by the TSilLage of Edina for improvements in the Fairvay Section as f onoras, Sanitary Smer nos, 13, 14$ 15 &: 16, tatal $2,000.00 Storm Sewer, 3bs. 22, 239 24, 25, 26, 27 and 28, Lata1 $39500,00 I eatal $41;00C).QO*6 :h%OgatBaf.--aitPz- cancelled arid paid interest cuponso briwing the Thorpe Bras, Fairway SectZan acccsu& up to date* (DuIY pIaced im vaule) 'I CUZT~ G73ttar3 NOS. 19, 20, 210 229 239 24, 25 & 269 Messrs Hibr'&zel and Ltuldbbad, of the Edim Oarage, presented bill for storage and other Police car mraices Vrkrich had been disputed by the CauraciX, After careful going over the entire account, . same i%em being stricken out and others reduced in asnaunt, it was moved Reimam, fthizt tlie:,swn 02 $59,85 be rzlloved the Edina Garage, Bcos in full settlemen% of allaccaunts te da.E;e, mothn seconded by Tillson and carrieds Tae. reluctance of the First Natiomal Bank- of Xinneaplfs either legal collateral or bond to the Tillage of Edina, to aecux'e Vfllage deposits in said First Batiortal Bank, 1778s discussed by the Council whereupoz Trustee Willson offered the follaving sesofutio~l and moved its adoption to faz%ish I "Resolved that the Bidland Rational Bank and Trust Campamy of XhxeapoXis, be.and is hereby selected and designated as a depository of funds for Sanitary Sever, S%orm Sever Curb and Gutter, Fairway Section, Country Club District, of the Village of Edina, for the periad of this date and endirrig December 31, 1933, on the execation by such bank of a sufficient bond to the Village sf Edim, or the furno ishisag of legal cc41latieral in an amount sufficient ts 10% in excess of the maxim s~xm deposited, said band or said colhteral to be approved by the Council sf the Village of Edina and filed in %he office of the Village Recorder or in the event of legal collateral beiag furnished in lieu (Resolution continued page 230) i of a. surety hand in a place of safe keeping satisfactory to the Village CeumcF3. and thereupon the Village Treasurer shaI6, cleposit all or any part of the Village moneys in such banktp The motion Bas duly seconded by Trustee Reimam and carried. A communication dated January 209 1933, by George I?. Strong, was rea& regarding the matter of remueratian %OF Village Attorney for 1933, this matter not having been acted upon at the January g9 1933, meeting on account of the salary item, Itl[r Strang stated he would be willing to leave the matter of fees to the judqement'of the Village CauciP, or vnould consent to a salary of- -p300,00 for €he year, vith the understanding that this sum was to pay for-the ordinary routine matters, any other matters af major iqor%ance, such as a law suft against the Village, to be charged in addition, This matter having been brought abaut by the Cautzci3. and appoi;ntrrrent , - Strong not in any way soliciting the I Trustee ~ill.soaZ~ thereupon moved that hffr Gearge "J, Strong,,,.be reappointed Village Attorney for the year 1933, at a salary of $300.00 per year for all routine matters per his letter to the CaUmcLl dated January 20, 1933, the msLian was seconded by Eoore and carried, Recorder EOOPB, reported in the matter of reduction in rates for a11 street lighting along the liaes as practiced in Einneapolis and that he had worked it out with the Einneapolis General Elect- ric Company with a resultant saving based upon the 1932 costs of $607e50 or nearly 12 percent. The saving being based 0x1 a total of 90.minutes of less burniag per day, of which 20 naintates waould be in the evening and 70 minutes in the morning, action was agreeable to the Council and hflr Eoose advised the job was we11 done, The Trustee Reimamn, advised he had attended a meeting made up of representives of mwicipali%ies boarding MinneapoILs, held 011 January held for the purpose of formulating plans to obtain lower gas rates for Minneapolis subtarharm villages, After the report was concluded it vas moved Xoore, %hat Trustee Re-nn be named as a Camittee of the Cauncil to investigate the Gas status in Edina and to advise the Council of his findings, seconded by VilPson and carried, Einutes of the regular meeting of the Council of the Village of Edina, held on January 9# 1953, were read and on motion Reimnn be approved as reads seconded by Willsrrn and carried 1933, at the office of Er Biterman, 1038 Andrus Bdg. i;[o fucther business ta come before the meeting motion to adjourn carried at 11. PE. Village Recorder.