HomeMy WebLinkAbout19330213_REGULAREinaties af the regular meet.i#g of %he Cauncil ~f the Village of Ediaza, held on February 13, 1933, in Grange Hall, at 8 PPI, In the absence od the President the meetiDg vas called ta arder by Bec~rcier Eocrre vhereu-pon 5nd zrj ~ courtesy’.ta tKe slaest ma-.- ber of the Conncil Trustee Prescott ivas selecPted tor act 2s Pres id en% Pro -‘I! em The roll vas then called and found those present being Villsan, Prescatt and 1300r0~ abse& Reimann and NcGuires I E? Cbs &m, appeared before the Couacfl in the matter of vat- ating the bend in the old and to be abandened right-Of-my of the Cfaunty Vest BeZt Eine Highmy fronting his property to the Sm%;h of Test 62nd Street, The mat;-ter upon being explained to Er &ria,, gas refered to the Recorder. The Road and Village bills upon being found correc’t vere on motion, iEHlson, be a13oved and ordered paid, seconded and carried hi? afeinnative vote of all members- present, Eoore They J, 3. Dnggan Ben B. Eoo~e Geo, A, %“llHson G. 3. wescott 3, E, Reimamn Dr Lmell H. Campbell Ari; Peterson J. s. Jay S J.Roberts P. DaMgren Pe A, Redpath R, E. Eeske Sam XcCready R. EeCready &, Stolzm J. Tracy A, KarbelI J, C, Selvig E. Bovey 3. Bovey A. krson D. Brmes Geoc Haskim Wm Beydt Job Eoore 3250 Ryan J. XcEellis 8aJrr:oNels 023 Rex Garvey Geo Pau%sch C, Ca.rrehl VLnceiat Helson Phil Bailey E. Bmon Den Rolley John Benson R. Cabourn 3. Gabourra John Heilts D. IXorris Os car Johrrs oft. B. Leyden H. Leyden B, Randolph John Byden $1, suiidquis’i; Treasurer Bebruary Recorder Pobruarg Trustee February Trustee February Trustee February Health Officer February Garbage collections (Jan) Street Corn, Utility man Tractor qeratar Village BhrshaU Village Earsha11 Snavshaveling Snavshoveling Road labor Ubar with team Smv shoveling 1) Ir 11 It’ n It n ir rr n 11 1) W t? n It I* tr It tt W T) 11 rt I? t). I? tp n n ir w n n I+ m cn It It It n It P w m It tr It tt rr n It tr . It 11 W r) Ti 3.20 7,20 12a00 3e20 *3*20 6e40 4a80, 4.80 6,40 3e20 3,20 . 3e20 1460 3e20 3e20 3e20 3,20 3i20 2e80 Continued on page 232, I I Jo~ Me I;usldl G, Stevenson Chas Johnson J. Tracy Miher Lenamdson L. Bovey Cbs Laraon 3ohil L3md €5, Ewest E'. BZark %red Bitten ' E. NcXellis it t) n It- Snom shoveling #. a it n IF It It tt rt tF 1s upon be I $be40 1 .BO 6000 7-20 Ie60 1.60 4.00 5e60 3.2G 5.60 4.w I 3 -20. Total. RcW. $1,059530 It ~g found'correct, were on matiaa WilEaaln, be allowed and sgdered paid, seconded by Noore and car- ried by affirmative vote of all members present, They are as f 0 1 1 QVS Binnesota Tree Service Brnnming and shaping all trees in Parkwam CCD $300.00 Carl aisora 3din.a Garage, Inc, Enmapolin Go E . CO, City of lflimeapolis . C. A. Lindquist U of &€inn, Press Gregg*s Pharmacy Country Club Garage Philpott -Bailey Co, J. D. Adams Co Glacier Sand 8 GP Co B. J. Hagen Y0WI.g &.el C0.9 w. G. Christenson Boreyes Shell Station Wooddale Grocery Vaoddale Grocery Hsnnepin Csamtiy Iieview Dockens Craimn. Stare Edim Grocery A, Ec61e31en E, YL Harris Park Transfer Co I Groceries for poor 'Po1Lice car service to date January Street Lighting Bire Dept, service B.lacksm%thirzg Books ~n Taxation Sick 8c POOX. supplzes Palice car service CaaS for poor Caal for poor Grader parts Street sanding Premiwa OM bond ta City of NSnneapolis acct fire dept PLWIM~~ Inspectar 1932 PoXice car service Gas for tractor Gmcerles for poor Paxblitshed notices Groceries for poar Graeeries for poor Gracories for poor Gas 8s Oil for -tr,aetors and Police car Truck & SnownImiwa 30.98 59,85 383.94 16.99 5.30 3.75 L, 7% 16e30 mi55 30.80 7e00 32830 15eOO 20.00 4.04 2.02 29.00 9 -30 22.05 64-68 11.64 61.88 -27. ?5 v t Pederson Bros Xi%k for poo; 1'. 75 Total Eiscellaneous $1,227.63 Total Babmary expenditure $29286.91 Application il3irfO~El for building permit by Er t E. Petersonp to 'build a private garage on Lat 139 Block P&ml.'ht Ifanor, 2nd. Addep (5948 Beard Ave S) was 0x1 motion ViLhsm, be granted, seconded by Noore and carried by aye vote sf all members presentb Petition vas received and read &king that a street light sk other suitable marker be placed at the interesctioa of Highway #5 and.t'ne GZeassn Raad, East af the George Tessey farm, which was refered by the President Pro-Teq to the Recorder to take Up with State Highway Dept, Application by Nimeapolis G, E. Campany, @or permission to set one pole in alley between Seth 8c $2~ Street South and East of Central Ave., and one pole in alley North of Seth Ave., and East of Central, mas on motion Maore, be granted, seconded 'by i7illson and carried by three aye vote of the members present. Continued on page 233, I d comicstion dated Pebruary 13, 1933, of the Calxn-kry Club District Senice Company, by Xk NewhalI., Secy,, was rea6 in whbh %he VXlfage 17as requesbd to take over and operate the Sanl-tary sener system in the Cauntry Club Dlstrict and mas on motion Eoore, be received and refered tq the Village A-tturney . fer Eris report and reoommemdatba, seconded PTiUsan-aad carried by affirmative vote of all membecs of the Council presca-b, Eiautes of the regular meeting of the Ca&xil. beld"'on January 29$ 1933$ ;7ere read and on motion IEllson, be approved a8 read, seconded by Prescott, and carriedg Bz~ further business to come before the meeting, motion to adjourn carried at 11,20 PE, Village Recorder Receipts r'ebruary 13, 1933, 3. E. Gilkey Justice of Peace G. Burma Plumbing permit, 4618 Arden E, E, Peterson Bdg. permit 59th & Beard 11e56 5*50